Water Margin people

Chapter 1216 Undercurrent surging

"Catching a few always shocks people!"

Nie Chang said, "A woman with a long tongue is very troublesome, but no one can despise the majesty of the government."


Lord Bo received his order.

A heavy snow suddenly fell, and the bustling city of Tokyo finally calmed down.


Sun Lei looked at the newly sent information.

"Interesting, Zhao Ji is preparing to return to the throne, then Tokyo will be interesting!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, should we take action first?"

Lin Chong looked at Sun Lei and asked, their army has returned to Liangshan and is ready to attack at any time.

"There's no rush, let them eat dog first."

Sun Lei shook his head. What he faced at this time was a united Tokyo. What he wanted was a divided Tokyo.

"Your Majesty, our rumors have been put to rest. Do you want to change the tone?"

Wu Yong looked at Sun Lei and said.

"Huh? How do you want to change the caliber?"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong with interest, he wanted to hear what other tricks Wu Yong had.

"Your Majesty, those people are just trying to slander our schools in Qi. They don't want your Majesty to popularize education, and they are afraid that their original status will be threatened."

"Smart people can see these things at a glance, but most smart people are interest groups. Although they see through it, they won't say it."

"But we don't have to. We can make these things public and let the world know that all this is a conspiracy of those scholars. It is a vicious suppression of all ordinary people. It is the culprit that prevents people all over the world from changing their lives across classes!"

Wu Yong saluted and said, he used to be a private school teacher in Dongxi Village. As a teacher, he knew the importance of knowledge and the monopoly of knowledge by wealthy families.

"This is a good strategy. I'm stingy by scolding them all day long! I'm the emperor and I'm very tolerant. I can't be the same as them."

Sun Lei nodded.

Wu Yong has brought the matter to light, so that those original academic factions will become public enemies in the world and be targeted by thousands of people.

The people are just ignorant and ignorant, not stupid. They can distinguish between good and bad very clearly. Otherwise, why would they scrimp on food and clothing so that their children can study?

"Go ahead and do it!"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wu Yong was overjoyed and bowed before retreating. He didn't want to participate in other things. He just wanted to do what he was good at.

"Your Majesty, Wu Yong is proficient in this!"

Wen Huanzhang sighed, Sun Lei really knew people well and was good at making use of them. Wu Yong was not good at writing or military, but he was very quick-witted and had a good grasp of people's hearts, and he always had some evil ideas.

"It's enough to deal with those old rotten people."

Sun Lei said with a smile, Wu Yong is very good at dealing with those pedantic Confucian scholars. Those pedantic people like to criticize from the moral high ground, but Wu Yong is the least afraid of criticism. Wu Yong's nonsense will definitely make them miserable.

It was already causing quite a stir, but the incident instantly aroused the indignation of the people all over the world. Then it became clear that the academic circles wanted to monopolize knowledge and deny ordinary people the opportunity to receive education. The finger was pointed directly at those who originally criticized the schools in Qi.

"What should I do?"

At the Imperial College in Tokyo, the faces of the old Confucians were very ugly, but in an instant they became the target of many people. Now the gates of the Imperial College are full of people pointing and scolding them, and they are afraid to go out.

"This must have been done by those thieves in Liangshan."

An old Confucian patted the table and said in a deep voice, "The literati in the world are all of the same mind. No one will destroy their own platform. Only those in Qi State are not on the same page as them."

"Let's write to your Majesty and ask him to send troops to attack these traitors!" In the end, several old scholars could only discuss this one solution.

Stay in the mansion.

Li Gang looked at the information in his hand with a gloomy expression. There had been an undercurrent in Tokyo in the past few days. The Supreme Emperor and the Emperor had completely turned against each other, and the two sides had reached the point of becoming tense.

"General Zhong, what can you do?"

Li Gang looked at Master Zhong and said.

"Master Li, there is no need to ask me. I am just a warrior and do not want to participate in these struggles for power. I will lead my troops to the Yellow River today. The weather is getting colder and the Yellow River is likely to freeze. I want to prevent the enemy from crossing the river!"

Zhong Shidao stood up and said that he did not want to participate in the royal struggle, he just wanted to do his job well.

Watching Master Zhong leave, Li Gang shook his head helplessly. What happened last time hurt Master Zhong too much, and now he can't avoid seeing these things.


Li Gang sighed helplessly and could only go out to discuss with others.

In the small courtyard.

Xiao Jiasui was also looking at the information in his hand, which was all about the movements in the mansions of inner city officials in the past few days.

"Don't underestimate Zhao Ji. Although he has abdicated, he has been in office for many years and has many die-hard loyalists!"

Xiao Jiasui looked at the information in his hand. Gao Qiu had contacted many people during this period, and all of them were responsive.

"Military advisor, if a fight breaks out, I'm afraid there will be a lot of noise."

Ma Lin looked at Xiao Jiasui and said, he originally thought that it was just Zhao Ji who brought some cronies to attack Zhao Huan, but now he saw that he was desperate. There were dozens of officials gathered. If they faced off, the losing side would It must be the confiscation of the family and the extermination of the clan.

"It seems they are also planning to take action during the Chinese New Year!"

Xiao Jiasui put down the information and said.

"Military advisor, what did you find?"

Lehe asked quickly, but he didn't notice anything at all.

"No, but the people Zhao Ji contacted are still not strong enough to carry out the Xuanwu Gate incident. So the place where they will take action will not be the palace. When will Emperor Zhao Huan leave the palace?"

Xiao Jiasui smiled.

"The military advisor is talking about offering sacrifices to heaven!"

Everyone's eyes lit up. The New Year's Day is the most important festival. It should be celebrated by the whole world, from the emperor to the common people.

"According to the past etiquette, the two most important sacrifices were the Lantern Festival on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month!"

Lehe said, these two days are the days when the emperor must hold sacrifices.

"But the emperor doesn't have to leave the palace to offer sacrifices. It's the same in the palace."

Ma Lin said that the emperor did not have to leave the palace to worship heaven.

"You don't have to leave the palace on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but that doesn't necessarily apply to the Lantern Festival on the 15th. There will be a lantern festival in the city as usual, and the emperor has to make an appearance."

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said, even if Zhao Huan doesn't want to leave the palace, Zhao Ji will find a way to force him to leave the palace.

"Do you think that if Zhao Ji went to offer sacrifices outside the palace, Zhao Huan would not dare to leave the palace?"

Seeing everyone confused, Xiao Jiasui smiled and said.


Everyone's faces were filled with surprise. If Zhao Ji appeared outside the palace to offer sacrifices, how dare Zhao Huan, his son, not come out? If he hid and couldn't come out, he would be scolded by everyone in the world, and even the sect's mansion wouldn't be able to tolerate him. .

"This move is absolutely amazing. As long as Zhao Huan has a breath, he has to carry him over!"

Ma Lin said with a smile, as long as my son is alive and alive, he must go to worship heaven and ancestors. This completely blocked all the excuses Zhao Huan could make. (End of chapter)

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