Water Margin people

Chapter 1196 Only money is in the eyes

Chapter 1196 Only money is in the eyes

"This is Liangshan City?"

Yan Qing looked around curiously. He had also heard about the construction of Liangshan City in Tokyo. They all said that Liangshan City was the first city in history and it was only a matter of time before it surpassed Tokyo.

In the past, Yan Qing still didn't believe it, not because he doubted Sun Lei's ability, but because Tokyo took a hundred years to build, and it would take a long time for Liangshan City to surpass Tokyo.

But now I can see that Liangshan City has surpassed Tokyo in terms of scale and prosperity.

"Haha, I haven't been back for more than half a year. It's really different every day. It wasn't this big before!"

Shi Qian said with a smile that Liangshan City had just started construction when he left, and now Liangshan City is already quite large.

"Xiao Yi, we meet again!"

Sun Lei laughed and appeared at the door of Youguo Restaurant. Shi Qian had already sent the news back through secret channels.

"elder brother!"

"Xiao Yi, don't think too much, you will live in Liangshan from now on!"

When Yan Qing saw Sun Lei, her eyes turned red and tears kept rolling in her eyes. She stepped forward to pay homage to Sun Lei.

"Come on, the banquet has been set up, let's have a drink!"

Yan Qing looked at Sun Lei with emotion.

Yan Qingqian gave in. He was a guest after all. It would be rude to drink alone.

Yan Qing's face turned red when he drank a glass of wine. He had also drank Liangshan's fine wine, but today this one was obviously more fragrant, mellow and stronger.

Sun Lei said with a smile.

After everyone sat down, Sun Lei looked at Yan Qing and said.

Sun Lei pulled Yan Qing and greeted Shi Qian upstairs.

"Brothers should be happy to see each other, why are you crying!"

After drinking until the afternoon, Yan Qing had been depressed for a long time. Now that she suddenly became enlightened, she couldn't help but drink hard.

"Don't go out, Shi Qian will drink too!"

"Come on, drink! Drink!"

"Good wine! Really good wine!"

Sun Lei raised his glass with a smile.

Sun Lei smiled and patted Yan Qing's shoulder and helped him up.

However, Yan Qing liked the burning feeling very much. The wine that was like fire washed away the unhappiness in his heart in an instant.

"Thank you brother!"

"Brother, drink too!"

Sun Lei smiled and invited Yan Qing to drink.

"Haha, if you like, drink two more glasses. This is an old wine that has been hidden for several years, but you can't buy it outside!"

"Your Majesty!"

Shi Qian smiled and raised his glass to Sun Lei.

"Your Majesty!"

Yan Qing also realized that now that Sun Lei was the emperor of Qi, they should address him as His Majesty.

"There are no outsiders here, and it's not a palace. Just call me brother!"

Sun Lei waved his hand.

"To brother!"

Shi Qian and Yan Qing smiled and toasted to Sun Lei again.


Sun Lei said with a smile.

Yan Qing was very happy, drinking one cup after another.

"Brother, this Liangshan City is really prosperous, not worse than Tokyo!"

Yan Qing looked at Liangshan City outside the restaurant and sighed.

"It's all the result of the efforts of the brothers. Now Tao Zongwang is still leading the workers to build it!"

Sun Lei pointed to the busy construction site in the northwest corner, where expansion was still ongoing.

"Brother, do you want to corrupt Tokyo through business?"

Yan Qing watched for a long time, and finally saw the convoys that kept leaving the city, and the ships at the dock filled with cargo.

"Xiao Yi saw it?" Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Xiao Yi has been hanging out on the streets of Tokyo during this period. Although he is down and out, he has seen a lot of things. Now half of the goods on the Tokyo interface are transported by Liangshan, and they are all relatively expensive goods!"

"Now in Tokyo, the elder brothers are jealous of money and dare to sell anything for money. But the younger brother doesn't think so. The elder brother loves money, but the elder brother will never do this for money. If there is really no other way, the elder brother would rather rob !”

Yan Qing said that although he had only known Sun Lei for a short time, he knew Sun Lei very well and there was no way that Sun Lei would be blinded by money.

"Haha, Xiao B, you still understand me! Stealing money is what I like to do!"

Sun Lei laughed.

"Look at this cup. This thing costs five guan in Tokyo, but do you know its cost? It's only 30 guan!"

Sun Lei held up the frosted glass in his hand and smiled.

"The cost is so low?"

Yan Qing's eyes almost popped out of her head. The most popular thing in Tokyo right now is exquisite glassware. Lu Junyi spent a lot of money to buy a set. He couldn't put it down and almost fell asleep holding it.

"This thing costs less than porcelain!"

Sun Lei smiled.

"You're right. I just want to use business to deal with Tokyo, but it's not like slowly corroding. I just use this greedy image to paralyze them, making them think that I only care about money, and then..."

Sun Lei made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Brother wants to take action against Tokyo?"

Yan Qing was shocked. He didn't expect Sun Lei to move so quickly. Everyone thought it would take a long time for Qi to attack Tokyo, but it seemed that Sun Lei would do it soon.

"There's no need to delay it any longer. Tokyo is already in chaos!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Yes, now Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan have turned against each other and both want to monopolize the crystal dragon pillar. The other princes are also ready to take the opportunity to replace it!"

Shi Qian spoke.


Yan Qing was shocked again. He was completely unaware of such a big event in Tokyo.

"It's just an object, and it can actually make Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan fight. If I had known it, I would have made a few more, including sacred deer, cranes, turtles and so on!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, Zhao Ji is a trustworthy emperor and should be interested in these animals.

After drinking together until the afternoon, Sun Lei took Shi Qian and Yan Qing for a stroll by the waterfront, and happened to meet Zhu Fu who was coming over.

"His Majesty!"

Zhu Fu said to Sun Lei with a smile.


Sun Lei looked at Zhu Fu and asked.

"Then Qin Hui is here again! This time he wants to buy more and more complete things!"

Zhu Fu handed over a discount.

"so much?"

Sun Lei opened the folder and read it. In addition to weapons, it also contained items.

"You even need to buy spices?"

When Sun Lei saw the end, forgetting about the paper towels and the like in the front, there were all kinds of spices at the end.

"Brother, didn't Brother Fei Bao bring many ships of spices from the South China Sea? Although they are available in the Central Plains, the output is very low and incomplete. How can wealthy people cook without spices?"

Zhu Fu said with a smile that these spices were also stolen, but according to Fei Bao, these spices are everywhere in the South China Sea, and there are as many as you want.

"Sell it to them! But the price will be high! This thing is also a rarity!"

Sun Lei nodded. Spices are not contraband. Although they are cherished, it doesn't matter if they sell some. Anyway, the South China Sea is all over the mountains and plains. Just let Fei Bao take people to make more trips.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Fu smiled and took the list. He just wanted to show Sun Lei the list. Now that Sun Lei agreed, there would be no problem.

"Look, brother, am I pretending to be a philistine businessman?"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Brother, it's not unreasonable for Tokyo to be fooled!"

Shi Qian and Yan Qing sighed and said that Sun Lei now only cares about money.

(End of this chapter)

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