Water Margin people

Chapter 1262 Naiman Tribe

Chapter 1262 Naiman Tribe

In the grassland, the northwest wind is howling, and the goose feathers and heavy snow are flying in the wind. The entire grassland is already a silvery white world.

"Military advisor, it's snowing too much today. It's better to find a place to take shelter!"

Yue Fei looked at Xu Guanzhong and said that it was too difficult to travel on such a snowy day. Although he had a compass and didn't worry about getting lost, the heavy snow obscured his vision and he couldn't identify the direction in detail.

"Well, find a place to rest for a day!"

Xu Guanzhong nodded. They had traveled a lot in the past few months.

The soldiers quickly found a sheltered place to set up a tent, lit a bonfire, and gathered in the tent to keep warm.

"It's already the end of February, why is it still snowing in the grassland!"

Yue Fei looked at An Ba'ai and asked. An Ba'ai was now their guide. Without An Ba'ai, they would not have been able to visit most of the grassland tribes in just a few months.

"The weather has been bad these past few years, and winter is two months longer than earlier!"

I Bahai shook his head and said, the environment on the grassland has become increasingly harsh in recent years. It will snow before September, and winter will last until the end of March of the next year.

"And you have to go west. It's winter here for eight months of the year!"

My baby greedily reached for the hot wine by the fire, and he just wanted to take a sip. There is nothing more comfortable in the winter than a sip of hot wine.

"Aren't you going to meet the grassland tribe? You are not the king of the grassland. You can't make the decision in anything!"

Yue Fei looked at my baby and said.

"We prairie people are afraid of being affected by your war. It's winter so much now. Why are you chasing after me!"

I Bahai took a sip of wine and then spoke.

"Are you going after me?"

Yue Fei glared at my boy.

"You know, we prairie people are not good at words, but that's what it means anyway!"

I said with a smile.

Xu Guanzhong sat aside to warm himself by the fire and said nothing.

As soon as the heavy snow stopped the next day, we continued westward. After walking for two days, we saw a group of tents with fences next to them, containing a large number of livestock.

"This is the sweat tent of our Naiman tribe."

My baby pointed and said.

"These guys are really far away!"

Yue Fei looked at the group of tents in the distance and said, "But there is indeed a large population and the tribe is very big."

"You should pay attention to this. This Naiman tribe is known as the strongest descendant of Turks. They all have bad tempers and their language is different from other tribes."

I Bahai reminded Yue Feidao.

"Last time you said that the Merqi Tribe's brave cavalry and archers were the strongest tribe! Which of your tribes is the strongest?"

Yue Fei looked at my boy and asked.

"This is different. The Merqi tribe and several of our tribes all speak Mongolian. The Naiman tribe speaks Turkic, and their habits are somewhat different from those of our tribes!"

My baby shook his head and said.

"Then can you tolerate them?"

Yue Fei looked at my boy, these tribes in the grassland are not kind people. It is only natural for the big tribes to rob the small tribes. There is a strange person in a grassland. How can we get along with each other?

"Of course I thought about destroying them. The Klei tribe fought with them many times. The Klei tribe also considers itself to be of Turkic descent. The two tribes border on pastures and often fight over who is the orthodox."

My baby explained.

"They found us, let me go over and say hello!"

When I saw that the Naiman tribe was shouting and there were cavalry gathering, I immediately rode forward to negotiate.

"This boy is hiding something. The Man tribe and the Kelei tribe are fighting, and the Mongolian tribes are not uninvolved in it!"

Xu Guanzhong said in a low voice.

"I have long seen that this guy is dishonest, and he is indeed playing tricks on me!"

Yue Fei gritted his teeth and sneered. Anbahai always had a warm smile on his face, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was a trace of hypocrisy. Now it turned out that he was lying.

"But military advisor, do we really have to come so far? Our main battlefield is in Liaodong. The Naiman tribe is thousands of miles away. They probably won't get there." Yue Fei looked at Xu Guanzhong and asked.

"Not only for the Naiman tribe, but also for the news from the Western Regions. Didn't Yelu Dashi lead people to establish Xiliao? We finally came here, so naturally we have to inquire about it."

Xu Guanzhong said.


Yue Fei looked to the west.

"After the end of Liaodong, the grassland tribes should surrender. Your Majesty will not just ask for a surrender and pay tribute. What your Majesty wants is true surrender without resistance! After that, it will be the Western Regions!"

Xu Guanzhong said.

Yue Fei was a little surprised that the Liaodong war was not over yet.

After talking with the Naiman tribe, I Bahai came back with a group of people.

"Are you the envoys from the Qi Kingdom in the Central Plains?"

A man in his early twenties wearing sheepskin looked at Xu Guanzhong and Yue Fei.

"Don't dismount after seeing an angel!"

Yue Fei looked at the person in front of him and said.

"Haha, how brave! You are still the first person who dares to speak like this in our Naiman tribe!"

The man had a murderous look on his face.

"Don't be angry! Let me introduce something. This is the second son of Yinan Chihan of the Naiman tribe. These two are the envoys of the State of Qi, Mr. Xu Guanzhong, the prime minister of the State of Qi. This is Yue Fei, the Minister of War of the State of Qi. That’s the guy who won the first prize at the Naadam Conference last year!”

When I see the two sides disagreeing, I will take action and immediately act as a peacemaker.

"A Central Plains man won the Naadam Conference?"

Bai Buhua looked at Yue Fei again. The grassland respected warriors, and a warrior who could win the Naadam Conference was naturally worthy of respect.

"Come with me!"

Bai Buhua looked at the group of people and saw that there was indeed no threat, so he led the way to the camp.

The royal court of the Naiman Tribe was already full of people, and the tribesmen in the tents looked curiously at these outsiders who suddenly appeared.

The Royal Court is the foundation of the tribe, and outsiders are generally not allowed to approach it.

"Sure enough, the appearance of these people has changed a lot!"

Yue Fei looked at the Naiman tribe in the royal court. Although the other grassland tribes had some differences in appearance, it was just a little bit different, but when it came to the Naiman tribe, the difference was huge.

"After all, this place is close to the Western Region. They have been here all year round and intermarried with the surrounding tribes. Naturally, their appearance is somewhat different."

Xu Guanzhong said.

Under the leadership of Bai Buhua, the group traveled through half of the royal court before arriving at a huge tent. The fabric of the tent was fine and even embroidered with various patterns.

"Blessed, how dare you bring foreigners into the royal court!"

A young man led people to stop him outside the camp.

"Bu Yilu, my father asked me to bring them in. Do you have any objections?"

Bai Buhua directly pulled out the scimitar inlaid with gems from his waist, as if he was about to take action.


Bu Yilu was also holding the sword at his waist, but he didn't dare to take it out.

"Two princes, please do not use the sword before the king's tent, let alone the envoy from the Central Plains!"

A group of leaders quickly tried to persuade them, and then the two of them gave up.


Bai Buhua snorted coldly and walked into the king's tent, minding his own business. Bu Yilu beside him was shaking with anger.

"It was a good show as soon as I came here!"

Yue Fei touched his chin and said with a smile, "Bu Buhua is strong, but Bu Yilu is a bit thin. The grassland doesn't like weak people."

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