Water Margin people

Chapter 1259 Trade

Chapter 1259 Trade

"How many cars? Are all you people from the Western Regions born in the Year of the Rat? Are you so cowardly?"

Sun Lei looked at Gu Lixi and others with disdain.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Gu Lixi looked at Sun Lei in confusion. They did not care about the humiliation of Sun Lei's words. It was normal for an emperor to humiliate merchants like them.

"What do you mean? I said you are not worthy of doing business with me."

Sun Lei looked at Gu Lixi and said.

"Your Majesty just agreed!"

Gu Lixi panicked immediately when she saw Sun Lei repenting.

"Agreed? How many cars are you willing to trade for?"

Sun Lei looked at Gu Lixi and said.

"Then dozens of cars?"

Gu Lixi asked tentatively.

"Why are you just not enlightened? You have traveled thousands of miles to come to the Central Plains just for a few dozen trucks of goods? I will give you tens of thousands of trucks of goods! You can disperse throughout the Western Regions, and even sell to the West. The countries over there are rich !”

Sun Lei looked at Gu Lixi and said.

"How many...tens of thousands of cars?"

Gu Lixi's mouth opened wide.

"What? Do you have any opinions?"

Sun Lei asked with a smile when he saw the dull eyes of these aliens.

"Your Majesty... the few of us... I'm afraid we won't be able to get so many goods... we have nothing to exchange."

Gu Lixi said with a bitter face, as a merchant, this is probably the most embarrassing thing to say. If you have good goods that you can't afford, you will still have the nerve to do business in the future.

"Let me give you a tip. You can go back and contact some people. If you don't have money, then find more rich people! Let's start a business together!"

Sun Lei looked at Gu Lixi and said.

"Your Majesty wants to do business with the entire Western Region?"

Gu Lixi immediately understood what Sun Lei meant. The goods were too much and too valuable. It was estimated that only the entire Western Region merchants could combine to eat them.

"Hurry up! If it's too late, I'll find someone else!"

After Sun Lei said that, he turned around and left.

Gu Lixi and others exchanged glances and left in a hurry, mounted their horses and ran towards the Western Region.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to do business with the Western Regions?"

Hua Rong asked in a low voice.

"Of course we have to do it. Glass, wine, spices, tea, and silk are not valuable things in the first place. Glass is made from sand, wine is made from excess grain, spices and tea leaves grow every year, and silk will not be A better piece of cloth."

"So what if these things are given to the Western Regions? It's just to improve their lives, but what they get in exchange is real money, silver, horses, cattle and sheep. These are real good things."

Sun Lei smiled and asked, what is the best trade? It means selling something that costs nothing at a high price.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Hua Rong's eyes lit up. Gold, silver, war horses, cattle and sheep were all good things, but what they gave to the Western Regions were just insignificant things. This business was not only something that could be done, but also a big one.

Outside the palace, Li Kui moved the guillotine.

"It's boring. Of course, you have to use a wooden ax to kill people. This guillotine is for women."

"Besides, if you kill someone, you'll kill someone. Why do you want a guy with a bad face to sing?"

Li Kui complained.

"Just enjoy yourself if someone kills you. Do you know the identities of these people? You can be regarded as leaving your name in history."

Bao Xu looked at Li Kui and said, Li Kui killed several prime ministers today.

The trial lasted from morning to dusk. After killing hundreds of officials, the first day of trial was concluded.

In the back hall of the palace, Sun Lei was sitting at a banquet. It had to be said that the banquet in the palace was really good. He was worried that he was being naughty.

"Your Majesty, 375 people will be beheaded today!"

Xiao Jiasui presented a list.

"Commander, sit down and have some food together!"

Sun Lei looked at Xiao Jiasui and smiled. "Military advisor, it's not that I'm lazy. I just concluded a big deal today, tens of thousands of cars of goods a year! We're going to make a lot of money again."

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, Li Gang is asking for an audience outside the palace!"

Xiao Jiasui was not surprised about the business. Sun Lei seemed to like doing business, but he mentioned another thing.

"Let him in!"

Sun Lei nodded.

Soon Li Gang was brought in by the soldiers.

"Looking at you like this, you haven't eaten for a day, right? Sit down and take a bite?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and smiled.

"No need!"

Li Gang answered directly.


Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.

"How long are you going to kill?"

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei and said, Sun Lei has already cleaned most of the court today, and looking at the roster on the slip, Sun Lei has no intention of stopping yet.

"What do you mean, shouldn't those people die? I found many memorials from the palace's warehouse. You wrote so many letters, didn't you always want to kill them?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and asked.

"They deserve death, but you shouldn't kill them like this!"

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei and said, it would be troublesome if Sun Lei continued to kill. The foundation of the Song Dynasty would be cut off by Sun Lei.

"I think it's good to die like this, and the people also think it's good for them to die like this. Why don't you think it's bad? Don't you pride yourself on being honest and honest? Don't you want to be honest and honest when you speak for corrupt officials today?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and said.

"What kind of reputation does a minister of subjugation have? You have already won. There is no need to humiliate the Song Dynasty like this!"

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei and said, if this continues, the name Song Dynasty will disappear from the hearts of the people.

"Succeeding as a king and losing as a bandit, isn't this normal? I destroyed a city and destroyed a country and only killed so many people in one day? Do you think I did it wrong?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang and smiled.

"Okay, sit down and eat, you can't control these things now!"

Sun Lei pointed to the empty seat opposite.

"Military advisor, don't worry about these little things. The business I'm talking about is the big deal. You have to coordinate this and let Chai Jin take charge..."

Sun Lei talked about doing business with the Western Regions.

"Your Majesty wants to trade with the Western Regions? This is a big deal!"

Xiao Jiasui thought it was just an ordinary business, but he didn't expect that it was trading with the Western Regions. In all dynasties, trading with the Western Regions was a major event. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, the Western Regions Protectorate was opened to ensure smooth trade.

"It's neither big nor small! It's just business. I'm not planning to open the Western Region Protectorate. We only provide goods, and transportation and sales are their business."

Sun Lei said, he knew Xiao Jiasui was overthinking, and he was not yet capable of going to the Western Region.

"I understand!"

Xiao Jiasui smiled and saluted and said, now is not the time to move to the Western Region, but they should prepare in advance.

"If you go in, you will be helpless, and if you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will perish!"

Li Gang suddenly spoke.

"Haha, you understand it too?"

Sun Lei laughed.

"You still have the Kingdom of Jin, Xixia, and the grasslands are not yet peaceful. Are you looking towards the Western Regions so early?"

Li Gang looked at Sun Lei and asked.

"If you don't have long-term worries, you must have immediate worries. What you mentioned is not a problem. It can be solved in as little as one year or as long as two years. After that, I can't go into the library and let Nanshan go!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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