Water Margin people

Chapter 1185 Money and goods cleared

Chapter 1185 Money and goods are cleared

After eating and drinking enough, the children started to doze off and soon fell asleep in Sun Lei's arms.

Sun Lei, who was holding the child in his arms, didn't bother to care about the drunkards and took the dragon boat back to Liangshan.

The wives have been waiting for a long time.

"Why are you back so late? Have you eaten?"

Seeing that Sun Lei was back, Hua Chan hurriedly greeted him, preparing to pick up the sleeping child.

"After eating, the baby is asleep, let me hold him!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Why don't you sleep?"

Sun Lei looked at his wives with exquisite makeup and asked in confusion, how come they were dressed as if they were going to a banquet when they went to bed late at night without taking off their makeup.

"I've been waiting for you all afternoon!"

"Ah... drunk... pay?"

When these words came out, all the wives beamed with smiles. A woman likes her appearance, so she will naturally be happy when she is praised.

"woke up?"

The jailer looked at Qin Hui and said.

A voice woke up the somewhat panicked Qin Hui.

Sun Lei said with a smile.

After waking up for a moment, Qin Hui was startled when he saw all the big men around him, and quickly retreated to a corner.

Li Shishi pouted and said, with the clear glass mirror and dressing table, they immediately put on makeup, ready to show Sun Lei their most beautiful appearance, but Sun Lei ran out to play with his children.

"Where am I?"

In a cell near Liangshan City, the drunken Qin Hui slowly woke up.

"Where is this? Why am I here?"

Qin Hui then realized that he was in a cell and he did not remember that he had committed a crime.

Qin Hui was a little confused, what is this?

"You think the cell is free! Fifty cents!"

"Haha, how beautiful it looks! Let's go on a family trip tomorrow and show off!"

Qin Hui knew that his opportunity had come, and he would definitely be promoted when he returned to Tokyo. He was so happy that he drank a few more drinks, and then he didn't remember anything.

Qin Hui scratched his hair and felt his head hurt.

The jailer opened the cell door and took Qin Hui out. Then he opened a book and asked Qin Hui to sign and pay.

Qin Hui was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, and his drunkenness disappeared instantly. He finally remembered that he received the imperial edict from Tokyo yesterday, and the emperor asked him to transport the Panlong Pillar back to Tokyo at all costs. The imperial edict was handwritten by the emperor himself, and there was no need for urgency between the lines. speech.

"You were drunk and acting crazy on the street. This patrolman brought you back. Now that you are awake, pay the money and leave!"

"what happened?"

Qin Hui was a little speechless. Fifty cents was enough to stay in a hotel for one night, but it still cost fifty cents to squeeze into a cell with a bunch of drunks. There were nearly twenty drunks in this cell. This night was not about making a lot of money. money? This is more profitable than a hotel.

But Qin Hui didn't dare to say too many words. This was a prison cell, and no one wanted to stay here for a long time. He signed and paid and just wanted to leave quickly.

After walking out of the prison, Qin Hui looked at the bright sky and knew that it was already the next morning. He took a breath of cool air and his hangover headache seemed to be getting better.

"Oops, I almost forgot something important!"

Qin Hui slapped his head fiercely and ran to the post house where he was staying.

At the entrance of the post house, several eunuchs were looking around with their people. Qin Hui did not return last night, which made them anxious.

"How many!"

Qin Hui ran out of breath.

"Master Qin, what have you been doing? How dare you delay the important things His Majesty has appointed, and you don't want your head anymore?"

A chamberlain looked at Qin Hui, who was running towards him, with a sullen face.

"Servant, calm down, I will lead the way!"

Qin Hui bowed his face and apologized, but it was his fault.

Although several chamberlains were dissatisfied, they had important matters and did not say any more. Qin Hui led a group of people and several carriages to the government office.

"Master Qin, are you here very early?"

Zhu Fu yawned and looked at Qin Hui and asked, the sun had just risen.

"Zhu Fuyin, can you sell the crystal dragon pillar to me first? I've brought the money!"

Qin Hui pointed to the carriage behind him and said.

"Okay, count the money!"

Zhu Fu smiled and said to the accountants around him.

Boxes of money were brought down from the carriage, and they were all filled with gold.

Twenty million dollars were tapped for more than an hour.

"My lord, the money has been given. Where is the treasure?"

The servants looked at Zhu Fu and asked, they came here just for the crystal dragon pillar.

"You guys are coming with me!"

Zhu Fu took a few people to a separate warehouse.

When they saw the ten-foot-high crystal dragon pillar, several chamberlains knelt down and kowtowed excitedly. They had previously doubted the authenticity of Qin Hui's words and felt that the twenty million yuan spent was not worth it. There must be something wrong with it, what? Can something be worth that much?

But after seeing the crystal dragon pillar, the servants no longer had any doubts in their minds. This thing cannot be measured by money.

"Master Qin, would you like to check it out? The property must be cleared!"

Zhu Fu looked at Qin Huidao with a smile.

"Good good!"

Seeing that everything was going well, Qin Hui quickly stepped forward to check.

"Stand back, you can't touch this thing!"

The servants immediately placed it in front of the crystal dragon pillar. This thing already belonged to the emperor and was a symbol of imperial power. No one could touch it, just like a jade seal.


Looking at the "ferocious" looking eunuchs, Qin Hui was speechless. These were the trusted eunuchs around the emperor, and he did not dare to offend them.

Several chamberlains gathered around the crystal dragon column and inspected it carefully. Finally, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the entire crystal dragon column was perfect.

"Take it away after the inspection, and transport it carefully yourself!"

Seeing that Zhu Fu had finished the inspection, he asked Qin Hui to sign the receipt, and then started to drive people away.

The chamberlains carefully wrapped the crystal dragon pillar in red satin several layers before letting it be moved out.

Qin Hui and the servants also knew that carriage transportation was not feasible. The carriage was too bumpy and the Crystal Panlongzhu could not bear the bumps, so they took the water route instead.

"Mr. Qin, you have done a great job in this job. Not only did you help the court solve the problem of food shortage, but you also got such a treasure to present to His Majesty. Your career is just around the corner!"

Several chamberlains on the ship looked at Qin Hui and smiled.

"I have to thank the chamberlain for her kind words!"

Qin Hui smiled and handed a few letters to the chamberlain. The eunuchs around the emperor could not be offended. These people were the most able to influence the emperor's side.

"Master Qin is so polite!"

When several chamberlains saw Jiaozi, they all accepted it with a smile. They must have paid some money for this trip, not to mention that Qin Hui would be promoted when he returned.

The boat followed the Wuzhang River to the outside of Tokyo. When the guard of Puri Water Gate saw the flag of the boat, he immediately opened the water gate, and the boat followed the river to the inner city.

At this time, outside the palace, the ministers lined up and waited.

"Young Master, what are we waiting for? His Majesty is not coming either! We have been waiting for a long time!"

An official approached Wu Min and asked in a low voice.

"Stop talking. Your Majesty asks you to wait, so we have to wait!"

Wu Min glared at the official.

Just when the officials were impatient, Qin Hui's boat had entered the moat of the imperial city.

(End of this chapter)

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