Water Margin people

Chapter 1284 Bombardment of Baozhou City

Chapter 1284 Bombardment of Baozhou City

The ice and snow have completely melted, the north is gradually getting green, and it is not far from the grass growing and the warblers flying.


A group of Goryeo dancers danced slowly on the dance floor, and a group of generals wearing Goryeo-style armor sat on both sides.

"The Kingdom of Jin sent people to urge you again!"

Cui Yi, the leader of the Goryeo warriors, looked at the generals below with a smile and said.

"Or do you want us to be the pioneers?"

Jin Qingsun said with a sneer.

"We can't go and die!"

"Then the Kingdom of Jin doesn't dare to fight, but let us die?"

Li Gongzhu, Cui Liangbo, Nie Changshou, Jin Chengjun and other generals, captains, and captains also expressed their own thoughts.

"Sir, we have been in Baozhou for so long, why is there no response from Qi State?"

General Jin Renjun had other ideas.

These people are all generals promoted by Cui Yi in recent years. Previously, these people were slaves, so although these people are generals of Goryeo, they are actually Cui Yi's retainers.

"We are separated from Liaoyang Prefecture by more than 200 miles of mountain road. What can we do if we know that we are coming to Baozhou?"

The others said nonchalantly that the reason why Goryeo could spread to this day was because of the isolation of these mountains.

"It's not like there's no reaction at all, right? It's said that Qi State has contacted the grassland and wants tribes to surrender. Why don't they come to win over us?"

Jin Renjun continued.

"You mean Qi is already thinking about how to deal with us?"

Cui Yi looked at Jin Renjun and asked.

"It's very possible that the Qi State is extremely powerful. It is not easy to defeat the Liao State, Song State, and Jin State!"

Jin Renjun said.

"Don't worry, we are not idle either. Baozhou is already armed to the teeth. When Qi comes, they will never come back!"

Jin Qingsun was not there and said.

"Don't worry about that. Anyway, if the Jin Kingdom doesn't take action, we won't take action! Let's see who can afford to wait!"

Cui Yi looked at everyone and said, he is here to pick up the leaks this time, but he does not want to go back and be the main force to kill.

"Has all the food been shipped?"

Cui Yi asked looking at the official in charge of food and grass.

"Sir, the food and grass haven't arrived yet. It may have been rainy and foggy for days, which delayed the trip!"

The logistics officer replied quickly.

"They're all excuses! It's already seven days late!"

Cui Yi was furious. Their 200,000 troops were on the front line. How could they do without food and grass?

"It must be people like Lu Zhizheng, Jin Xi, and Zhou Yanzhi who are causing trouble. These people have always wanted to deal with us!"

Everyone was also angry. The cultivated land in Goryeo was scarce, and the food was never enough. The court always used various excuses to reduce the army's food, and it must be the same this time.

"Go and tell your Majesty that we can't fight without food and grass!"

Cui Yi looked at the logistics officer and ordered.


Cui Yi looked at the thick fog outside. This thick fog had lasted for two days. The mountains and the coastal sea were almost covered in heavy fog.

"It seems to be a good thing for us. With such a heavy fog, it is even less likely that Qi will come to deal with us!"

After looking at the thick fog for a while, Cui Yi laughed. Isn't the thick fog exactly what they want?

At this time, in the thick fog, the Qi fleet was slowly approaching Baozhou.

"Slow down the speed of the ship and let the fleet behind follow closely! God is really helping me in this heavy fog!"

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed and said, if it weren't for the heavy fog, they wouldn't have been able to get close to Baozhou, let alone a sneak attack.

"Xiao Qi, the Yalu Water is ahead. Let's directly cross the Yalu Water and bombard Baozhou!" Zhang Shun looked at Ruan Xiaoqi from a nearby ship and shouted.

The distance between the two ships was only a few feet, but they were able to sail side by side, which showed their skill in maneuvering the ships, even though the sea was as calm as a mirror due to heavy fog.

Dozens of ships took advantage of the thick fog to slowly sail into the Yalu Water, but the Koryo post on the shore was not aware of it. The thick fog blocked the sight, and the Koryo post did not think that anyone would invade at this time.

"Put down the boat and follow me to kill all the Korean spies on the shore!"

Zhang Shun ordered to the soldiers that the giant ship was docked on the west bank of the Yalu River.

Dozens of small boats followed the thick fog and arrived at the east bank of the Yalu River. Zhang Shun led his people ashore smoothly and quietly entered a riverside sentry with a sharp knife. In just a moment, he killed more than a dozen Korean sentries inside.

After everything was resolved, the ship approached the east bank of the Yalu River and the artillery was pushed out of the ship's side.

Ruan Xiaoqi did not rush to fire, but looked at the sky. It was almost noon. Under the sun, the thick fog dispersed slightly, and Baozhou City appeared in the thick fog.

"Fire, shoot quickly!"

Ruan Xiaoqi said directly.

On the ship, the artillery spit out tongues of fire, and countless shells flew towards Baozhou.

"Boom boom boom!"

A violent explosion sounded inside Baozhou, and the violent explosion destroyed many houses.

"what's the situation?"

Cui Yi and others who were drinking were shaken by the explosion in the city, and the food and drinks on the table were scattered all over the floor.

But before they could react, there was another violent explosion. The loud noise made their ears go blind, and the vibration made them unsteady, and they were all staggering and unable to walk.


Someone finally reacted, but they were quickly drowned out by the sound of gunfire.


Ruan Xiaoqi waved the flag in his hand, and the artillerymen kept loading cannonballs.

The bombardment lasted for half an hour, and the barrel was already boiling hot, and the dripping water instantly vaporized when it went up.

"Let's go, change a batch!"

Ruan Xiaoqi saw that the running tube was hot and knew that he could no longer shoot, so he immediately directed the ship to the north.

Inside Baozhou City.

The crying and howling of Goryeo soldiers continued, and the city was full of broken eaves and broken walls.

The eyes of the Goryeo soldiers who were stunned by the bombing were dull, and they didn't know what happened. They just felt their heads were buzzing, and they didn't know what to do. They felt like they had lost their souls.

"Run away... out of the city!"

Cui Yi walked out of the ruins under the protection of everyone. A shell just hit the door of their banquet. The guard outside the door was directly killed and the house collapsed.

As soon as Ruan Xiaoqi's fleet left, Zhang Shun quickly took up the position with another batch of warships.

The sound of artillery started again, and Baozhou, where the smoke had not yet dissipated, was once again flooded by artillery fire.

After several rounds of bombardment, the Baozhou city wall could no longer hold up, and the stone wall collapsed.

"That's almost it!"

Ruan Xiaoqi looked at the ruins of Baozhou City and said.

"No, His Majesty said, it's better not to engage in close combat. There are 200,000 troops in this city. If we enter the city and engage in a melee, we won't be able to take advantage."

Zhang Shun shook his head.

The thick fog has not dissipated yet, and the smoke has filled the air. With the two superimposed, the entire Baozhou City is shrouded in it, and nothing can be seen clearly from the outside.

The Goryeo soldiers in the city suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining people found a place to hide, but the artillery bombardment showed no sign of stopping.

"Get out of the city! Get out of the city!"

Cui Yi ignored the army and escaped from the east gate with everyone around him.

Listening to the continuous sound of artillery fire in the city, Cui Yixin was bleeding. She didn't know how many 200,000 troops were left under such a fierce bombing. It was clear that they were drinking and having fun just a moment ago.

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