Water Margin people

Chapter 31 Want to leave after offending the abbot?

Chapter 31 Want to leave after offending the abbot?

After resting at Taigong Liu's estate for two days, Sun Lei bid farewell to Lu Zhishen and left. Before leaving, he wanted to buy a carriage from Taigong Liu and let the old woman build a carriage so that he could travel faster.

As a result, Mr. Liu had a problem. There were no horses in his estate, so there would be no carriages, only ox carts and sedan chairs.

Sun Lei didn't think about the ox cart at all. Although the ox cart was stable, it was heavy and the horse was too slow.

The sedan chair is even more nonsense. Lu Zhishen is willing to carry it, but Sun Lei is still unwilling, and it is impossible to hire a bearer to go all the way to Yan'an Mansion. No one is willing to go such a long way. It will take half a month to go to Yan'an Mansion quickly. People can't carry this thing for more than half a month.

In the end, I could only ask Taigong Liu a few words. If the officials in the government asked about it, they would say that they went to the mountains to suppress bandits, and then they never returned. Yes, Li Zhong will definitely be honest for a long time.

Liu Taigong knew that Lu Zhishen and Sun Lei won the rewards and were not short of money, and they were going to Yan'an Mansion again, so he prepared a lot of beef jerky, sesame seed cakes, and fine wine for them to take with them on the road.

Naturally, Lu Zhishen liked these things very much, thanked Mr. Liu repeatedly, took out a piece of jerky, took a wine bag, and started eating and drinking.

Lu Zhishen couldn't carry so many things, and Sun Lei didn't want to carry them even more. It was not safe for an old woman to ride on a taller horse, so she rode a donkey with everything on the back of the white horse. Lu Zhishen led the horse, and Sun Lei led the donkey, Going in the direction of Taiyuan Mansion and Yan'an Mansion in this way, the old lady sat on the back of the donkey and still chanted that sentence back and forth.

"Brother, you are not really the eldest grandson of this old lady, are you? The Sa family heard her call you Dalang very kindly, it doesn't seem like a fake! Did you forget it!"

Lu Zhishen led the horse, put his Zen stick, jiedao, and baggage on the saddle, and asked Sun Lei while he gnawed on a piece of beef jerky that was as thick as a whistle stick.

"The old lady is not light-headed. She obviously recognized the wrong person. It must be like this. Look at me like someone who will forget such an important thing!"

Sun Lei pointed to his head, meaning that he is sane, has no amnesia, and will never forget the appearance of his relatives!
"That's weird. There are so many people in Zhending Mansion, why did the old lady mistake you?"

Lu Zhishen still looked at Sun Lei suspiciously, it was too strange.

"Why do you care so much? You are a monk, you have to be merciful, why do you look reluctant?"

Sun Lei was annoyed by Lu Zhishen's gossip, ignored Lu Zhishen, took the water bottle from the horse, handed it to the old woman, and asked her to take a sip.

Lu Zhishen looked at Sun Lei in amazement. Normally, Sun Lei was not so kind-hearted, and he even knew how to take the initiative to bring water to the old man.

"Brother, you are much more kind-hearted than Sajia. You are really compassionate. If you don't go out, you will ruin your kindness. The world is dangerous, but the temple is clean!"

Lu Zhishen repeated the old saying, and wanted to drag Sun Lei to become a monk.

"The temple is clean. I think Wenshu Monastery is in chaos. If it weren't for Elder Zhizhen sitting in charge, I don't know what kind of chaos it would be."

Living in Wenshu Monastery for a few days, Sun Lei also knows some things. Wenshu Monastery looks good, but in fact, except for Elder Zhizhen, there are not many people who are compassionate. They all look at money. The treatment of pilgrims without money is very different, and monks are also fighting openly and secretly for the rights of the monastery.

"However, I am very surprised. The monks all have seniority. This can be seen from the name of the Dharma. For example, Elder Zhizhen, and Zen Master Zhiqing from Daxiangguo Temple in Tokyo. There are more than 70, and if you become the abbot or abbot of a temple, you are all eminent monks. How can you, a monk who has just become a monk, be called Zhishen? This is not a mess of generations. ? Are you actually his younger brother?"

Seeing that nothing happened on the road, Sun Lei asked the question that had been puzzling him all the time. The temple is a place where seniority is very important, and the dharma name actually represents seniority. This cannot be taken randomly, but Lu Zhishen's dharma name is Zhishen It was Elder Zhizhen who took it with an empty certificate, and now Lu Zhishen's dharma name on the certificate is Zhishen.

"You also find it strange that you talk about the Sajia. Why is the Sajia Dharma name and the elder generation?"

Lu Zhishen stroked his bald head and was also puzzled. Only then did he realize that the name of the Dharma was wrong. No wonder the monks in the courtyard were not friendly to him. It turned out that he became a master and ancestor as soon as he entered the door.

"Brother, you have already thought of it? Why didn't you ask the elders on the mountain?"

Lu Zhishen couldn't figure it out, so he looked at Sun Lei, he could have asked the elders if he had said this earlier, but now that he's down the mountain, how can he figure it out.

"Come on, I don't know if there are any Buddhist taboos in this. What if I offend the elders with this question? As the saying goes, if you offend the abbot, you still want to leave? I don't want to be imprisoned in Wenshu Monastery for the rest of my life! water."

"Besides, this name is yours. It's fine if you like it or not. I wish you could be the abbot and abbot. The monastery makes a lot of money. If you take care of me when the time comes, we can still make a fortune!"

Sun Lei laughed and said, the monastery is a big business, in addition to the sesame oil money donated by pilgrims, there are other businesses, Wenshu Monastery has a street deed at the foot of Wutai Mountain, and the rent collection is weak, and there are a lot of fields The deed is leased to farmers for farming, and the rent can be collected a lot. The temple does not pay taxes. Sun Lei couldn't bear the commandments.

"What kind of money do you make? Buddhism is a pure place. You should be compassionate and take it as your mission to save all living beings."

Lu Zhishen said with a serious face, and then took out a Buddhist scripture from his arms.

"The elder said that Sajia has great wisdom and has a predestined relationship with the Buddha. He will become a Buddha immediately when he realizes it. You should read more Buddhist scriptures on weekdays!"

Lu Zhishen flipped through the Buddhist scriptures in his hand after taking a sip of wine.

"Wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha kept it in his heart. This sentence is prepared for you. This wine and meat can't leave your mouth, but you can hold Buddhist scriptures in your hands with a solemn face. You are indeed a senior person and a role model for my generation! I am really ashamed of myself. !"

Seeing Lu Zhishen's shameless look, Sun Lei mocked speechlessly, holding wine and meat in one hand and Buddhist scriptures in the other, pretending to be an eminent monk.

After the joke was over, I found that Lu Zhishen didn't speak anymore, and looked at the Buddhist scriptures with a serious face. He looked a bit like a Buddhist monk. If it wasn't for the wine and meat, he really couldn't tell he was a monk.

Sun Lei didn't believe it, and rubbed his eyes. Lu Zhishen was still the same, except for drinking wine and eating meat from time to time, he really looked like an eminent monk.

After two days of driving away from Taohua Village, I have already entered the deep mountains, and I saw another mountain road ahead, and a large red pine forest.

"Brother, let's take a rest, Sajia is hungry."

After reading it, Lu Zhishen couldn't take it anymore, stuffed the Buddhist scriptures back into his arms, and cried out hungry at noon.

"Are you going to be hungry after walking all the way?"

Sun Lei led the donkey to a big tree, and the sun was shining at noon, so he sat in the shade of the tree, helped the old woman to sit down, and began to eat dried meat and sesame seed cakes.

"Liu Taigong really understands you. He has prepared so much food, otherwise you will finish the meal."

(End of this chapter)

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