Water Margin people

Chapter 1154 Facing each other across the river

Lin Chong led the army all the way towards the Yellow River. As long as he crossed the Yellow River, he would reach the hinterland of Xixia.

"General, there are enemies!"

A sentinel came on horseback to report.

Tang Bin raised his hand to stop the army. He and Yang Zhi were the vanguard of the army. They accelerated their march and arrived at the Yellow River. The opposite side was dark and full of Xixia troops and horses.

"Xixia is coming out in full force!"

Yang Zhi looked at the enemies on the other side, and even saw a royal flag, and even the Xixia Emperor Li Qianshun came.

"You don't want us to cross the Yellow River!"

Tang Bin looked at the posture on the other side. The Xixia army was arrayed along the river bank and happened to be guarding several nearby ferries. At this moment, it was impossible to forcefully cross the river.

"You guys should go and have a look at the surrounding fishing villages!"

Yang Zhi immediately ordered to the soldiers around him that the Yellow River was turbulent. If the army wanted to cross the river, it would have to recruit a large number of ships. These ships could be found from the surrounding fishing villages.

"It must have been destroyed by the Xixia people a long time ago!"

Tang Bin shook his head and said, if the Xixia people were so prepared, they must have been prepared. The boats along the Yellow River were probably either destroyed or taken away by the Xixia people.

"This way, even if we want to go around from upstream and downstream, it will be impossible."

Yang Zhizhi frowned. It is still summer. The terrain here is complex and the water flow is fast. It is difficult to cross the river with a boat. It is even more impossible to cross without a boat now.

"We'll wait until the army arrives."

Tang Bin looked at the rushing river. It was impossible for the army to swim across it. There was no place in the Yellow River where the water was shallow enough for a horse to cross.

An hour later, Lin Chong led the army to the Yellow River.

"The Xixia people have such a big battle? The emperor is dispatched. It seems it's not for you!"

Lin Chong looked at Brother Richard in the prison car and asked, no matter how important Brother Richard is, it is impossible for the emperor Li Qianshun to personally lead troops.

"You can't cross the Yellow River!"

Brother Richard looked at Lin Chong and roared, the Yellow River is not wide in this section, the water surface is only a few dozen feet, but there are cliffs on both sides.

"It's not up to you to decide whether you can make it or not!"

Lin Chong looked at the formation on the opposite side and smiled and said, he was not in a hurry. The person confronting him was the Xixia Emperor Li Qianshun, and it was the Xixia people who should be anxious.

The two armies faced each other across the river. Although the two sides were at war with each other, no one took action.

Finally, the Xixia people couldn't bear it anymore and started yelling on the shore.

"Why are you violating the borders of our Xixia Kingdom!"

A Xixia man yelled on the shore.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Xixia people responded with a chorus of murderous shouts.

"I heard from Your Majesty that remote areas like to sing folk songs across mountains and rivers. This should be considered for us, right?"

Li Yan suddenly said, "The communication between the two armies across the river is really like singing folk songs."

"I'm going to find a boat right now and kill all these feudal lords!"

Li Kui shouted, there were many enemies on the other side, as many as 60,000.

"I just ordered people to search for it. All the boats in the surrounding fishing villages have been snatched away by the Xixia people. There is not a single boat within dozens of miles!"

Tang Bin shook his head.

"No wonder the Xixia people are so confident that they dare to face us across the river. I heard that Xixia only has more than two million people and only has more than 100,000 standing troops. We have killed tens of thousands. These should be all the Xixia troops in front of us."

Lin Chong touched his chin. He wanted to kill across the river now. As long as these people were killed, Xixia would be destroyed.

"I'll swim over!"

Li Kui became even more anxious when he heard this. He kept looking at Li Qianshun's royal flag. If he took that flag and returned to Liangshan, he would be very majestic.

"Look at the current and the enemies on the other side. How are you going to get across? You just swim to the other side and the enemy is standing on the shore. How can you get in?"

Lin Chong shook his head. It was impossible to attack in this kind of terrain. Even if they had sophisticated weapons, they could not ignore this terrain. "What should we do?"

Li Kui looked at the mountains on both sides of the bank, and then at the fast-flowing river. He only knew how to paddle, so he couldn't help but feel a little frightened when he looked at the rolling river water.

"Fight if you can, but if you can't, just next time!"

Lin Chong's answer was simple. Don't force anything. Xixia people can't stay by the Yellow River all day, so they don't have to rush.

"Push the Jin King of Xixia to the shore and let the Xixia people on the other side see him!"

Lin Chong waved his hand, and the soldiers pushed the prison cart to the Yellow River.

"You can't, I'll give you whatever you want!"

Brother Richard in the prison car looked at Lin Chong in horror. He grabbed the log of the prison cage with both hands and shouted crazily. He is Li Qianshun's younger brother. He is from the Xixia royal family and is in charge of the Xixia troops. He cannot appear in the Xixia army in such a disgraceful manner. before.

This was the case with Li Liangfu last time. Although he was rescued in the end, his prestige was greatly reduced. Many people behind him laughed at him. Although he was still a Xixia general, he was just an empty shell.

"What else can you give me?"

Lin Chong looked at Brother Richard. Brother Richard was wearing thin clothes at the moment, so what else could he give?

"I'm willing to do anything!"

Brother Richard is never willing to become Li Liangfu's second best, no matter what the cost, he is willing to do so.

"I don't quite understand what you mean!"

Lin Chong rubbed his chin and started thinking.

"You can ask for anything you want!"

Brother Richard said quickly when he saw that the prison car was still heading towards the top of the mountain.

"I want Xixia!"

Lin Chong looked at Brother Richard and said, the conditions must be higher at this time.


Brother Richard originally thought that Lin Chong would only want some horses, cattle and sheep, and at most some gold, stone and jade articles, but he didn't expect that Lin Chong wanted Xixia.

"You are delusional!"

Seeing that Lin Chong was not joking, Brother Richard immediately shouted that he would never betray Xixia.

When the soldiers saw Brother Richard acting like this, they gave the horse pulling the cart two whips. The horse started running and pulled the prison cart to the top of the mountain on the shore.

The appearance of Brother Richard finally made the Xixia army on the opposite side unable to sit still, and the army became commotion.

"now it's right!"

Lin Chong smiled with satisfaction. The enemy's determined military morale was finally broken.

"I am the Emperor of Xixia, whoever is on the other side speaks up!"

Li Qianshun looked at Brother Richard in the prison car and finally couldn't sit still. When he got to the shore, he yelled under the protection of the soldiers.

Li Qianshun glanced at Brother Richard. The reason why he took such a risk was not entirely for Brother Richard, but for himself.

Brother Richard has a high prestige in the army. Now he is captured by the enemy and pulled to the front of the battle. This has a great impact on morale. He must step in to stabilize the situation.

Li Qianshun was still secretly happy. This time he had successfully weakened Brother Richard's position in the military. After the incident was over, the military power would return to his hands. This was a happy event for him.

"I am the Minister of War of the State of Qi, Lin Chong. You, Xixia, colluded with the Kingdom of Jin, invaded the territory of our State of Qi, and harmed the people of our State of Qi. We are ordered by the Emperor of Qi to come to attack you and other rebels!"

Lin Chong looked at Li Qianshun on the other side and shouted.

"Lin Shangshu, everything is a misunderstanding. I, Xixia, have always advocated peace as the most important thing and would never deliberately provoke war. There must be a misunderstanding here!"

Li Qianshun shouted and said.

"Is this why you value peace?"

Lin Chong pointed his spear at brother Richard in the prison car.

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