Water Margin people

Chapter 1294 Zhao Gou waves the flag

Chapter 1294 Zhao Gou waves the flag


The smile on Zhao Gou's face froze. It was a good thing that his men had enough food and supplies, but if there were more people, they would also have more food. A small Puzhou city could not support such an army.

Zhao Gou had no choice but to look at Qin Hui. Qin Hui was in the Sekihu Department in Tokyo and was the best at money and food.

"This... Your Highness, do you want to ask the people to collect taxes?"

What good idea does Qin Hui have? Their current territory is no more than one county and they don't have much money. Where can he get food?


Zhao Gou sounded a little dissatisfied. Why should he levy taxes on such a small territory?

The rest of the people also bowed their heads and remained silent. They had no way to solve these matters.

"Your Highness, I have a plan!"

Puzhou County Magistrate Zhang Jian saluted Zhao Gou and said.

"Magistrate Zhang, tell me quickly and let Gu listen!"

Zhao Gou was overjoyed and quickly looked at Zhang Jian and asked.

"Your Highness, taxation is not advisable. Qi State was able to gain momentum and quickly annex the world because corrupt officials were rampant and exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes were rampant, forcing the people to complain. That's why they voted for Qi State. If we increase taxes now, people will only stay away from us."

Zhang Jian said.

"Gu is also the same idea!"

Zhao Gou nodded. Although he was only a prince, he was very aware of the problems of the Song Dynasty. Now he needed to be a benevolent king to win people's hearts. At this time, adding excessive taxes and levies would be a suicide.

"Your Highness, there are countless people in the world who are loyal to the Song Dynasty. Many of them, local officials and wealthy merchants, have soldiers, horses, grain and grass in their hands. Why not issue an edict to recruit them and give them official positions according to their contribution!"

Zhang Jian looked at Zhao Gou and said.

"What a brilliant plan! What a brilliant plan!"

Zhao Gou was overjoyed when he heard this. He had no money and food, but there were many people in the world who had money and food. As long as he opened his mouth, someone would naturally bring money and food to his door.

As for giving some official positions, it doesn't matter. Now that the officialdom of the Song Dynasty is gone, if you want to revitalize the Song Dynasty, you naturally need the help of a group of officials. Now that they are willing to help you in times of crisis, you can't treat these loyal and righteous people badly. That is what should be done with official positions.

"You quickly draw up an edict, distribute it to the world, and recruit righteous people from all over the world to help the Chinese Communist Party support important events."

Zhao Gou looked at Qin Hui and Zhang Bangchang and ordered.

"Luan Tingyu, you lead the troops and start to recover the nearby cities. I want to unify Guanzhong first!"

Zhao Gou looked at Luan Tingyu and ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Everyone saluted Zhao Gou and took orders.

Analyze Jinfu.

Sun Lei was holding the edict issued by Zhao Gou.

"Everything went well!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, there are indeed people from all over the country responding!"

Li Zhu took a memorial and said, since Zhao Gou issued the edict, many people have gathered in Guanzhong with troops, horses, money and food.

"There are always so many people hiding, wouldn't it be nice to catch them all in one go?"

Sun Lei smiled.

Ever since Sun Lei conquered Tokyo, the Song Dynasty was considered to be destroyed and the world was under the rule of Qi. But the problem is that the Song Dynasty has existed for a hundred years and there are countless diehards. These people are hiding in the dark, and perhaps in a few years they will rise up against Qi and restore the Song Dynasty.

Sun Lei was not in a hurry to send troops to the local area just to make these people rebel, so that he could know that those people were rebellious, but the result was not good. The local area was surprisingly quiet, let alone those who raised flags to rebel. Those rogues all turned their tails between their legs and behaved themselves, and for a while the world was surprisingly quiet.

Everyone was frightened. Dynasties have been changing since ancient times. Anyone with some knowledge will not be surprised. Everyone knows that there will be a battle between Qi State and Song Dynasty. But the problem is that no one expected that the Song Dynasty would be defeated so quickly and completely. After the Lantern Festival, the Song Dynasty would be gone. All the royal family of the Zhao family were wiped out in one sweep, as were all the high-ranking officials in Tokyo, and all the more than 500,000 troops were captured. .

Sun Lei originally wanted to find an opportunity for Zhao Ji to "break out of prison" and then lead the hidden people out, but he didn't expect that news came that Zhao Gou was back. Isn't this just right?

"Your Majesty's clever plan makes it impossible for those cunning people hiding in the dark to hide!"

Li Assistant said with a smile.

The enemies in the dark are the most troublesome, but as long as they are human beings, they will be greedy. These people who are dormant in the dark are the most greedy. They are dormant just waiting for opportunities.

And Sun Lei gave them this opportunity, and at an excellent time, the Qi State was just established, the world was not stable, and the war broke out in the north. Isn't this the best opportunity to fight for the world?

"Daozhang Li, why don't you take charge of this matter?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Zhu and said, he really has no one at his disposal now. It would have been great for Wu Yong to do this, but the Yinshan of Japan was so important that he could only send Wu Yong.

But now I only have Li Zhu who is suitable to do this. Firstly, Li Zhu is both civil and military, and he has no problem leading troops to kill. Secondly, Li Zhu does not show up much, and few people know him. It is not easy to alert others, which makes it easier for the plan to proceed. .

"I accept your order!"

Li Zhu cupped his fists and saluted Sun Lei and said, "This task is not easy. Compared with killing foreigners in the north, this quelling the civil strife is also a rare achievement."

After arranging things for Zhao Gou, Sun Lei read the military report again. The battle between Liaodong and Xixia was about to break out.

"Tell Master Lu that the Xixia side should be more ruthless. It's best to destroy the country directly!"

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Wu and said, he will lead troops to Liaodong soon. He has no time to take care of the affairs in Xixia, so he can only look at Lu Zhishen and the others.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Wu saluted.

"In addition, the army has gathered, it's time for us to set off!"

Sun Lei gave orders to the other generals.


In spring, everything in Liaodong is recovering, but the air is full of chilling air.

The 450,000 Jin army formed a formation outside Liaoyang Mansion, as if they wanted to push Liaoyang Mansion flatly.

"These people are very knowledgeable and know that cavalry cannot attack a city."

Wang Jin said as he looked at the enemy formation in the distance with a telescope.

"The Jin people have suffered too much from the artillery. They want us to go out of the city for a decisive battle."

Lin Chong nodded.

"Why should we go out? Let's just rely on the city and see how long they can survive!"

Du Bo said, they are not worried about food and grass, and they are not in a hurry for a decisive battle. It will not matter if they delay it for two months, but the Jin Kingdom cannot do it. The Jin Kingdom cannot support an army of 450,000 for much longer.

"I'm just afraid that these enemies will run away!"

Lin Chong shook his head and said, their goal is to destroy the Jin Kingdom, and the first step is to completely destroy the Jin Kingdom army. If these Jin Kingdom army are forced to run away, all their efforts will be in vain.

"The Kingdom of Jin should also know our intentions!"

Xu Guanzhong said.

"The people of Jin also know it!"

Yuan Lang was stunned and looked at Xu Guanzhong, how did Jin Guo know about this.

"We are rushing to send our troops north before the Central Plains is pacified. This is the biggest flaw, but these are not important. Even if the Jin Kingdom knows our thoughts, they will fight because this is their only chance. If they can't win at this time , then they will never win in this life!"

Xu Guanzhong said, if the Central Plains is stabilized and Qi has no worries, the Jurchens of Jin will have no choice but to continue to hunt and fish in the mountains and live a poor life of fishing and hunting.

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