Water Margin people

Chapter 1149 Chase and Escape

Chapter 1149 Chase and Escape (Part )

"Kill me!"

Wanyan Yinshuke roared angrily, and he was also prepared to use cavalry to compete to determine the outcome.

Du Bo is holding a snake spear that is eight feet tall, and the soldiers behind him are all horse-haired soldiers.

"Lift up!"

Following Du Bo's order, the soldiers moved forward to form a charging formation.

The two armies collided with each other, and Ma Shan's terrifying armor-breaking ability directly broke through the Jin army's formation, just like a sharp blade that easily cut the prey's body.

"Surround and kill!"

Jin Wushu roared angrily.

Jin Wushu and Wanyan Yinshu did not have iron pagodas around them, but only ordinary cavalry, and many of these were recruited from Liaodong locals, mainly Khitans and Bohai people.

These Khitans and Bohai people have average fighting capabilities and cannot be the opponents of the elite cavalry in front of them.

But Jin Wushu doesn't care about this. They have a numerical advantage. As long as they are mixed with the enemy, they can rely on their numerical advantage to kill the enemy.


Du Bo said coldly, waving the Zhangba snake spear in his hand to strangle the enemy in front of him.

Ma Cha was originally made for cavalry to break armor. It can be said to be indestructible. After forming a military formation, it is even more unstoppable.

"Kill me! Kill the enemy!"

Du Bo roared and led his soldiers to charge forward with overwhelming momentum. The enemies fell to the ground wherever they passed.

The horse formation was indestructible and directly penetrated the Jin army's formation, while the cavalry on both sides of the roundabout had also come over.


Jin Wushu and Wanyan Yinshu had no intention of gathering their soldiers to fight back, but instead led the Jurchen soldiers around them to the north.

"Want to escape?"

Du Bo was stunned when he turned around. Looking at the enemy running desperately, he also understood the enemy's intention.

"These courageous losers! Chase!"

Du Bo gritted his teeth and said that the Jin Kingdom has always had a reputation for being tough. Even if it was defeated, it would only be after a war.

But now they actually ran away after a wave of charges. This was obviously premeditated and they just wanted to use these new soldiers to stop them.

The lightly armed Jin army was very fast, and Du Bo's army, which was heavily armored, could not catch up.

"These two are really ruthless. Even if tens of thousands of troops say they don't want it, they won't!"

Zhang Shuye frowned as he looked at the retreating Jin army. Jin Wushu was the main force attacking Yuguan during this period, and he really didn't regard the recruits as human beings. The attack on the pass relied entirely on human lives.

"I guess I have thought about it a long time ago. Looking at this posture, I don't even want Liaoyang Mansion! You are so decisive!"

Zongze also spoke.

"No matter what, kill him!"

Liu Fa led the army and rushed away. Jin Wushu and Wanyan Yinshu were gone, but the soldiers left behind could not be spared lightly.

Looking at the enemy being thrown away, Jin Wushu finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally broke through.

When they returned from the Liaoxi Corridor, they had discussed that Liaoyang Mansion was besieged, and they were already surrounded by the enemy. It was impossible to rescue Liaoyang Mansion when they were surrounded from both sides, and if they wanted to break out, they would have to pay a certain price.

At the southern foot of the Daxianbei Mountains, Yue Fei finally led people out of the mountain. The Haidongqing above his head was still hovering, and there were dogs barking behind him.


Yue Fei called a group of soldiers to go to the river in the east.

The enemy seemed to be hunting. Hai Dongqing was staring at him in the sky, and there were dogs chasing him. Yue Fei had suffered enough.

Soon Yue Fei and others arrived at the river. They walked to the water and used water to cover their smell, so as to get rid of the hunting dogs. The sky was covered with dark clouds these days, and it was hard to see after dark. Hai Dongqing was not easy to use at this time. , this is their chance to escape the enemy's pursuit.

"Yue Fei, die!"

Dagao roared and arrived with his cavalry.

"The ghost lingers."

Yue Fei looked at the charging enemies and was speechless for a while. This was a plain, the enemies were cavalry, and all conditions were unfavorable to them. "Cross the river first!"

Yue Fei knew that he could not fight head-on, so he swam across the river in front of him with his soldiers.

Because it was summer, the water flow was abundant. The river was dozens of feet wide and the current was very fast, but this was not a problem for Yue Fei's special forces.


When Dagao led his troops to the river, Yue Fei had already led his troops across the river. Dagao could only order angrily.

But across the river, the arrows had lost their lethality and could only fall weakly on the other side.

Yue Fei smiled and waved to Dagao, as if saying goodbye. This made Dagao angry because their cavalry could not cross the river directly.

"Talking across the river from the lower reaches, I must kill him today!"

Dagao looked at Haidongqing in the sky, and said with a ferocious expression, after crossing the river, it is all plains, and Yue Fei has nowhere to escape.

"General, the enemy is going downstream!"

The soldiers said to Yue Fei.

"Want to intercept us on the plains?"

Yue Fei guessed what Dagao was thinking. He also knew the terrain of Liaodong. Leaving the Daxianbei Mountains, there were hundreds of miles of plains. This kind of terrain was what their special forces disliked the most, and there was little room for maneuver.

Yue Fei and his men did not stop, but went straight to the east. He wanted to find Liao River.

Wanyan Yanmu also led the troops out of the mountain forest at this time. Looking at the position of Hai Dongqing in the sky, her face was very ugly. He pursued the whole way in the mountains with the elite women, but he was killed by the enemy before he could catch up. Quite a few. If this spreads out, the Jurchens' reputation for being brave and good at fighting will be ruined.


Wanyan Yanmu only said one word to the people around her, they must kill Yue Fei.

Yue Fei used the river to avoid the pursuit of Dagao cavalry several times, which made Dagao grit his teeth in anger. He almost caught up with Yue Fei several times.

It was getting late, and when the light completely disappeared, Hai Dongqing in the sky could no longer be seen clearly.


Yue Fei said to the soldiers that it would be impossible to run all the way without rest.

"The Liaohe River is ahead. Once we reach the Liaohe River, we can contact our brothers in the navy, so we don't have to be afraid of the Jurchens!"

Yue Fei encouraged the soldiers that he had already agreed with Ruan Xiaoqi and Zhang Shun on the retreat route.

The soldiers were all overjoyed when they heard this. Liang Shanshui's army was quite powerful, with strong ships and powerful guns. It was a mobile fortress.

After dawn, the sea blue sky was still hovering in the sky. Yue Fei had long been accustomed to it and continued on his way eastward with his army.

While chasing and escaping, Yue Fei finally saw Liaohe, but Dagao had already led his troops to pursue him.

"Yue Fei, you can't run away!"

Dagao roared with a cold voice. At this time, he looked at Yue Fei with a ferocious expression. In his opinion, Yue Fei was in a desperate situation. There was the Liaohe River in front of him and flat rivers on the left and right.

"Come on!"

Yue Fei immediately called on his soldiers to run towards Liaohe River.


Dagao roared angrily and charged directly with his cavalry. He wanted to kill Yue Fei by the Liao River.

Yue Fei led his army all the way to the Liao River.

"Junior brother, we are here!"

Wu Song's voice sounded, and a group of flat fishing boats sailed out of the reed swamp.

"Brother Yue Fei, we are here!"

Ruan Xiaoqi immediately directed the ship to dock to pick up the people.

"There are actually people chasing me here. I just want to relax my muscles and bones!"

Wu Song smiled and jumped onto the shore and looked disdainfully at the charging enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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