Water Margin people

Chapter 1203 Mission

Chapter 1203 Mission

In the Daxianbei Mountains.

"How far do we have to go? It's already been a month!"

Zhao Gou complained. He had been walking in the mountains and forests for a month. He had never experienced such hardship before, and the mountains and forests were filled with ice and snow.

"His Royal Highness Prince Kang, you will arrive at Huanglong Mansion in half a month!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"There's still half a month left!"

Zhao Gou felt like his hair was about to explode. If he had known this, he would never have come.

"If Qi State hadn't controlled the entire Yanyun, why would we have to take the mountain road!"

Wanyan Zongjun gritted his teeth and said, now there is a Qi State between the Song Dynasty and the Jin State, which makes it impossible for the two countries to communicate normally. There is no way to go on the official road, so you can only go over the mountains and take the small roads.

"That's it for today, I can't walk!"

The tents were set up and the fire was lit directly in the tent. The warm tent instantly made everyone lie down and not want to move.

After a while, the soldiers came back with a deer, a roe deer, and several hares.

Wanyan Gao shook his head. The shortest way back to Huanglong Mansion is to take the Liaoxi Corridor from Hebei Road.

Zhao Gou took a roe deer leg and started eating it. The only thing that satisfied him along the way was this food.

The other way is to cross Yanshan Mountain, enter the eastern part of the grassland, then cross the Daxianbei Mountain and enter Huanglong Mansion.

The meat on the fire was cooked quickly. The Jurchens were good at fishing and hunting, as well as barbecue.

"It's getting late, so that's it for today!"

Zhang Bangchang next to Zhao Gou was as tired as a dead dog, leaning against a tree and panting.

"Your Highness Prince Kang, the weather is not right. It seems to be snowing again. How can we walk in this half month!"

After eating the barbecue, Zhao Gou returned to his tent.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, aren't your Jin Kingdom at war with Qi Kingdom? Why isn't the war in Liaodong over yet?"

But along the way, there were only mountains and forests covered with snow, and there were not even a few living people. This was not the same as the Jin Kingdom he imagined.

Zhang Bangchang looked at Zhao Gou with a bitter look and said, he is a scholar, how can he stand such bad weather.

But the Liaoxi Corridor and Liaoyang Mansion were both at war, and they couldn't leave at all.

"It means there is a war, but I don't know what the situation is like!"

Zhao Gou stopped immediately. He didn't want to take a step away today.

Wanyangao looked at the sky. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a heavy snowfall was coming.

What makes Zhang Bangchang even more afraid is his own life. The envoy sent to the Kingdom of Jin last year has died of illness. Even if he failed to withstand the severe cold in Liaodong, Zhang Bangchang is afraid that he will follow in his footsteps.

Zhao Gou looked at Wanyan Gao and asked. Wanyan Zongjun talked about the Jurchens and their bravery all day long. Hundreds of people rebelled against the Liao Dynasty, and the arrogant Khitan Liao Kingdom was destroyed in less than ten years.

Wanyan Zongjun asked several Jurchen warriors to hunt some game and come back. They didn't carry much dry food. Fortunately, there was never a shortage of food in the mountains and forests.

Wanyan Gao took Zhao Gou on the last road.

"Is it going to snow?"

Zhao Gou also had a bitter look on his face. He also experienced two snowstorms during this period, but he suffered enough.

"I wouldn't have come if I had known it! How comfortable it would be to stay in the palace and warm up by the fire!"

Zhao Gou looked towards Tokyo and thought.

"Luan Tingyu, why don't you speak?"

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu, who had been silent. Since the mission set off, Luan Tingyu had spoken very little.

"Your Highness, the last general is a military general. The winter training of the Three Nines and the summer training of the Three Volts are basic skills. Although Liaodong is cold, the last general can still withstand it!"

Luan Tingyu said.

"I knew I would let you come alone!"

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu and said that he should find a place to rest and let Luan Tingyu go to Huanglong Mansion.

"Your Highness is joking. A low-ranking general, how can he hold such a big position?" Luan Tingyu said quickly.

The blizzard came as expected, and the mission was trapped in the mountains and forests. Even the Jurchens would not cross the mountains and forests in such weather.

Luan Tingyu was stunned when she looked at the large falling snowflakes outside the tent.

Luan Tingyu actually had some regrets. He was not afraid of the bitter cold in Liaodong, but following Zhao Gou would not accomplish anything at all, and he would not get any useful information. He was far less promising than lurking in Tokyo.

"General Luan is so elegant!"

Wanyan Xiyin looked at Luan Tingyu and smiled.

"I'm kidding, I'm just worried about when the heavy snow will stop and we still have to hurry!"

Luan Tingyu shook his head and said.

"General Luan, is Prince Kang really just an envoy this time?"

Wanyan Xiyin asked in a low voice.

Luan Tingyu narrowed his eyes slightly. People like Jin Guo haven't come to him for a while. Is this one here to ask for a clear package again?

"I heard that's the case, but isn't this what Prime Minister Wanyan requested?"

Luan Tingyu looked at Wanyan Xiyin and said.

"Haha, General Luan has forgotten his identity!"

Wanyan Xiyin said in an unhappy voice. Luan Tingyu's words just now were obviously perfunctory. He had to clarify Luan Tingyu's identity as an undercover agent of Jinguo.

"I didn't forget it, you just forgot it!"

Luan Tingyu glanced at Wanyan Xiyin and said, Jin people are really used to being arrogant. They want to be an undercover agent themselves, but they don't give them any benefits. They are simply worse than Zhao Gou.

"If you go to Huanglong Mansion this time, you can get what you want!"

Wanyan Xiyin heard the resentment in Luan Tingyu's words, smiled and comforted him, they really couldn't do anything to bribe Luan Tingyu in Tokyo, but it was different in Huanglong Mansion.

"Prince Kang has been chatting privately with Zhang Bangchang lately. I am a military commander and cannot participate!"

Luan Tingyu revealed the information he knew.

"You really didn't hear anything?"

Wanyan Xiyin was overjoyed and immediately asked, Zhang Bangchang was now Zhao Gou's think tank, and their private chat must have been discussing the mission.

"It seems like there is some kind of private alliance!"

Luan Tingyu said.

"Privately? Jointly? Okay!"

Wanyan Xiyin was overjoyed when he heard that. Now they have mastered Zhao Gou and Zhang Bangchang's trump card.

Seeing Wanyan Xiyin leaving happily, Luan Tingyu shook his head helplessly. This kind of news can be so happy. If he said something more exciting, he would not jump up.

Luan Tingyu is now the escort general of Zhao Gou's mission. If he wants to hear something, he can't just do it at his fingertips.

As far as Luan Tingyu knew, Zhao Gou was preparing to unite with the Kingdom of Jin to launch a coup to overthrow Zhao Huan and replace him.

Luan Tingyu now really felt that Zhao Gou was impatient, so vicious at a young age, and would not hesitate to collude with foreign races for the throne. He didn't want to think that if this was true, the Central Plains would turn into purgatory.

The blizzard lasted for three days before it stopped, and the mission continued to set off.

Luan Tingyu led the team at the back, and it was the Jurchens who opened the way.


Luan Tingyu accidentally saw a mark on a big tree nearby.

"The mark of Liangshan!"

Luan Tingyu was overjoyed. He did not expect to see the sign of Liangshan here. Since there is one here, it means that there are people from Liangshan active here.

Luan Tingyu deliberately slowed down his speed. After gaining some distance from the team, Luan Tingyu carved another mark next to the mark.

(End of this chapter)

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