Water Margin people

Chapter 1361 Mounted Shooting

Chapter 1361 Mounted Shooting

Just when everyone was helpless, Temujin and others had gathered the cavalry and began to advance under the cover of horn bows.

"Haha! Kill!"

Temujin laughed wildly.

"How to do?"

Shi Jin looked at Zhang Qing and asked. Among them, Zhang Qing was the one with a real academic background. He only learned some martial arts from his master Wang Jin along the way. He only learned military knowledge when he went to Liangshan.

"Let's retreat. The Hua Rong brothers should be nearby. Their divine arm bows can suppress the enemy!"

Zhang Qing looked at the advancing enemy and thought for a while before saying.

Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun led the soldiers who were best at crossbow shooting in Liangshan. They were also equipped with divine arm bows captured from Tokyo. This kind of crossbow was the pinnacle of the Song Dynasty's ordnance craftsmanship and was specially used to defeat the northern cavalry. , both in terms of range and power, it is the best in the world.

Wanyan Wu Qimai quickly saw the situation on the Tata'er tribe's side. None of them expected that the Tata'er tribe could suddenly gain the upper hand and press forward against the enemy.

"Those black bows!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai squinted his eyes and looked at the archers at the front of Tata'er's army formation, and looked at Hei Gong with a puzzled look on his face.

"This should be the black bow made by the Tatar Department's secret techniques! It is said that the range is very long!"

Wanyan Gao said that he had only heard of these black bows but had never seen them before.

Although the Tata tribe is a grassland tribe, it is different from other grassland tribes. Their territory is to the west of the Xianbei Mountains, and they also go into the mountains for hunting while grazing, so their bow-making technology is the best in the grassland.

"We seem to have hard bows too!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said, they also have hard bows.

But at this moment, Hua Rong arrived with his troops, and he took the lead and led his troops straight towards the Tata'er army formation.

"Well done! Let you see the power of my army!"

When Temujin saw Hua Rong leading his troops to kill him, he smiled cruelly and immediately asked the crossbowmen to prepare in formation. Once the enemy entered, they would immediately release arrows.

Hua Rong saw the enemy's bow and arrow array and sneered.

"The vanguard will follow me!"

With a whistle, Hua Rong led a small group of cavalry to break away from the team and move forward quickly.

"Fire arrows!"

Temujin saw that Hua Rong dared to charge with a small army, and regardless of the reason, he directly ordered the arrows to be fired. As long as Hua Rong was killed, the rest would not be a problem.

However, after Hua Rong saw the enemy firing arrows, he immediately went to the side and did not continue to charge.

"The range is one hundred and fifty steps, no wonder!"

Hua Rong took one look and calculated the power of the enemy's black bow.

"Go on, shoot him!"

Temujin did not expect Hua Rong to avoid this round of arrows, and immediately urged to shoot.

Hua Rong did not stop and retreated back with his soldiers. After hearing Po Feng behind him, Hua Rong turned sideways to avoid an arrow. He reached out and grabbed the arrow.

"The wood is tough, it has tail feathers, the arrowhead...this arrowhead is good, it's actually made of fine iron!"

Hua Rong looked at the arrow in his hand and nodded.

Hua Rong successfully returned to the center.

"Change your clothes, God's Arm Bow!"

Hua Rong shouted to the soldiers that ordinary bows and arrows could not deal with the enemy's black bow, only this divine arm bow could.

The Divine Arm Bow is the core secret of the Song Dynasty's ordnance, and it has always been strictly controlled, but this has made it easier for them.

There are many types of divine arm crossbows, with different sizes and different ranges. Hua Rong is equipped with strong bows with a range of more than 200 steps.

"Two hundred steps away, run and shoot!"

Hua Rong shouted and led the soldiers to continue charging.

"Here we go again, you can't run away this time!"

Temujin personally took a black bow, and he wanted to use the bow himself this time.

Temujin actually had doubts about Hua Rong's purpose just now, so he deliberately held back his hand. Their black bow had a range of 180 steps, and he deliberately did not fully fire the bow just now.

When Temujin saw Hua Rong leading his troops to attack, he took aim with his bow and arrow.

But just two hundred steps away, Hua Rong suddenly whistled and began to circle around with his troops. At the same time, a divine arm bow was aimed at the Tatar military formation.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The crossbow machine was triggered, and the crossbow arrows flew towards the enemy like locusts.

"What is this!"

Temujin's eyes widened and he looked at all this in disbelief. The enemy was still two hundred steps away. How could he shoot from such a long distance?

As a master of bow playing, Temujin knew very well that the range of the bow was related to the pulling force. A hard bow that exceeded 200 steps was no longer able to be drawn by ordinary people.

"That's the Divine Arm Bow of the Song Dynasty!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai and others saw all this, and they recognized the Divine Arm Bow. They had also suffered this loss before. This Divine Arm Bow was a kind of crossbow with a range of more than 250 steps.


The soldiers around Temujin screamed, and a hail of arrows killed half of the spearmen defending in front of them.


The leaders roared, seeing how powerful the enemy's crossbows were and they did not dare to be careless.

"Haha, compared to a crossbow?"

Fusheng laughed and said, they are not afraid of anyone other than bows and crossbows.

"Hey, there are too few firearms now, otherwise we would just jump into them with our guns!"

Shi Jin curled his lips and said that he used to learn martial arts randomly at home, but only started to learn martial arts systematically after meeting Wang Jin. He was not proficient in bows and crossbows.

However, after seeing the power of firearms, these problems were easily solved. Firearms only require simple practice to be able to operate them skillfully, which is not difficult for him.

"Haha, when the technology matures, it will be available!"

Fusheng also smiled and asked him to practice crossbows. It would be difficult to achieve results within a few years, but if it was a firearm, ten days would be enough.

Hua Rong led the cavalry and fired around the enemy's formation. The enemies screamed and fell to the ground wherever they passed.


Temujin roared angrily. The range of their bows and crossbows was not as good as the enemy's. If they tried to fight with their crossbows at this time, they would be courting death. They could only attack and charge forward to fight the enemies in close combat.

When Hua Rong saw that the enemy had given up their bows and crossbows and charged towards them, he stopped shooting and quickly evacuated with his soldiers. Although mounted shooting was powerful, it would slow down the horseman's speed and make it easy for the cavalry to catch up.

"It's our turn!"

Zhang Qing said.


Sui Sheng and Zhang Qing roared and led their troops to charge again.

In the middle of the battlefield, the trapped camp that had rested for the night moved, and Li Kui appeared in front of the formation holding an axe!

"Children, get some rest!"

Li Kui clapped his two axes, and the sound spread throughout the military formation, and he shouted to the soldiers.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The response was a loud shout of kill.


Li Kui roared and charged again with his heavily armored infantry.

The Jin army had no good way to deal with this heavy armored infantry, so they could only block it with military formations.

"That's strange, where did Yue Fei go?"

Jin Wushu looked at the battlefield around him and whispered. He searched the battlefield all night and found no trace of Yue Fei.

"Will you be in the Chinese Army?"

Wanyan Jinpinzi looked at Jin Wushu and said.

"Is Yue Fei so tolerant?"

Jin Wushu didn't believe it. The battle had reached this point, and Yue Fei could still stay in the Chinese army?

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