Water Margin people

Chapter 456 Face Fruit

Chapter 456 Face Fruit
White Tiger Mountain.

"The pedant came just in time. I was talking about the Sanshan incident with Brother Song Jiang, pedant, how is the matter going!"

Chao Gai asked with a smile when he saw Wu Yong coming over.

"Three Mountains!"

Wu Yong wanted to talk to Chao Gai alone, but Chao Gai said it directly in front of Song Jiang, and he couldn't avoid answering.

"I have already released the news that Qingzhou is going to quell the banditry. The golden-haired tiger Yanshun of Qingfeng Mountain, the short-legged tiger Wang Ying, the white-faced gentleman Zheng Tianshou, and the tiger-fighting general Li Zhong of Taohua Mountain all want to form an alliance. It's just the golden-eyed tiger of Erlong Mountain. Deng Long didn't reply."

Wu Yong looked at Chao Gai and said, the place they chose to gather was Erlong Mountain, but Deng Long ignored it completely, just thinking about dominating Erlong Mountain and relying on the favorable location to defend it.

"That guy Deng Long doesn't know how powerful he is! I'll lead someone to kill him!"

Chao Gai was furious when he heard this, and slapped the armrest of the high chair. He wants to rule Qingzhou now, Deng Long is so ignorant that he can only do it.

"The king of heaven must be angry. They are all brothers in Qingzhou. In my opinion, it's better to be courteous before fighting."

Song Jiang looked at Chao Gai with a smile and said.

Song Jiang smiled and raised his glass to Li Zhong.

"By the way, Brother Song Jiang, I also have five or seven hundred people in Taohuashan. I don't know when I will fight Qingzhou! Recently, there are rumors in Qingzhou that Qingzhou government will send troops to suppress it."

Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong with a smile and asked, although he stopped the matter, but after all, he was a newcomer and was not familiar with the terrain around Qingzhou, so he had to rely on Wu Yong to lead the way.

Song Jiang still said with a smile.

Song Jiang replied with a smile.

"Brother Gongming, please sit down!"

Song Jiang insisted on going.

Song Jiang comforted Li Zhong with a smile. Seeing that Li Zhong was interested in the hero meeting, he talked about some things in the hero meeting, which aroused Li Zhong's amazement.

Hearing this, Li Zhong looked at the people and shouted. He had heard reports from his followers that there was a group of people coming towards Baihu Mountain. He thought they were spies from the Qingzhou Mansion. Very powerful.

Li Zhong bowed his head to Song Jiang.

Seeing Song Jiang's insistence, Chao Gai agreed. He had asked many times before, but the people from the three mountains didn't give him face, and now he doesn't bother to go again.

Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong with a smile and said.

Seeing that the time was right, Song Jiang looked at Li Zhong and said.

Wu Yong looked at Song Jiang and replied.

Chao Gai looked at Song Jiang and said.

"Baihushan Song Jiang begged to see Li Zhong, the tiger-fighting general of Peach Blossom Mountain!"

"Where is Brother Li Zhong..."

"Brother, please come into the cottage, and younger brother wants to have a drink with brother!"

"The king of heaven wants to rule Qingzhou. Wouldn't this killing each other make outsiders laugh at him, and also destroy the loyalty of the king of heaven? I'm quite shameless, so let me talk about it!"

Li Zhong looked at Song Jiang and asked, just now Song Jiang mentioned Baihu Mountain when he reported his family name.


However, Chao Gai felt that he had lost face and refused to forgive him.

Wu Yong didn't expect the situation to turn out like this, Song Jiang took the lead in what he had planned so hard, and Chao Gai didn't even realize that Song Jiang's act of overstepping.

After walking for half a day, Song Jiang arrived at the foot of Peach Blossom Mountain.

Song Jiang immediately opened his mouth and said, as if he listened to Wu Yong's words, which made Wu Yong feel relieved. Although Song Jiang acted a little insidiously, he was able to listen to what he said.

"Then please trouble Brother Song Jiang."

"That's right, Brother Li Zhong, Qingzhou's army is approaching menacingly, Chao Tianwang is also thinking of the brothers in Qingzhou's mountains."

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Zhong greeted Song Jiang and the others to go up the mountain with a smile.

"Brother Gongming, I just heard that you fell grass on Baihu Mountain?"

"Brother Li Zhong, you are being polite, they are all Jianghu brothers!"

Seeing Chao Gai nodding his head with a smile, Wu Yong clasped his fists at Song Jiang and answered.

On the second day, Song Jiang took Wu Yong, Dai Zong, Mu Hong, and Mu Chun down Baihu Mountain.

"That's right, I met Chao Tianwang at the Liangshanbo Heroes Conference, and I was invited by Chao Tianwang, and now I'm on Baihu Mountain!"

"Brother Li Zhong is indeed a hearty hero, I respect Brother Li Zhong!"

These words made Song Jiang's eyelids twitch, Wu Yong's emphasis on Chao Gai's existence was somewhat interesting.

Song Jiang pulled Chao Gai and said, how could he let go of such a good opportunity?Whoever can persuade those people, those people will follow.

"For the sake of the brothers in Qingzhou, my younger brother will never hesitate."

Song Jiang quickly declined, and Li Zhong was not willing to let Li Zhong take the chief seat. Song Jiang took the seat after some refusals.

"Mr. Jia Liang, where shall we go first?"

"It's Song Jiang!"

"Mr. Jia Liang, please go with me!"

"Everything is according to Brother Gongming!"

"This is the closest to Peach Blossom Mountain, why not go to Peach Blossom Mountain first to find Tiger Fighter Li Zhong."

"Thank you Brother Song Jiang!"

Li Zhong clasped his fists at Song Jiang and replied.

Song Jiang shouted with a smile outside the gate of Baihu Mountain, keeping his posture very low.

Song Jiang was quick-witted and proficient in hospitality, which was far beyond that of Li Zhong, a rough guy like Li Zhong. Song Jiang led the banquet from the very beginning.

Wu Yong looked at Li Zhong and said.

On Peach Blossom Mountain, Li Zhong ordered the slaughter of cattle and sheep, and held a large banquet.

"Quickly open the mountain gate!"

"It's best if you are willing to go out, so I'll go to Qingfeng Mountain and Baihu Mountain."

Li Zhong shook his head with a smile and said, he also wanted to participate in the hero meeting, but unfortunately his strength was not enough.

Li Zhong raised his glass in fear.

"Brother Song Jiang, what are you talking about? I haven't repaid my life-saving grace, so what gift do you need?"

Song Jiang smiled and helped Li Zhong up.

"Okay, let's go to Peach Blossom Mountain first!"

"The Heroes Conference? Brother Gongming and King Chao Tianwen actually went. He is indeed a famous brother in Jianghu. I am ashamed of my little brother!"

Song Jiang replied with a smile.

"Heavenly King, my younger brother has just come to the cottage, how can I sit in this position if I don't do something? I'd better let my younger brother go there."

"Brother Li Zhong, Qingzhou Mansion is about to encircle and suppress all the mountains. King Chao Tian intends to unite the people from all the mountains to fight together. I am here today to invite Brother Li Zhong. I wonder what Brother Li Zhong thinks?"

"Hey, the Heavenly King is the future Lord of Qingzhou. How come he came down from the mountain so easily? Isn't that a shame? I'd better go for a walk, just to give the Heavenly King a gift!"

"I've said good things, I've said the truth, this guy doesn't show any face, he must be beaten until he begs for mercy!"

"Li Zhong, a villain who fights tigers, only heard of brother Gongming's name. I only regret that I don't have the chance to meet him. I am lucky enough to meet you today. Please be respected by my younger brother!"

As soon as Li Zhong heard this, he immediately asked the minions to open the mountain gate, and personally took people out to meet Song Jiang.

Chao Gai said with a smile.

After drinking, Li Zhong looked at Song Jiang and asked again. This was what he had been worried about all along. If the Qingzhou Mansion was really attacked by an army, the Taohuashan family would not be able to stop it.

Li Zhong greeted Song Jiang on his seat.

"Song Jiang? Timely Rain Song Jiang? But Brother Song Gongming from Yuncheng Timely Rain?"

"After I finish visiting the other two mountains, everyone will gather together for a decisive battle with the Qingzhou Army!"

Song Jiang replied with a smile.

"Brother Song Jiang wants to go to the other two mountains? With Brother Song Jiang on board, joining the other two mountains will not be a problem!"

Li Zhong was overjoyed when he heard that, the reason why the mountains in Qingzhou couldn't unite was because they lacked a good man who could convince everyone. Although Chao Gai had some reputation, he was still far behind Song Jiang's Timely Rain.

(End of this chapter)

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