Water Margin people

Chapter 1156 Messenger

Chapter 1156 Messenger


The deserted streets are full of naughty people lazing around.

After a large number of people were lost, the bustling and idle people in the bustling Tokyo city also became lazy. There were no shops, no vendors, and even no pedestrians. They all didn't know what to do, so they could only come to the official office in groups. Wandering outside the mansion of a wealthy gentry.

After several days in a row, those big merchants finally couldn't bear it anymore. Merchants needed to do business and needed goods. Nowadays, all kinds of goods are in short supply in Tokyo. Whoever can transport the goods first will make a fortune.

But many of their original men had fled the city, and now they were short of manpower, so they focused on the rogue idlers in the streets. These were all strong laborers.

Although rogue idlers have very bad conduct, as long as they are given enough benefits, these people can do things quickly.

Cao Zheng, Zhang San, Li Si and others were quickly selected and led the convoy out of Tokyo.

The meeting in Tokyo finally came to fruition.

The Jin Congress and the Song Dynasty sent troops at the same time. After the victory of the war, the Jin Congress owned all the territory of the original Liao State, and the Song Dynasty would transfer the coins originally given to the Liao State to the Jin State.

Everyone happily went to court with the signed agreement.

"good very good!"

Zhao Huan looked at the officials and smiled with satisfaction. As long as he developed according to the agreement, he would be able to regain his lost homeland. As for giving gold coins, it was nothing. In Zhao Huan's opinion, he was taking advantage of it. .

"Send this agreement to the Imperial Ancestral Temple. After I take a bath and change my clothes tomorrow, I will go to the Imperial Ancestral Temple to offer sacrifices!"

Zhao Huan smiled and handed the agreement to the eunuch.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that entering the Ancestral Temple will have to wait!"

Wu Min said.

"Governor Wu, are you trying to disobey me?"

Tong Guan looked at Wu Min coldly. He had strong opinions on Wu Minzhi's Privy Council. In the past, the Privy Council was his voice. Now that Wu Min came in, he would object to everything and cause trouble for him all day long.

"Your Majesty, after all, the Jin Kingdom is a foreign race, and its character is difficult to determine. The incident in Hedong is still fresh in our minds, which shows that it is capricious. Although the agreement is signed, we still need to be careful."

Wu Min said that the agreement was not binding, and Jin Guo might regret it.

Zhao Huan's face darkened. Everyone in the Jin Kingdom knew Sima Zhao's intentions. Not long ago, he tried to fight against Hedong. This must be guarded against.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Zhao Huan looked at Wu Min and asked. He had no good ideas and could only look at the ministers.

"Your Majesty, when cooperating with the Kingdom of Jin, we need to be prepared on both sides. On the one hand, we must deal with the Kingdom of Qi, and on the other hand, we must guard against the Kingdom of Jin."

Wu Min expressed his opinion.

Zhao Huan nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Wu Min said this very maturely and steadily.

The ministers nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and felt that what Wu Min said made sense.

After the discussion, Wanyan Gao was led to the palace by the chamberlain.

"Your Majesty, now that the alliance between the two countries has been concluded, it's time for me to return to the Kingdom of Jin."

Wanyan Gao looked at Zhao Huan and said.

"Prime Minister Wanyan wants to go back?"

Zhao Huan didn't expect that Wanyan Gao would say goodbye as soon as he arrived. He didn't know whether he should reply or not. If Wanyan Gao was left behind, he could be used as a hostage to threaten the Kingdom of Jin. If he let him go, there would be nothing left.

"Your Majesty, there are some things that I must go back in person to explain clearly, otherwise there will be more misunderstandings!"

Of course Wanyan Gao knew that Zhao Huan was unwilling to let him go, but there was no point in him staying in Tokyo now, even as a hostage.

"Then tomorrow I will hold a banquet in the side hall to practice for Prime Minister Wanyan."

Zhao Huan looked at Wanyan Gao. Although he was unwilling, he could only agree. Wanyan Gao signed the covenant on behalf of the Kingdom of Jin. He must go back to the Kingdom of Jin to explain the matter clearly.

"Your Majesty, since the two countries have signed an alliance, please send an envoy to accompany me to the Kingdom of Jin!"

Wanyan Gao spoke again.

"Send someone to go to the Kingdom of Jin with you?"

Zhao Huan was in trouble again. This person was not easy to send. The person from the Jin Kingdom was the emperor's younger brother and the prime minister of a country. The person from the Song Dynasty must also have the same status, otherwise he would be regarded as insincere.

Zhao Huan's eyes scanned the ministers, and finally fell on King Kang Zhao Gou. There were many ministers present with sufficient official positions, but the only one whose identity could match Wanyan Gao was his ninth brother Zhao Gou. Although the other brothers had sufficient identities, But the official position is not enough. "Ninth brother, why don't you go there?"

Zhao Huan looked at Zhao Gou and said.

Although Zhao Gou was unwilling to be named, he had no choice but to agree in this situation.

"Okay, Zhang Bangchang, you will go to the Kingdom of Jin with King Kang Zhaogou."

Zhao Huan felt that Zhao Gou might be inexperienced, so he pointed out Zhang Bangchang as his complement.

After the court meeting dispersed, Zhao Gou and Zhang Bangchang returned to their mansion with deep thoughts.

Zhao Gou sighed, but there was nothing he could do.

"Someone, go get Luan Tingyu!"

Zhao Gou shouted irritably to his attendants that although he was going to the Kingdom of Jin as an envoy, the Kingdom of Jin was a barbaric alien race after all. They were unstable and cruel, and they might be in danger.

"Meet His Highness Prince Kang!"

Soon Luan Tingyu, who was well-dressed in armor, entered Prince Kang's mansion.

"Luan Tingyu, you are now a fifth-grade martial arts master and a guerrilla general in the left-behind department, right?"

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu and asked.

"Yes, thanks to His Highness Prince Kang's guidance, the villain can be transferred to the left-behind department!"

Luan Tingyu didn't know what Zhao Gou meant, so he could only salute and show his loyalty. Before he entered the left-behind department, he was still in the sixth rank.

"How many levels have you upgraded in just half a year? Are you still satisfied?"

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu and asked.

"Thank you, His Highness Prince Kang, for your cultivation. I will definitely repay you with death!"

Luan Tingyu said quickly, "I have risen to five or six levels in half a year. This is a journey that many people will never complete in their lifetime."

"Okay, this is what I want from you!"

Zhao Gou laughed, and the words "death in return" made him very satisfied.

"The king is going on a mission to the Kingdom of Jin. The journey is difficult and dangerous, and we need some people. Are you willing to accompany me?"

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu and said.

"Going to the Kingdom of Jin?"

Luan Tingyu was shocked. He had been training soldiers in the Left Behind Department today and didn't know about these things. He was so surprised that he couldn't speak for a while.

"you are not willing?"

Zhao Gou's face turned cold as he looked at Luan Tingyu, whose eyes were dull and full of surprise.

"The villain is willing!"

Luan Tingyu reacted quickly and knelt down on one knee to show her loyalty to Zhao Gou.

"Okay, I read you right. Go and select a thousand elite soldiers and prepare to set off with me!"

Zhao Gou nodded with satisfaction when he saw Luan Tingyu. There was nothing unusual about Luan Tingyu's performance, and he was a person who could control it.

Luan Tingyu quickly left Prince Kang's Mansion and went directly to the left-behind camp, where he immediately selected a thousand elites.

"Go to the armor storehouse to get armor and equipment, all of them must be the best!"

Luan Tingyu ran home after making arrangements. Although he was alone, he still had to make arrangements before traveling far away.

The spy sent by Zhao Gou watched all this and finally reported it.

"Well, good, that's it!"

Zhao Gou looked at the information reported and saw that Luan Tingyu arranged it quickly and there was no problem.

After dark, Luan Tingyu, in disguise, quietly left the mansion through the back door.

(End of this chapter)

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