Water Margin people

Chapter 1175: Stop the Troops and Make Peace

"We are not ready to start a war yet!"

Zhong Shidao replied that this was also the purpose of his coming today. They lacked food and grass and were not able to start a war.

Zhongshidao has received news from the court that the food is being purchased and will be shipped to the front line soon.

"Does that handsome mean we should just stop fighting?"

Lu Zhishen looked at Zhong Shidao and asked, since they are not preparing for war, then the meeting can only be to stop fighting and make peace.

"Yes, the two armies have been at each other for a long time. You can't attack them. Winter is coming, so why continue the confrontation!"

Master Zhong opened his mouth and said.

"Commander Zhong, the Yellow River will freeze when winter comes. Then I can cross the river with my horse!"

Lu Zhishen pointed at the Yellow River and said with a smile that he had been waiting for winter, and even hoped that there would be a few more heavy snowfalls this year to freeze the Yellow River directly, so that the Yellow River's natural moat would no longer be able to stop their army.

"It's at least three months until the Yellow River freezes!"

Master Zhong looked at Lu Zhishen and said.

"Shuai Zhong, I can afford to wait!"

Lu Zhishen said with a smile, unlike Zhong Shidao, his army had no shortage of food or pay, so he treated it as stationed here.

"Then let's keep going! Let's see who wins when the time comes!"

Master Zhong said coldly.

"Commander Zhong, I'm just kidding. Since Commander Zhong is willing to stop fighting and make peace, then I can't help but the soldiers can go back and rest!"

Lu Zhishen suddenly laughed.


Zhong Shidao was surprised when he looked at Lu Zhishen, whose words had changed drastically. Although Lu Zhishen still looked like the honest and honest Lu Da, he felt extremely cunning, just like when he was facing Sun Lei.

"Commander Zhong, when will you withdraw your troops?"

Seeing that Master Zhong was silent, Lu Zhishen asked quickly, as if he was afraid that Master Zhong would regret it.

"Three days later!"

Although Zhong Shidao was confused, he still nodded in agreement.

The cables tying the two boats were untied, and the two boats passed each other and returned to camp.

"Shuai Zhong, why did Ruda become like this?"

Yang Keshi walked out of the cabin and looked at Master Zhongdao with a puzzled face. He had been hiding in the cabin just now, originally thinking of protecting Master Zhongdao, but unexpectedly he heard what Lu Zhishen said.

"Oh, I just dealt with it this time. When their army comes again, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop them."

Zhong Shidao sighed and said that it was a fluke that he was able to trick Lu Zhishen away this time. Liangshan had just taken Hebei and Hedong, and it would take a process to completely control these places.

Moreover, Liangshan is still at war with the Jin Kingdom in the north, and many troops are restrained in the north. At this time, the southern front will naturally not start a war if it can be avoided.

"Commander Zhong, don't worry. We will train the soldiers day and night and strive to achieve results within three months!"

Yang Keshi said.

"No! You can't train elite soldiers in three months, and your training method consumes a lot of physical strength of the soldiers. How can they still fight when they are tired?"

Master Zhong shook his head and said, the more urgent the war situation is, the less anxious they must be.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Not training our troops will only block the enemy. Commander Zhong doesn't know. Most of the troops in this army are local soldiers and they usually lack training!"

Yang Keshi said helplessly, he also knew not to consume the army's physical strength excessively, but he had no choice. The soldiers would be useless if they didn't practice hard.

"I'm going to Tokyo. These soldiers alone can't stop the enemy. We also need to urgently deal with food and grass matters. How come you are so short of food?"

Master Zhong said, he didn't know until he came to the front line that the army can only eat one meal a day, but even so, the army only has five days of rations.

This is also the reason why Shidao Zhong is willing to make peace with Lu Zhishen. The army really has no way to start a war. "Commander Zhong, some time ago Tokyo was besieged by floods. Food could not be transported at all. We were defeated again and could not speak in the court. The north bank was occupied by the enemy..."

Yang Keshi also poured out the bitter water in his stomach.

On the north bank of the Yellow River, Lu Zhishen also returned to the bank.

"Master Lu, why do you agree to become a master? Tokyo is just around the corner?"

Lu Fang looked at Lu Zhishen in confusion. There were only a few defeated soldiers in Tokyo now, and they could kill them across the river at any time.

"In front of you? Even across the river, Tokyo is not that easy to fight. Now that we really want to attack Tokyo, why should we be on the north bank of the Yellow River? Wouldn't it be easier to attack directly from Liangshan to the west?"

Lu Zhishen shook his head. He had actually wanted to withdraw his troops for a long time, but he just didn't have a good excuse. After all, they had the advantage, and a sudden withdrawal would lower his own morale and increase the prestige of others.

After hearing this, Lu Fang and Guo Sheng immediately realized that if they really wanted to attack, there was no need to attack from the north of the Yellow River. It was a smooth road from the west of Liangshan.

"Have you not seen that Zhu Wu has gone to the local area to take charge of affairs? Hebei and Hedong have just been pacified. There are many chores and the rear is uneasy. No matter how the battle is fought in the front, we will retreat for the time being. Tokyo can fight at any time."

Lu Zhishen said, he had been a local governor, and he knew best how many trivial things there were in the local area. The folk customs in Yanzhao were also fierce, and it was hard to say that someone would fall into trouble and cause trouble.

"Master Zhu has been here for so long and he still hasn't finished processing it?"

Lu Fang and Guo Sheng asked.

"It's not that simple. After withdrawing the troops, you also take people to the place!"

Lu Zhishen arranged directly.

"Master Lu, let's stay in the army and train!"

Lu Fang and Guo Sheng hurriedly said that they did not want to go to the local area, and they did not want to deal with the bad things in the local area.

"You all can go, it's enough for the Sa family to train troops by just one person!"

Lu Zhishen waved his hands and said, "If Lu Fang and Guo Sheng don't want to go, then shouldn't he have to go?" He would rather stay in the military camp.

The armies confronting each other on both sides of the Yellow River gradually retreated, leaving only a few outposts.


"The enemy retreated? Haha, well done!"

Zhao Huan laughed and looked at Zhongshi Dao. No matter what Zhongshi Dao did, as long as he could make the enemy retreat, it would be a good thing for Tokyo.

"Don't worry, the food will be shipped soon. I'll give you two hundred thousand dan first!"

Zhao Huan looked at Master Zhong and said.

"Your Majesty, I also want to mobilize some elite men from various places to defend the capital!"

When Zhongshidao heard about the two hundred thousand stones of grain, he felt relieved and reported it to the emperor again.

"You should, go and pick someone!"

Zhao Huan immediately agreed that he really needed elite soldiers to protect him.

"Your Majesty, there are rumors circulating in Tokyo again, this time from Jiangnan and Shuzhong! The Jinshi from the two places are also shouting that it is unfair. Your Majesty prefers the water in the Central Plains and Jinghu Lake!"

A censor came out to report that after the Jinshi riot in Jinghu last time, the emperor granted many official positions.

"Again? Who is doing this secretly?"

Zhao Huan slapped the armrest of the dragon chair fiercely and said angrily, If this continues, won't it mean that the gourd will rise and the matter will be endless?

"Your Majesty, I have sent people to investigate the city and found nothing unusual! The rumors should have come from outside the city!"

Nie Chang came out to report.

"Your Majesty, the south of the Yangtze River has just suffered a military disaster, and the middle of Shu is a heavily taxed area. There must be no chaos between the two places!"

Xu Churen came out and said that he represented the faction of imperial examination officials. In order to strengthen his faction, he wanted to ask for more official positions for academic scholars.

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