Water Margin people

Chapter 1166 New Situation in Tokyo


"Your Majesty, General Lin sent back news that they intercepted Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan's army in Hetao. They fought for a day and night and killed most of the enemy. The two of them led the army and fled into Yinshan Mountain."

"In addition, Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang have fled north along the mountains with a small number of enemies, and they have not been intercepted!"

Xiao Jiasui reported to Sun Lei.

"It's not surprising. After all, the Jurchens are a people of fishing and hunting. The mountains and forests are their battlefield, not ours!"

Sun Lei nodded. Jurchens entering the mountains are like tigers entering the forest. It will be difficult to catch them.

"Let Lin Chong take his people back to Yanyun and leave the troops stationed there. The army can come back!"

Sun Lei thought for a while and ordered: The army has been fighting for a long time, and it is time to stop fighting and rest for a while.

"Your Majesty, this is the news from Xu Guanzhong!"

Xiao Jiasui handed over another memorial, and Sun Lei took it and read it. The latest war is in Liaodong.

"Master Xu is going to the grassland? It's a bit risky, isn't it?"

Sun Lei frowned and said after reading the memorial, Xu Guanzhong said in the memorial that he wanted to visit the grassland.

"The grassland's strength has been exposed this time. Xu Guanzhong should want to go to the grassland to investigate. After all, the grassland is a force that cannot be ignored."

Xiao Jiasui said.

"There is no need to take risks. It doesn't matter how strong the grassland is. We are not what we used to be!"

Sun Lei shook his head, now is not the past, there is no need to take risks.

"Your Majesty, maybe Xu Guanzhong is not a character who can sit firmly in the army."

Xiao Jiasui said.

"Alas, hereby pass the decree and make Xu Guanzhong the minister of foreign affairs, from the first rank! Let Yue Fei lead his men to guard him!"

Sun Lei said helplessly, since Xu Guanzhong has decided to leave, let him go. Forcibly stopping him is not an option.

"Tell Xu Guanzhong to just wander around on the grassland. Don't go to Xiliao. Yelu Dashi hates us!"

Sun Lei warned again, the grassland is currently in raging war. Yelu Dashi established the Western Liao expansion territory. The surrounding Mongolian tribes, Gaochang Uighurs, Tubo, and Huacizimo have all occupied a lot of territory. Now is the time for melee.


Xiao Jiasui nodded and said, the western grasslands were indeed too chaotic and too dangerous in the past.

"Your Majesty, I just received news that the investigation in Tokyo is a bit strict. The leading troops have entered the city, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for the follow-up troops to enter."

Wen Huanzhang came to report.

"How strict?"

Sun Lei asked with a frown.

"It is said that those who enter the city, even if they have credentials, will be placed in the west of the outer city, guarded by soldiers, and unable to move freely."

Wen Huanzhang replied.

"You can't do it even if you have any excuse?"

Sun Lei frowned even more tightly, which was a bit unexpected. He had thought that the investigation would be strict, but he didn't expect it to be so strict.

"It is said that it was created by Li Gang. Now he is the one left behind in Tokyo."

Wen Huanzhang said.

"Li Gang? It's really troublesome! Let the people who follow up stop. There are enough people entering the city, so let them be careful and lurk."

Sun Lei looked at Wen Huanzhang and said, he still underestimated Li Gang. Under this kind of precaution, it would be too risky to continue sending people to Tokyo. For such things as lurking, the more people there are, the more dangerous it is. "Li Gang is left behind in Tokyo. This is not good news for us."

Xiao Jiasui also said, Li Gang is very difficult to deal with, and it is also fatal to stay in Tokyo as an official.

"There is also news coming back from Tokyo that Wu Min, the former Privy Councilor, was promoted to Shaozai, and Xu Churen, the former governor of Kaifeng Prefecture, was promoted to Dazai. Many other people were also promoted. Tokyo's officialdom has almost changed."

Wen Huanzhang spoke again.

"Are the transfers so frequent? It seems that Zhao Huan wants to establish his own power!"

Sun Lei touched his chin. Shaozai and Dazai were in good positions. Although Wu Min and Xu Churen had some abilities, they were not enough to be prime ministers.

"It's a little too hasty. Such a childish move will probably cause serious trouble. We should be able to find an opportunity in it!"

Xiao Jiasui is right. The prime minister is one person below ten thousand people. Most of the time, he governs the country for the emperor. Zhao Huan mobilizes officials so easily to place his own people. This kind of faction that only considers officials but not their abilities is going to happen. Something big went wrong.

"Commander Wen, what do you think?"

Sun Lei looked at Wen Huanzhang and asked.

"Your Majesty, I know something about these two!"

Wen Huanzhang was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Wu Min, in the second year of Daguan, entered the official position through Piyong's private examination! Although he is talented, his mind is not strong. He often wanders among senior officials and is good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages when encountering difficulties."

"Xu Churen, a Jinshi during the Yuanfeng period, once opposed Tong Guan's efforts to level prices. Later he petitioned to live within his means, be frugal and restraint. He was a decisive and insightful person."

Wen Huanzhang said.


Sun Lei touched his chin in confusion.

"Piyong was originally a school set up by the emperor in the Western Zhou Dynasty to educate the children of aristocrats. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were Piyongs in all dynasties as a place to respect Confucianism and perform ceremonies. Male aristocratic children learned various skills required to be a nobleman there. Such as etiquette, music, dance, poetry recitation, writing, archery, riding and driving, etc.”

"There was also Piyong in the Song Dynasty, and those who could enroll in school were all the children of high-ranking officials. This is an alternative career!"

Xiao Jiasui explained that the imperial examination is the only way for ordinary people to become an official. As for nobles, there are many ways, and Piyong is one of them.

"A young prime minister has a weak will, while a grand prime minister has a strong mind. This is a big contradiction. I'm afraid the generals and prime ministers will not be able to sing."

Sun Lei immediately understood what Wen Huanzhang meant. Wu Min is still serving as the Privy Council and is considered the military prime minister, while Xu Churen is the literary prime minister. The characters of Wen Huanzhang and Wu Min are completely opposite, so it would be strange if there is no problem.

"Your Majesty clearly knows that the position of prime minister is related to the situation of the government. If Zhao Huan is wise enough and strong enough, these two people with completely opposite personalities can naturally restrain each other. However, although Zhao Huan is frugal and humble, his nature is still indecisive and capricious!"

Wen Huanzhang said.

"Then let these two fight and watch a dog eat dog!"

Sun Lei nodded. Although Cai Jing and the others had been fighting openly and secretly for many years, they had known each other for many years, and their entangled interests had already become one, and they could still live in peace.

But Wu Min and Xu Churen are different. Both of them were promoted quickly by Zhao Huan recently. They have limited foundations in the court, and it is inevitable to fight for power and profit under the sudden high position.

"Your Majesty, Cai Jing and others were just demoted. Do we need to send someone to get rid of them?"

Wen Huanzhang hesitated for a moment and suddenly lowered his voice and said.

"There's no need to beat up the drowned dog!"

Sun Lei said.

"Your Majesty, although those people were demoted, their homes confiscated, and their homes were confiscated, they still have a chance to make a comeback. After all, they have been in the officialdom for many years and have made some "political achievements". They are particularly good at helping the emperor "solve problems."

Wen Huanzhang nodded. Things in the officialdom are not judged by right or wrong, but by necessity. Now the emperor does not need these people, you will be demoted and your property will be confiscated. When the emperor needs these people again, These people will rise to prominence again.

Moreover, Wen Huanzhang emphasized "political achievements" and "solving problems". (End of chapter)

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