Water Margin people

Chapter 1303 The crucial big bun

Chapter 1303 The crucial big bun

"Great Xianbei Mountains?"

Wanyan Gao asked with a frown.

"Let people urge the Koreans. We will lead the enemy to the Xianbei Mountains and let them attack the enemy's rear!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai nodded.

"Korean people? By the way, there is no news about the Korean people so far. Are these guys still going to wait and see?"

Wanyan Gao then thought about the chess pieces of the Koreans, but they urged him several times, but the Koreans always made excuses.

"The Korean people are very cunning. They don't let go of the eagle until they see a rabbit. This time I lured Sun Lei to the Daxianbei Mountains so that they can attack Sun Lei's rear. Why don't they take action?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai smiled.

"Korea people are the most greedy and will definitely take action!"

Wan Yangao laughed and said, the Koreans are just a bunch of cunning wild dogs. When they see something good, they pounce on it like crazy dogs.

The Jin army quickly moved towards the Xianbei Mountains.

This unusual behavior soon reached Sun Lei's ears.

"Movement to the Greater Xianbei Mountains? Are you looking for the Tatar Department?"

Sun Lei touched his chin and started thinking. He didn't understand Wanyan Wu's thoughts about begging for money.

Xu Guanzhong quickly understood Jin Guo's intention and reminded Sun Lei.

"Why did I forget the Koreans?"

Sun Lei slapped his head and said that he had forgotten about the Koreans. Although the Koreans had been almost killed and the army was dispersed, the Kingdom of Jin did not know this news.

"Command the army to occupy the enemy's position!"

Sun Lei ordered to the army that the enemy's withdrawal left many positions, which needed to be captured as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, how do you pursue me?"

Shi Jin looked at Sun Lei and asked.

"Of course, if the enemies retreat, of course we have to pursue them!"

Sun Lei nodded. The enemy foolishly released the position they had worked so hard to build. Of course they would pursue them.

After making these arrangements, Sun Lei arrived near Yinzhou.

Yinzhou was originally a small town. At this time, smoke was rising in Yinzhou, and white steam was rising from everywhere, like a huge steamer.

"His Majesty!"

Sister-in-law Gu rushed up to meet her, wearing armor but still wearing an apron.

"Sister-in-law, how are the preparations going?"

Sun Lei looked at Mrs. Gu and asked.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the meat buns are all steamed! We can make 300,000 buns at a time!"

Sister-in-law Gu said with a smile that she originally wanted to lead the troops to fight, but Sun Lei arranged to be the cook.

"It's not enough, more is needed!"

Sun Lei looked at the makeshift stoves, each filled with steamers steaming out white steam.

Three hundred thousand buns sounds like a lot, but there are half a million troops on our side. Under high-intensity combat, one person has to eat at least five big buns in one meal. This person needs fifteen big buns a day. That’s 7.5 million big buns a day.

"Sister-in-law Gu, whether we can win this battle depends on whether you can keep up! Please!"

Sun Lei looked at Mrs. Gu and said solemnly, and also gave Mrs. Gu a fist and a salute.

"Your Majesty, you are not killing my little sister!"

Sister-in-law Gu panicked and quickly knelt down, not daring to accept Sun Lei's courtesy.

Sun Lei helped Sister-in-law Gu up. "Your Majesty, are these buns really so important? Don't we have a lot of dry food?"

Sister-in-law Gu looked at Sun Lei and asked. They had prepared a lot of dry food, at least enough for an army of 500,000 people to eat for three to five days. The logistics should not be so stressful.

"Sister-in-law, do you know how long this battle will last? Let me put it bluntly, it will take at least half a month to get to the point! By then it will be a melee, and our dry food will be distributed before the melee."

Sun Lei said, dry food is for emergencies when logistical supplies cannot be supplied, and it cannot be used now.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the buns are taken care of by my little sister. The flour, meat, and vegetables are all ready-made! All you need to do is mix the dough with the stuffing and make the buns! It's just that the steamer is a bit missing, but that's okay. They can be made quickly!"

Sister-in-law Gu saluted and said, steamed buns are a very simple pasta, and there are thousands of people in the logistics department, so supplying steamed buns to an army of 500,000 people is not a problem.

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law!"

Sun Lei said with satisfaction that steamed buns were the best and simplest military ration he could think of. It was both a staple food and a vegetable and was delicious to eat. The key was that it was simple, convenient and nutritious to make, far easier than cooking rice and stir-frying.

“Your Majesty’s idea of ​​buns is really impressive!”

Xu Guanzhong smiled and saluted Sun Lei and said, logistics in this battle is indeed the top priority, and steamed buns are definitely a good food.

"Isn't it because my stomach can't stand rough dry food?"

Sun Lei took out a piece of dry biscuit and said helplessly. In order to be able to store it for a long time, this kind of dry food in the army is made as dry and hard as a stone.

And Sun Lei has already given an order. After the battle begins, the whole army will be the same. The generals must eat and drink the same as the soldiers. Of course, Sun Lei's stomach can't bear this kind of dry biscuits.

"Your Majesty, good food can give the soldiers confidence and let them know that our army is still strong and we can provide them with the best food during the war. In this case, the morale of the soldiers will be high and their combat effectiveness will be stronger."

Xu Guanzhong said with a smile, no matter what the reason for Sun Lei's decision, this decision is undoubtedly good for the army.

"Baozi is really a magical thing. It can be filled with meat fillings, vegetable fillings, sweet fillings...one thing can satisfy everyone's taste!"

Sun Lei looked at the steaming steamers with a smile.

"Military advisor, do you think the Kingdom of Jin has prepared enough military rations?"

Sun Lei looked at Xu Guanzhong and asked. The two sides were still testing. The competition at this time was endurance and logistics. He was curious about what the Jin people were eating.

"According to the intelligence, Jin Guo started preparing dried meat a few months ago. This is also the dry food they often bring with them when they go hunting in the mountains."

Xu Guanzhong said.

"Dried meat? So that's what it is!"

Sun Lei nodded. This thing is in line with the habits of the northern nomads at this time. It is easy to store and feels full.

"Your Majesty, the Jin army has gone to the Xianbei Mountains. I'm afraid the Tatar tribe will join the battle!"

Xu Guanzhong looked to the west and said.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Sooner or later, we'll join, so it's better to get in early and don't pop out in the end to disrupt the situation."

Sun Lei said that the Tata'er tribe was determined to follow the Jin Kingdom, and he had no way to stop them, so he had to deal with them together.

"Your Majesty, the latest news is that we have captured all the outermost positions of the Jin Kingdom!"

Zhu Wu came over and said.

"Not bad, come and eat some steamed buns, freshly steamed!"

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Wu and smiled.

"Baozi? There are so many! The army just won the battle, and now they have hot buns to eat. The fatigue of this battle must be gone!"

Zhu Wu took a bun and took a bite, then laughed as he savored the delicious taste.

"Next, it's time to let those cannon fodders go. Send these first batch of buns to them! Let them have a good meal!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, the first battle has been won, and those cannon fodder should play their role. If the enemy is fooled, then fight. If the enemy is not fooled, then let the cannon fodder move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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