Water Margin people

Chapter 200 The Chaotang in Tokyo

Chapter 200 The Chaotang in Tokyo

Tokyo Bianliang Zichen Palace.

On the vermilion lacquer square platform in the center of the Zichen Hall, Emperor Zhao Ji sat on a golden lacquer carved dragon throne, behind which was a carved dragon screen. On both sides of the square platform, there were six tall golden dragon pillars, each of which was coiled with a vigorous golden dragon.

Below are officials in purple, red, and blue official robes, each wearing a long-winged official hat, holding a facing board, and standing with their heads bowed.

"If there is something to do, go to work and play early, and if there is nothing to do, roll the curtain and retreat."

The head official beside Zhao Ji took a few steps forward and shouted in a shrill voice, the voice of the male duck echoed in Zichen Hall.

At this time, Zhao Ji was a little absent-minded, he was thinking about the words he wrote last night, and now he seemed to feel a little less in retrospect.

"I still need to discuss it with Cai Jing! If my handwriting has a little more muscle and bone, it will be perfect!"

Zhao Ji thought silently in his heart that Cai Jing's calligraphy is also unique in the world. As he grows older, he becomes more calm and cheerful, and his bones are strong. It seems that he has to find Cai Jing to learn more about calligraphy.

"Your Majesty, the magistrate of Jeju has urgently reported that Sun Lei and other villains are entrenched near Liangshanshuipo, and the people have suffered greatly from them. Not long ago, the thieves broke into Qinghe County and committed crimes in public. The Jeju Prefecture has insufficient troops and it is difficult to subdue them. Please look forward to your Majesty as soon as possible." Send heavenly soldiers to destroy bandits and save the people from bandits."

An official came out to play.

"Why are they thieves again? Where are there so many thieves in this world?"

Zhao Ji said irritably that his ears were numb when he heard about the thieves. The thieves have never stopped making troubles in the past few years since he became the throne. There are thieves here or there. To break the county government and kill officials is also to send troops to suppress them.

"Tell me, why are there so many thieves!"

The more Zhao Ji thought about it, the more angry he became. Suppressing thieves is a trivial matter, but every time he mobilizes troops and horses, he needs a lot of money and food.

"Your Majesty, today the world is full of thieves. Corrupt officials are rampant, and the people are living in dire straits. I hope that Your Majesty will pardon the crimes and be merciful, save punishment and tax, and bring peace to the people!"

A censor came out of class to play.

"Nonsense, is it true that the world is full of corrupt officials and you are an honest official? Thieves have existed since ancient times. These thieves are all rebellious and unscrupulous. They should be hacked to death to scare the world."

Gao Qiu was thinking not to speak at first, because the emperor had forgotten who Sun Lei was and thought he was a local thief, but Yu Shi actually followed the emperor's words, which made him unhappy, the emperor could forget about him Gao Qiu Qiu's blood feud, these officials can't forget, if they don't speak up, they will be ridiculed.

"Gao Taiwei, I don't know how many thieves we have exterminated in our dynasty. Isn't every time we destroy a thieves the punishment of the Ming Dynasty? But when did the thieves ever subside?"

The admonishing doctor Zhao Ding said.

"What do you mean, you want to speak for the bandits?"

Gao Qiu stared at Zhao Ding intently, he had already seen the suppressed smiling faces of those civil servants.

"Lieutenant Gao, I'm just discussing the matter as it stands, the problem of thieves is endless."

Zhao Ding said righteously, he didn't have any selfish intentions in what he said, and banditry would only get worse if it was purely suppressed.

"Then what do you say?"

Gao Qiu looked at Zhao Ding fiercely and asked.


Zhao Ding's answer was very simple, just two words.


The originally quiet officials whispered to each other, and the slender hat wings swayed from side to side so that it was not chaotic.

"Recruitment? Those are rebels. I heard that the thief opened a government office by the water, built a town, and trained troops and horses. This time, two thousand soldiers and horses in Jeju will train envoys, arrest envoys, and inspect the princes of Yu." They were all captured by thieves, and it is well known that these thieves are treacherous, so you want to recruit them?"

Gao Qiu directly made it clear that these civil servants protect each other, saying that the local state government failed to do its best, but in fact it was a disastrous failure.

"There are still such villains, so when will we not suppress them?"

At this time, Zhao Ji also thought of Sun Lei. Isn't this the same Sun Lei who killed Gao Yanei last year and turned Tokyo upside down? His nickname is Monkey King.

"Your Majesty, the war in the north is about to start. Liao and Xixia's yearly coins are soaring this year. The frontier defense is urgent. Tokyo really has no soldiers, horses, food and grass to adjust!"

Taiwei Su said when he left the shift.

These words directly dispelled Zhao Ji's idea of ​​sending troops to destroy Liangshan. Compared with Liao and Xixia, a grass bandit in a water park is nothing at all. Thinking of the lions in Liao and Xixia opening their mouths this year, Zhao Ji felt depressed for a while. Why is the world like this? What a hassle, he just wants to write, paint, recite poems, make rocks in the "Long Live Mountain", and find some beauties and concubines. This is the life he wants.

"Your Majesty, there is actually another advantage to recruiting security."

Su Taiwei saw that the emperor had given up the idea of ​​sending troops and continued.

"Oh? What good?"

Hearing the benefits, Zhao Ji became interested, what benefits can a grass-headed cottage have.

"Your Majesty, the war in the north is urgent, and there is a shortage of fierce and deadly people. These grassroots are a disaster in the local area. If they are recruited to the court, they will be able to resist foreign enemies. Just like the previous Shijiedu envoys, there are many capable people among the people. , if it is brought back to the imperial court, it will be the blessing of His Majesty, the blessing of the world!"

Taiwei Su said.

"These are rebels, and their rebellious intentions are obvious. If they are ignored, there will be others who come after them. They must be severely punished!"

An envoy behind Gao Lian spoke.

"At the time of Emperor Taizu, there were bandits in Changzhou and Runzhou. Taizu Zhao sent Liu Kai to deal with the bandits. After Liu Kai arrived, he used two methods to appease the bandits. One was to give money, and the other was to give his clothes to the bandits. The leader, and let the head of the thief stay by his side - to show respect and trust to others. In just half a year, there were no thieves in the land of the two states, and Liu Kai was promoted by the Taizu to the supervisory censor."

"Afterwards, there were bandits near Tokyo who often harassed the people. So the Taizu decreed that they would be exempted from the charges and promised not to kill them, so these people immediately accepted. In order to show their trust and importance, Taizu not only gave them Qian gave them clothes and promoted them to become officials. During the Zhenzong and Renzong periods, thieves and bandits were often recruited.”

"Your Majesty's decree to call for security is in line with the way of the ancestors who governed the country with benevolence and righteousness. When the world's thieves and bandits hear about it, they will be ashamed and disperse."

Zhao Ding began to introduce the allusions of the emperors of the Song Dynasty. With these examples, it is easy to convince the emperor.

Zhao Ji was a little moved when he heard this, and he could solve the banditry problem without spending a single soldier, money and food, and let the bandits go to defend the border and defend the country, which is a good thing that kills three birds with one stone.

"Your Majesty! The minister is miserable! The son of the minister died a miserable death!"

At this moment, Gao Qiu suddenly fell down on the ground and began to cry loudly, showing no demeanor of the Sanya Taiwei at all.

"Gao Aiqing, what are you doing?"

Looking at the crying Gao Qiu, Zhao Ji said helplessly, thinking of Gao Qiu's attentive service on weekdays, and also thinking that Sun Lei is Gao Qiu's murderous enemy, so he couldn't go through with the edict of recruiting security.

The officials in the court looked at Gao Qiu who had no manners on the ground with contempt, but Gao Qiu disturbed the matter of Zhao'an so much, it was considered embarrassing. It really works in the classroom, but it's a pity that none of the people present can pull down their face like Gao Qiu and disregard their dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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