Water Margin people

Chapter 1264 Follow

Chapter 1264 Follow

"Further ahead is Datong Mansion. Is it time for you to go back?"

Yue Fei looked at my baby and said, after traveling for a month, they finally arrived at the outskirts of Yanyun.

"It's still warm in the south! Why don't I go to your Qi country to have some fun too!"

I Bahai rolled his eyes and looked at Yue Feidao.

"Don't you still have a lot of things to deal with in the tribe?"

Yue Fei said.

"The leader of the tribe can handle those things. It'll be fine if I don't go back!"

I said with a smile.

"You are a Mongolian. Are you going to the Central Plains? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Yue Fei was speechless. This guy in front of him was really shameless. Not long ago, he said that the tribe wanted to go south to the grassland for grazing and that he wanted to drive back to the tribe.

"I have helped you so much, you will definitely protect me!"

I Bahai looked at Yue Fei and Xu Guanzhong with a fawning look on his face, looking completely shameless.

Xu Guanzhong and Yue Fei were even more speechless. On this trip to the grassland, Ba'ai had helped them a lot, and now they couldn't refuse to repay the favor directly.

"Are you still acting like a tribal leader?"

Yue Fei looked at my boy and asked.

"Hey, we prairie people are not like you Central Plains people. We say whatever we want. We are friends. I helped you walk around the grassland and met all the tribes. You took me to the Central Plains to play. This is not what you should do. ”

My boy didn't care about Yue Fei's sarcasm at all. People in the grasslands were straightforward. If he wanted Yue Fei to take him to the Central Plains, he would just say it to his face.

"Okay, you really helped us a lot this time!"

Xu Guanzhong smiled and agreed, "I am a very competent guide this time. When asked about the topography of the grassland, I knew everything about it."

"Haha, the prime minister still has a big belly! This guy is so stingy! I'll tell him to go back to the clan right now."

I was so happy that I turned around and went to find my own arrangement.

"Military advisor, this guy obviously wants to find out information!"

Yue Fei looked at Xu Guanzhong and whispered.

"Of course I know, aren't we the same!"

Xu Guanzhong nodded. Of course he could see An Ba'ai's purpose. He could even guess that An Ba'ai had planned all this a long time ago. Otherwise, how could he take them all over the grassland?

"These people in the grassland are very ambitious, but there are also some smart people, such as this boy."

Xu Guanzhong said.

"Never mind them, let's just sweep them away."

Yue Fei said nonchalantly, he became interested when it came to fighting.

"It is not easy to sweep across the grassland. These people, regardless of whether they are men, women, old or young, pick up weapons and mount war horses. They are brave warriors. The Huns, Xianbei, Turks, Khitans and now the Jurchens are all very troublesome!"

Xu Guanzhong shook his head. Battles are not that easy to fight, especially in the northern grasslands. After more than a thousand years of fighting, the two sides have only won each other.

After I finished my explanation, I took a few cronies and followed Xu Guanzhong and Yue Fei to the southeast.

"Put up the flag!"

When Yue Fei saw the mountains in the distance, he immediately laughed and said to his soldiers that entering these mountains would be considered entering the territory of Qi.

The two flags were spread out in the wind, and the soldiers were full of morale and held their heads high. They finally went home.

As soon as the army approached the mountain pass, there was smoke rising from the mountain, but it was just a single wolf smoke.

"Didn't they raise a flag?"

My baby immediately became nervous. They were too familiar with the smoke. This thing was a warning signal in the Central Plains. When the smoke rose, an army would come immediately.

"What does the flag represent? What if someone else takes it? Or someone fakes it?"

Yue Fei rolled his eyes at me, despising the ignorance of these barbarians.

The sound of galloping horses sounded on the mountain, and a team of three thousand people came running.

"General Qin Ming?"

Yue Fei looked at Qin Ming who was holding a mace at the front and waved hello.

"Commander Xu, brother Yue Fei!"

Qin Ming laughed and greeted. "General Qin, what is that behind you?"

Yue Fei pointed at the panting and scattered soldiers behind Qin Ming and wondered, "This is not what the Qi army should have. No matter how tired you are from running, the team cannot be messed up."

"Jiang Zu, those losers in Tokyo who haven't practiced for a long time, stand still for me!"

Qin Ming roared angrily at the soldiers behind him. The veterans rushed into the formation on horseback and whipped their whips to whip the staggering soldiers.

"Tokyo? Did you take Tokyo?"

Yue Fei was stunned at first, but then he was overjoyed.

"Haha, His Majesty raided Tokyo during the Lantern Festival. He captured the entire Tokyo in just one day, capturing all the senior officials and more than 500,000 troops! We didn't suffer any losses at all..."

Qin Ming laughed and said.

"So fast!"

Yue Fei was also overjoyed when he heard this. This battle was the most important battle for Qi State. Qi State had now truly become the only dynasty in the Central Plains.

"Isn't it possible? The Song Dynasty was destroyed in one day?"

I, Bahai, seemed to have heard a fairy tale. Although the Song State was weak, it was still a superpower with a population of tens of millions. It had been at war with the Khitans for more than a hundred years, so how could it be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

"Who is this person?"

Qin Hui looked at my boy warily, dressed like a prairie man, very eye-catching.

"It's just a follower, don't worry about it."

Yue Fei waved his hand and said.

"We are friends, why are we followers?"

My baby is a little dissatisfied.

"You are a follower now. Do you still want to go to the Central Plains?"

Yue Fei glared at me and said.

"Are these the Tokyo Forbidden Army?"

Yue Fei asked, pointing to the soldiers behind him who were crying for their fathers and mothers.

"Isn't that right? They are all so fat that they can hardly walk. They have been training for almost a month and that's all!"

Qin Ming sighed. These forbidden soldiers were the soldiers that he had the most trouble training in his life. They were even more difficult to train than the new recruits.

“It’s hard to break bad habits once they’re formed!”

Yue Fei said with a smile.

"Military advisor, have you had a smooth journey? Your Majesty has been thinking about you all the time!"

Qin Ming looked at Xu Guanzhong and Yue Fei and said.

"With this entourage, everything goes smoothly!"

Xu Guanzhong said with a smile.

"Is Your Majesty still in Tokyo?"

Yue Fei asked quickly.

"Your Majesty is now in Xijin Mansion. These soldiers still need training. Your Majesty is short of people. General Yue Fei has returned at the right time."

Qin Ming looked at Yue Fei and said.

"I won't train these losers!"

Yue Fei waved his hand. He had elite soldiers and generals under his command, but he couldn't stand these coward soldiers.

"It's not up to you. Whoever has thousands of rubbish each under his command now, His Majesty said, we must practice it within three months, otherwise... we won't have a share in the war!"

Qin Ming lowered his voice mid-sentence.

"No way!"

Yue Fei resisted. He regretted it now. He should have walked slower. It should have taken two and a half months to walk such a long distance.

"I'm pretty good, so I got 6,000, and Coach Lin got 20,000!"

Qin Ming laughed again.

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