Water Margin people

Chapter 1146 Fire burns the upper valley

There was a sound of bowstrings, and the soldiers around Lin Chong started shooting.

"Prince Jin, be careful!"

The soldiers around Brother Richard immediately covered him with shields.

Screams rang out, and there were heavy casualties in front of the Xixia formation. The Xixia people did not expect that the enemy would suddenly attack, and they were all frightened and retreated.

"You thieves, do you know what grace is? You slaughter innocent people, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

Brother Richard was furious. He had already asked the army to stop attacking and expressed his willingness to surrender, but the enemy still massacred innocent people.

"How dare you claim to be innocent while holding a weapon, kill me!"

Lin Chong coldly ordered, "There are no innocents on the battlefield. If they are not one of our own, they are all enemies."


Sui Sheng, Qin Ming, Yuan Lang, and Li Yan rushed out with their light cavalry.


Brother Richard never expected that the enemy would actually kill him. He had already promised to surrender.

The Xixia army had lost the courage to resist when Brother Richard ordered to surrender. At this time, the enemy came to kill them, and everyone was so scared that they ran around.

"Lin Chong, after you do this, there will still be people who will surrender to you! Every battle you face will be a fight to the death!"

Brother Richard looked at Lin Chong and shouted, "On the battlefield, people usually surrender without killing. This is to give both sides a room for relaxation. If a war requires one side to die, it will encounter the most determined resistance, and the winner will definitely win miserably." .

"Don't surrender? Then kill them all! If there is one person, kill one person, if there are ten thousand, kill ten thousand, and if there are millions, kill millions!"

Lin Chong said coldly, if the enemy surrendered in the past, he would definitely stop the massacre, but it is different now. After following Sun Lei for a long time, he has also changed his inherent views. Treating the enemy favorably is betraying his dead brothers, and his own life will be sacrificed every time. Each one is precious, and no matter how many lives the enemy has, they are just numbers.

Suisheng swung his mountain-opening ax, and the Jurchens in front of him screamed and fell to the ground, with their stumps and broken arms scattered on the ground.

Qin Ming's mace waved, and the heads of the Jurchens in front of him were opened one after another, with red and white splattering.

Yuan Lang hit the water-hardened steel in his hand repeatedly, causing the enemy in front of him to scream and fall to the ground wailing.

Li Yan swung the sword in his hand. Where the sword passed, the enemy's armor cracked and blood flowed out.


Brother Richard saw that the enemy was really determined to kill him, but he also lost his position. He originally wanted to surrender to the Qi State, and then pretend to surrender, and establish an alliance with the Qi State in the name of Xixia to escape.

Lin Chong looked at everything coldly and had no intention of letting the army stop.


At this moment, Li Kui also came with his infantry. Seeing that the enemy was blocked, Li Kui laughed crazily. He wanted to kill them all.

"Put down your weapons!"

Seeing this, Brother Richard could only grit his teeth and order. He also got off his horse and threw the sword on his waist to the ground.

He had also seen Li Kui's crazy killing just now. If he waited until Li Kui came to kill, I'm afraid everyone would be killed.

When the people of Xixia saw Brother Richard like this, they all abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

"Take custody!"

Lin Chong saw the enemy's equipment and gave the order after a while.

"Lin Chong, do you know what the consequences will be if you break the rules like this?"

Brother Richard looked at Lin Chong and said.

"I will detain you in teams, one thousand people per team, and one person will kill the whole team. You'd better supervise it yourself!"

Lin Chong ignored Brother Richard, but looked at the Xixia prisoner and said.

It is troublesome to take custody of prisoners. We have to guard against escape and riot, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is better to let these people take care of themselves.

"What are you taking them into custody for? Why don't you kill them all? It will also save food and grass! Don't worry, my ax can cut a lot."

Li Kui shouted, he ran so far and came here without killing someone, it was not in vain.

Brother Richard's face changed slightly when he heard this. As he expected, this was really a murderer. "Then it's up to you to watch them!"

Lin Chong said with a smile, if he didn't arrange something for Li Kui, he might bother him again.

"I won't do it, I'm going to kill the enemy!"

Li Kui pointed to the valley in the distance, where there was a huge fire, and the entire valley was illuminated.

Brother Richard was still frightened after taking a look. The enemy was probably ambushing from all sides this time. The entire valley was illuminated by fire. It seemed as if the entire valley was on fire.

Thinking of Brother Richard, the Jin army trapped in the valley, his heart trembled.


Without waiting for Lin Chong to say anything, Li Kui and his men rushed forward to kill him.

"You...want to use...fire?"

Brother Richard looked at Lin Chong and asked somewhat stutteringly.

"Have you ever heard of the fire burning the upper valley?"

Lin Chong glanced at Brother Richard and said coldly.

"Fire the upper valley?"

Brother Richard is puzzled. Although he has learned a lot about the Central Plains culture, he doesn't know everything.

"Back then, Zhuge Kongming nearly burned Sima Yi to death with a fire in Shangfang Valley, completing the Northern Expedition. Unfortunately, God was not kind to him. Sima Yi, who was surrounded by fire in Shangfang Valley, ushered in a heavy rain and the flames went out!"

Lin Chong said calmly.

"There are few stars in the moon today. It seems that God doesn't want these Jurchens to live!"

Lin Chong looked up at the night sky again. There was absolutely no chance of rain tonight.

In the valley, a fire had broken out, and the dry firewood that had been prepared burned violently. The fire surrounded the Jin army.

In the face of the fire, the Jin Army's iron pagoda and light cavalry were useless. The horses became agitated because of the flames, and the smoke filled the valley. The Jin Army soldiers were choked to tears and noses.

"Capital, this can't be done, the fire has started and it can't be put out!"

Wanyan Zongqian's face was covered with traces of being burned by the flames and thick smoke. They were still holding the branches they were looking at. There were only a few leaves left on the branches full of green leaves, and the green branches were all burnt black.

"Capital, we will protect you to break out! The mountains over there are low, and there is a river behind the mountains. Let's jump into the water!"

Wanyan Zongwang looked at Wanyanchang and said, they launched five or six rounds of strong attacks on the cliffs on both sides, but all ended in failure. Instead, the fire in the valley became more and more intense.


Wan Yanchang did not hesitate at all. The fire had made the army lose their minds. They were running wildly in the valley, avoiding the flames and smoke. He could no longer command the army.

The three of them took their soldiers and ran to the rear. They wanted to find a way to escape to the river behind the mountain.

"Intensify the fire!"

Pang Wanchun had already replaced the arrows with fire oil cloth at this time, and the thick smoke had choked the enemy and lost the strength to continue attacking upward.


Li Kui finally led his men to kill, but what was in front of him was a sea of ​​fire. Just approaching the mouth of the valley would choke him to tears, and the overwhelming flames also made the army afraid to step forward. Everyone knew that flames were ruthless.

"Tie Niu, don't be impulsive!"

Bao Xu pulled Li Kui and prevented him from entering the valley.

"Let's just block the valley entrance!"

Xiang Chong and Li Gun quickly said, "The valley is already in flames, and thick smoke is everywhere. If you go in at this time, you will be sent away."

"Why use fire? It's so fun to go in and chop!"

Li Kui complained, he still felt it was better to hack the enemy to death.

At this moment, a group of Jin troops ran out in panic. Li Kui immediately called for people to rush forward. The panicked Jin army was directly killed by Li Kui and others' opponents. (End of chapter)

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