Water Margin people

Chapter 1301 Position

Chapter 1301 Position

The Qi army advanced slowly, and a lot of artillery was brought down from the city.

"It's still dry on the ground, but if it rains and gets muddy, ten horses won't be able to pull this thing!"

Chen Da looked at the artillery and said, "This thing is easy to use, but if you want to shoot far and powerfully, the caliber must be larger, and the larger the caliber, the heavier the cannon will be, and it will be more troublesome to move."

"Hey, go slowly, it will take a while for an army of 500,000 to march."

Yang Chun shook his head and said that the artillery was too heavy and they couldn't solve it.

"Brothers, stop complaining, this artillery is a powerful weapon to defeat the enemy."

Shi Jin said with a smile.

"I'm worried that this thing is too heavy and will be a burden once a melee begins!"

Yang Chun said, there is nothing they can do now, and once a melee breaks out, there is nothing they can do with artillery.

"You don't have to worry about it then. You just need to take away the artillery shells. If we can't take things away, just put them wherever the enemy can take them away. We will transport them away after the war is over."

Shi Jin said with a smile, he was full of confidence in this battle.

"I see. What are these iron lumps doing when they are transported to the front line?"

Yang Chun said with a smile.

"Brother Zhu Wu asked us to be His Majesty's bodyguards. I'm afraid there won't be a big battle this time, right?"

Chen Da said, not knowing whether Zhu Wu missed his old relationship, but he arranged a good place for them this time.

"You don't understand. Your Majesty, this is where the most intense fighting takes place!"

"Your Majesty is also going to the front line. Who do you think the enemy's target will be? Of course it is Your Majesty. When the time comes, those people will rush towards where Your Majesty is. We must kill all the enemies who come over. Then your artillery will have to show off its power. ”

Shi Jin said, the artillery's breaking formation is not only to break the enemy's defensive formation, but also to break the enemy's attack formation.

"Don't worry, we are already familiar with this artillery!"

Yang Chun and Chen Da smiled and said that they knew very well that there was no future for their martial arts. There were too many generals that Liangshan could fight, so they had to find another way out. Artillery was a good way, and artillery was indispensable in future wars.

The Jin army formed an array near Xianzhou, relying on the mountains to the east and the Liao River to the west to form an array for more than fifty miles.

"It's interesting. We said we were hedging, but actually we were forming a formation!"

Sun Lei looked at the enemy's formation in the distance. Jin Guo was cautious. There were mountains and rivers. This made it clear that they did not want a full-scale war to break out directly.

"We will form an array around Yinzhou and Guidezhou! Lin Chong is in charge of the Liaoshui side on the left, and Wang Jin is in charge of the mountain side on the right!"

Sun Lei waved his hand and ordered, once Jin Guo's formation came out, they couldn't really rush over.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Lin Chong and Wang Jin took the order and set out.

The army dispersed and listed their formations directly facing the Jin Kingdom's formation, with a posture of needle against wheat.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to fight for a while!"

Both sides of the Yue Fei family actually stood still and couldn't bear it any longer. This was not what he wanted.

"Then prepare yourself and try the position by the river!"

Sun Lei pointed to the woods across the river in the distance, where a group of Jin soldiers were stationed, trying to organize them to cross the river.

"Your Majesty, why don't we fight for a while first!"

Chen Da looked at the woods by the river and suddenly saluted Sun Lei. The place was in a good location. The woods were slightly higher and just stuck near the shallows of the river. He could attack enemies who were wading across the river.

This kind of place is the best place to hold on. Now that spring has begun, the weather is getting warmer, and the water level of the river has risen. There are dozens of battles on this river, and bows and crossbows cannot attack across the river.

But artillery can hit places that bows and crossbows can't reach, and the forest can completely cover it.

"Then fight!"

Sun Lei nodded.

Chen Da and Yang Chun Daxi quickly directed the army to move the artillery and aim at the woods on the other side of the river in the distance.

As the sound of artillery sounded, the tall trees in the woods swayed instantly. However, the woods were a bit big, and a burst of artillery fire did not cause much damage. From a distance, it just fell down some trees. "The caliber of the artillery is a little smaller."

Sun Lei looked at the woods and shook his head. If this were replaced by the ship's anti-ship cannon on a battleship, at least ten trees would be broken down with one shot. Unfortunately, the ship's anti-cannon is too heavy and there is no big truck to pull it, so it is simply impossible. Land use.

After several rounds of artillery fire, there was no movement in the woods, which surprised Sun Lei.

"It seems that they have underestimated this group of Jurchens. They know the woods too well, and the power of artillery attacks in the woods will be greatly reduced!"

Sun Lei shook his head and said, it is still difficult to get artillery coverage.

"Your Majesty, the Jurchens hunt in the mountains and forests all year round, and the tribes also live in the mountains and forests. They are good at using wood to build houses. They probably used logs to build bunkers!"

Xu Guanzhong analyzed.

"Then it will be even harder to hit. Our artillery can't hit that kind of bunker."

Sun Lei said.

"I'd better go!"

Yue Fei laughed and led his troops out of the formation.

"Cheer up, everyone! The enemy is in the woods!"

Yue Fei said to the soldiers, who all had their shields in hand and were ready for defense.

"Yue Fei!"

It was Jin Wushu who was hiding in the woods. He looked at Yue Fei on the other side fiercely, clenching the bow and arrow tightly in his hand.

"What are the casualties?"

Jin Wushu asked the soldiers beside him in a low voice.

"A wooden fort was blown up, seven or eight people died, and another thirty were injured, but the injuries were not serious."

The soldier replied.

"Fortunately, we built a wooden fort. Artillery is afraid of bunkers!"

Jin Wushu was overjoyed when he heard this. The enemy's artillery attacked for several rounds, but they only suffered a few casualties.

"I've got the crossbow. I'll aim at Yue Fei later. I must shoot him to death!"

Jin Wushu said to the people around him that he must kill Yue Fei.

No one answered. These Jurchen soldiers were all warriors from various tribes. They hunted in the mountains and forests all year round. They kept silent while hunting for fear of scaring away their prey.

"It's so quiet!"

Yue Fei looked at the woods on the other side. Even after being bombarded by artillery for several rounds, he didn't see an enemy running out.

"Stay out of the woods a little and wade across the river!"

Yue Fei ordered to the soldiers around him.

The shoal that could cross the river was not wide, so the army began to cross the river in single file along the shoal farthest from the woods, and Yue Fei was at the front.

Just when Yue Fei stepped onto the other side, the sound of bowstrings sounded loudly in the woods, and countless arrows were shot towards Yue Fei.

Yue Fei was well prepared, and his shield blocked all the arrows.


When the soldiers saw someone attacking in the woods, they immediately stepped forward in shield formation and counterattacked with bows and crossbows behind them.

"Ignore them and cross the river!"

Yue Fei shouted to the soldiers that they could not stand still because of the enemy's attack. Although the water in this shoal was only up to the thighs, the current was fast and movement in the water was restricted.

When Jin Wushu saw this, he was about to rush out with his army. He understood the principle of attacking halfway across.

But at this moment, the artillery fired again, and the artillery fire directly covered the edge of the forest, causing Jin Wushu to retreat and avoid.

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