Water Margin people

Chapter 1164 Distribution

"It doesn't really matter whether you admit it or not. The collection of witnesses and material evidence has been completed!"

Li Gang looked at the six people and said nonchalantly, the emperor did not want to be a villain, so he could not be punished.

But there are some things that do not necessarily require these people to admit, as long as the evidence is sufficient.

"You may not know that as soon as your disciples and former officials heard that you were thrown into the heavenly prison, they all wrote letters stating your crimes, drawing a clear line with you, and stating that everything they did was forced by you!"

Li Gang took out a thick stack of memorials. These were all the outrageous things the six people in front of him had done over the years, and they were vouched for by someone.


The six people finally couldn't sit still. They never expected that there would be a traitor among them.

"Birds of a feather flock together, and you know what you are like. On weekdays, you crowd around each other, and there are countless people who flatter you. But now that you are in prison, can anyone come to see you? Now they are all looking forward to your death. , people die and everything goes away, they will be safe if you die, and they might even be able to get promoted and make a fortune!"

Li Gang looked at the six people and said, his words were like a giant hammer hitting the six people, making them breathless.

"You don't have to scare us, the Emperor will not ignore us! Your Majesty also has to give the Emperor some face!"

Cai Jing finally spoke, his voice still calm despite his age.

The rest of the people looked at Cai Jing. When it comes to being an official, Cai Jing is the most experienced among them all. In terms of phase, he is the best in history.

"Xiang Cai, it seems that you haven't understood the situation yet. You have been an emperor and a courtier for four dynasties. Don't you still understand what happened?"

Li Gang looked at Cai Jing and said.

These words made Cai Jing's face darken. He naturally knew why this was the case. The current emperor did not want to use theirs and needed them to quell the people's complaints.

"You should sign it voluntarily. You are all important ministers of the court. His Majesty will not kill you. At most, he will confiscate your property and distribute you."

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Li Gang directly asked the confession to be placed in front of several people.

"How many of you, is it better to be distributed than in the dungeon?"

When Li Gang saw that there was no movement among the people, he spoke again and said, "The environment in the prison is so cold and cold that these corrupt officials who are usually arrogant and licentious can't stand it."

After a long silence, Cai Jing took the lead and signed a confession.

"It would be great if it were like this earlier!"

Li Gang signed and signed the confession and left. He was going to the palace to repeat the order and deal with these six heinous people as soon as possible.

"Xiang Cai, let's just accept our fate. Why don't we go and beg the Supreme Emperor!"

Liang Shicheng looked at Cai Jing and said, "They are Zhao Ji's most trusted ministers. Although they have made mistakes, they are really loyal to Zhao Ji."

"It's useless. If the late emperor really wanted to save us, Li Gang wouldn't be here today."

Tong Guan said.

"Don't worry, everyone. The most you can do is to be demoted. As long as you stay at the local level for a while, when His Majesty's anger is over, we will still have a chance to make a comeback."

Cai Jing said, this is not the first time he has been demoted due to a crime. What crime is so heinous? Isn’t that what the emperor said?

Soon the results of the six people's treatment came out.

Cai Jing, the leader of the six thieves, was demoted to Zhongfeng doctor, secretary and prison, and was sent to Hengzhou. His family was sent to Nanjing to live in Henan, and his family property was confiscated.

Tong Guan was demoted to the rank of General of the Left Guard and took office in Chizhou. His family property was confiscated.

Wang Fu was demoted to deputy envoy of Chongxin Army and his family property was confiscated. Liang Shicheng was demoted to deputy envoy of Changhua Army and his family property was confiscated.

Zhu Meng reduced his official position to the people, was exiled to Xunzhou, and confiscated his family property.

Li Yan reduced his official position to serve the people, was exiled to Lingnan, and confiscated his family property.

As soon as the imperial edict came out, except for Zhu Meng and Li Yan, the other four people all looked happy. Although they were demoted, their official positions were still there and they still had a chance to make a comeback.

"Guys, get on your way! You can't stay in Tokyo any longer."

The new Kaifeng governor Nie Chang read out the imperial edict and looked at the six people.

"Nie Fuyin, we are not even allowed to go home?"

Tong Guan looked at Nie Chang and asked.

"Your home has been raided and you won't be able to get in even if you go back. What's more, everyone is shouting and beating you now. I'm afraid there will be an accident on the way back."

Nie Chang looked at the six people and said, now that the crimes of the six thieves have been exposed to the world, everyone is eager to eat their flesh. If they go back on the street, they will be beaten to death.

Nie Chang actually wanted these people to die. Considering the crimes these people had committed, death would not be a pity, but they could not die in Tokyo. This would make the emperor look bad. After all, the emperor must be kind.

"Nie Chang, I didn't expect that one day he would come to announce the decree."

Cai Jing and Wang Fu looked at Nie Chang. Nie Chang was from Taixue. He was promoted by Wang Fu and Cai Jing successively and had a prosperous official career. However, Nie Chang did not attach himself to Cai Jing and Wang Fu. Instead, he went his own way. In the end, he was abandoned by them and demoted. Tokyo.

"I didn't expect to see two grace ministers here today!"

Nie Chang said with a smile, and bit En Xiang hard.

After Nie Chang offended Wang Fu, he was demoted to the deputy envoy of the Chongxin Army and was placed in Hengzhou. Now Wang Fu has also been demoted to the deputy envoy of the Chongxin Army. It can be regarded as a twist of fate.

Nie Chang was promoted back from Hengzhou by Zhao Huan. The reason was very simple. The ministers in the court colluded with each other, and even except for the Six Thieves, they still could not solve the problems of the officials.

So Zhao Huan began to use Nie Chang, who was born in Imperial College. Most of the Imperial College students did not belong to a certain force in the court and could become his new force to check and balance the courtiers.

The city of Tokyo was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and the people cheered and celebrated that all the worms in the country had been caught, and they all looked forward to the good days in the future.

"Oh, stupid!"

Ma Lin took a sip of wine and shook his head helplessly. The people were ignorant and thought that the world would be peaceful if they got rid of the Six Thieves. But they didn't know that the Six Thieves were just a few fatter borers in the rotten tree of the Song Dynasty. , getting rid of these six cannot solve the fundamental problems of the Song Dynasty, and moths will soon take their place.

"Hey, let them have fun for a while. Tokyo hasn't been lively for a long time. A little chaos will make it easier for them to enter the city."

Lehe said.

"Alas, the city has been very strict recently. Kaifeng Prefecture has changed people again. This time he has been replaced by a man named Nie Chang. This man acts fiercely. The heads, heads, and officers of Kaifeng Prefecture have all been changed. , the people I’m familiar with are no longer here.”

Ma Lin said that he finally had some acquaintances in Kaifeng Mansion, but who knew that Nie Chang would change them all as soon as he arrived.

"I've inquired about it. This man used to be an imperial student, and he was so fierce in his work. Recently, he was favored by the emperor and was directly promoted to the governor of Kaifeng."

Lehe opened his mouth and said that one of the characteristics of Tai students is that they are self-righteous and do things with a sense of ignorance, regardless of any consequences.

"The governor of Kaifeng is changing so quickly, almost one a day. After Cai Jing and others are eliminated, we have to look for intelligence sources again. Gao Qiu has been hiding in Genyue for several days. It seems that It’s also useless.”

Lehe sighed. Once the emperor and his courtiers came to power, and the new emperor ascended the throne, their former intelligence network was no longer good. (End of chapter)

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