Water Margin people

Chapter 1151 A group of people who only know how to argue

Tokyo, the Great Court Meeting.

All the officials gathered.

Zhao Huan sat on the dragon chair and looked down at the ministers below.

It has been some time since Zhao Huan ascended the throne, and he is no longer panicking at the beginning. Now he is much calmer.

"Your Majesty, the floodwaters outside the city have receded a lot, and we can open the city in a few days!"

An official rushed out of work to tell the good news.

Zhao Huan was very happy to hear this. Tokyo needs this kind of good news now.

When the ministers saw that Zhao Huan was happy, they talked about other good news, such as how people's hearts were stable and their military morale was boosted...

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Jin is here!"

A chamberlain whispered in Zhao Huan's ear.


Zhao Huan nodded.

As the eunuch sang and shouted, Wanyan Gao, dressed in fine clothes, entered the hall. Zhao Huan and the officials all looked sideways. Today, Wanyan Gao was wearing formal clothes. This was the real official uniform of the Jin Kingdom.

The ministers whispered that when Wanyan Gao first came to Tokyo and went to court for the first time, he only wore ordinary clothes. Everyone thought that the barbarians of the Jin Kingdom did not have the courtesy to serve as attendants even after the founding of the country.

But now when I look at it, I can see that there is nothing there. It was not worn at all before. This is obviously because I looked down on Da Song before.

"The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Jin, who is familiar with Banbo Jilie, Wanyan Gao pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty!"

Wanyan Gao put his hand on his chest and bowed to Zhao Huan. This was the first time he had such a solemn salute in such a long time in Tokyo.

"Prime Minister Wanyan doesn't need to be polite! There's no need to be polite!"

Zhao Huan was overjoyed to see Wanyan Gao understand etiquette and behave respectfully. This was respect that even his father did not get.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, forget about what happened before. After all, our two countries still have an alliance. As long as we abide by the alliance, we will still be allies!"

Zhao Huan looked at Wanyan Gao and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wanyan Gao saluted again.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, we have just received news that the people from Liangshan moved north after occupying Taiyuan, and annihilated the Jin army to the west of Yuzhou City, and captured Wanyanchang, the capital of the six tribes of Jin, alive."

An official looked at Wanyan Gao and said.

The purpose of mentioning this at this time is to put pressure on Wanyan Gao. If the two countries want to form an alliance, they must suppress the other's arrogance, so that they can get more from the alliance.

Wanyan Gao's face was ugly. He tried his best to suppress the expression on his face, but the news was like a giant hammer hitting his chest, and he could not suppress his anger.

"Wan Yanchang..."

Wanyan Gao murmured in a low voice, Wanyanchang being captured alive was far more terrifying than being annihilated. If he fell into the hands of the enemy alive, there would be too much to maneuver.

However, Wanyan Gao quickly regained his composure. No matter what, he must put the interests of the Kingdom of Jin first.

"Your Majesty, what do you think about the alliance between the two countries?"

Wanyan Gao ignored the officials and looked at Zhao Huan.

This question stopped Zhao Huan. Although he had discussed it with the ministers, they couldn't argue and still haven't come up with an idea.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, our two countries have formed an alliance, just follow the alliance!"

When Li Gang didn't speak, he spoke first.

"That covenant still has many shortcomings. If we follow the covenant, do you think we can deal with Qi?"

Wanyan Gao looked at the middle man and said, he could see that these Song people were still fantasizing and had not yet faced reality.

"The State of Qi is eating up your territory bit by bit, how long can you hold on?"

Wanyan Gao looked at everyone and said unceremoniously.

"What else does Wanyan, the Prime Minister, have to say?" Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao.

"Our two countries will use all their strength to destroy Qi!"

Wanyan Gao said, the rise of Qi has threatened everyone, and it is urgent to eliminate this threat.

"Who knows if you are going against the rules again this time?"

Someone said coldly that the last time Jin State tried to occupy Hedong under the pretext of dealing with Qi State.

"I, the Kingdom of Jin, have no choice, and you, the Kingdom of Song, have no choice either!"

Wanyan Gao knew that the people in the Song State would not believe in him or the Jin State's promise; but he did the same, and he did not believe in the Song State's combat power. Both sides were incompetent.

"This matter needs to be considered in the long term and the details carefully discussed!"

Zhao Huan said, forming an alliance against Qi is not just a matter of words. Many things must be carefully discussed and documents drawn up as evidence.

Wanyan Gao saw that Zhao Huan was speaking, but he was not talking anymore.

The court meeting quickly dispersed, and Wanyan Gao was invited to the side hall, where they were going to discuss the details of the alliance. The person who presided over the meeting was Kang Wang Zhao Gou.

Sun Li's newly appointed Taiwei is now also the top figure in the Song Dynasty's army. Naturally, he has to attend such an important meeting.

Sun Li attached great importance to this meeting. He even brought a small notebook to record all the details of the meeting.

However, after a meeting, Sun Li, who was full of confidence, was disappointed. This was not a combat meeting, but a nonsense meeting. Zhao Gou asked Jin State to be the main force against Qi State.

How could Wanyan Gao be willing? He had suffered heavy losses from the defeat of the Jin State, so he would not have the ability to serve as the main force in a war with the Qi State.

Wan Yangao believed that although the Song State lost a lot of city land, the Song State's heritage was still there and its population was huge, so it could fully shoulder the responsibility of assisting.

There was a quarrel until dark, but nothing was decided, so everyone had to disperse and discuss it tomorrow.

Sun Li knew very well why Zhao Gou was unwilling to take the main attack. Tokyo did not have much food and grass and could not carry out a large-scale campaign.

"It seems that Jin Guo's vitality has been severely damaged this time!"

Sun Li finally came to the conclusion that he really couldn't get any useful information in Tokyo. Although he knew that the Jin Kingdom was defeated, he did not know the specific situation of the Jin Kingdom.


Everything in Tokyo is in Sun Lei's eyes.


Sun Lei looked at the information in his hand.

"These people are still thinking about forming an alliance. The Kingdom of Jin is now unable to protect itself!"

Sun Lei said disdainfully, those people in Tokyo still expect Jin Guo to contribute.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Liaodong that Liaoyang Mansion has been destroyed and the southern part of Liaodong is already in our hands."

Xiao Jiasui reported to Sun Lei.

"Well, it looks like the fight went well. This is a knife, put on Jin Guo's chest. We can pierce Jin Guo's heart with just one force!"

Sun Lei smiled and said that the terrain in Liaodong is excellent. The Greater Khingan Range, Lesser Khingan Range, Changbai Mountain, Yanshan and Bohai Sea surround the Liaodong Plain, which can be regarded as a geographical advantage.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the front line. A large number of Mongolian grassland coalition troops are north of Liaoyang Mansion."

Xiao Jiasui spoke again.

"What does the military advisor think?"

Sun Lei looked at Xiao Jiasui.

"We have no enmity with those tribes in the Mongolian grassland. The Jin Kingdom sent them here probably to provoke hatred between us and the Mongolian grassland. I heard Xu Guanzhong said that the people in the Mongolian grassland are very loyal and will retaliate against them. This The people who came this time were all the leaders of various tribes. If we kill them, the whole of Mongolia will probably come to fight us!"

Xiao Jiasui said.

"They are all on the front line, so casualties are inevitable. I am not afraid of making enemies!"

Sun Lei said nonchalantly, he couldn't do it for the sake of the overall situation without fighting back or scolding him. He would kill every enemy when they came.

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