Water Margin people

Chapter 580 Departing from Dengzhou

Chapter 580 Departing from Dengzhou
"I'm afraid this person won't be able to escape my brother's Wuzhi Mountain."

Xiao Jiasui said with a smile, disaster victims?What are disaster victims?The past two years can be regarded as good weather. What these people suffered was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

Natural disasters are easy to cure, but man-made disasters are hard to get rid of.

"Haha, let him see what powerlessness is."

Sun Lei looked at Zhang Shuye in the distance and said with a smile, ninety percent of the victims in Liangshanbo were plundered by the Xicheng Office, and behind the Xicheng Office were Yang Jian and other corrupt officials, and behind them was the emperor. All of these people Zhang Shuye Can't shake it.

"Report, brother, there is news that the navy is back!"

Shi Xiu ran over to report.

"It looks like there's good news again!"

Sun Lei laughed and led people back to the Juyi Hall.

In the Gathering Hall, the banquet was over, and the drunks were sent to rest.

A group of navy soldiers is standing in the hall.

"Tell me, how is the situation in Dengzhou?"

Sun Lei asked impatiently after sitting down.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the navy has already controlled the islands off the coast of Dengzhou, and raided the Dengzhou navy, destroyed its warships, and wiped out the Dengzhou navy in subsequent naval battles, capturing countless..."

When the soldiers saw the situation in Dengzhou, they reported everything to them, and they also handed over Ruan Xiaoer's military report.

"Well, well done, go down and rest!"

Sun Lei nodded and signaled the soldiers to go to rest. They must be tired from rushing all the way back.

"I didn't expect Junshi Xu to go to Liaodong. Fortunately, Xiao Qi, Zhang Shun and Ma Daochang followed."

Sun Lei murmured after handing the military report to a few people around him.

"Brother, but what's the problem?"

Seeing that Sun Lei was frowning, Wen Huanzhang was a little puzzled. The naval army had won a complete victory this time, and had completely controlled the Bohai Sea and the East China Sea. This was a great joy.

"I didn't expect the Dengzhou General Judge to be Zong Ze!"

Sun Lei shook his head and said, he can still ignore Wang Shizhong, but Zong Ze can't, he is more powerful than Zhang Shuye, Yue Fei was promoted by him.

"Zong Ze? My little brother has never heard of this person."

Wen Huanzhang looked at the name of Dengzhou Tongjuan on the military newspaper, shook his head and said, he lived outside Tokyo for a long time, and he made good friends with officials. He has an impression of famous officials. Zongze is just a general of Dengzhou Prefecture. He has never served in Tokyo, and has no outstanding deeds. There are not many such officials in the world.

"That's how some people get buried."

Sun Lei shook his head and said, Zong Ze's personal history is extremely legendary, but if the last few sheets of paper are torn away, he is a small official, an ordinary person.

Jinshi in his 30s, started as a county lieutenant, then became a county magistrate in various places, and traveled around for more than [-] years. The highest should be the current official position of Dengzhou General Judge. How many prefectures are there in the world?Tong San is even more worthless, but looking at Zong Ze like this can be regarded as extremely ordinary.

But the legend was in the last two years of his life, in the first year of Jingkang, Zongze, who was demoted to Bazhou, got a chance and was ordered to lead troops to fight against the gold. Jin Bing finally met his opponent. Zongze won all thirteen battles, and Jin Bing was so frightened that he called him Grandpa.

It's a pity that Song Dynasty has been rotten to the root, and good suggestions are not adopted at all. Zhao Gou only wants to hide in the south of the Yangtze River and have fun, and has no intention of regaining his homeland northward.In the end, Zong Ze's ambition was unrewarding, and he became ill with anxiety and anger. He shouted "cross the river" three times on his deathbed, and died at seventy, which can be regarded as sad and lamentable.

Sun Lei didn't know how powerful Zong Ze was, but he was able to defeat the Jin Bing thirteen formations in a row, and his ability lay here, so he really didn't dare to be careless.

"Send an order to Xiaoer and the others, telling them not to attack Dengzhou City rashly."

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Wu and said, with people like Zong Ze around, we must be more careful. Fortunately, Dengzhou has no sailors and warships. As long as the sailors don't go ashore, no matter how powerful Zong Ze is, he won't be able to do anything about it.

"Yes, brother!"

Zhu Wu picked up the pen and began to write the order.

Xiao Jiasui, Wen Huanzhang, Li Zhu and the others didn't say much, Sun Lei thought that person was extraordinary, he definitely had something unique, Sun Lei had never paid so much attention to a person.

"Brother, Dengzhou Prefecture is unable to go to sea now. It should be safe for the army to control the island group. My younger brother is worried about the situation in the north and Liaodong. There are too few people around Xu Junshi. If he encounters Liao soldiers, he may be in danger. "

Li Zhu said that he is very unfamiliar with Liaodong, but the north is full of foreigners, if Xu Guanzhong goes too deep, he may have accidents.

"It looks like I'm going to Dengzhou!"

Sun Lei thought for a while before he said, the changes in Zongze and Liaodong in Dengzhou made him a little restless, and relying on the navy alone may only be able to protect himself.

"Brother, Dengzhou is far away! Don't act rashly!"

Everyone said in unison, Sun Lei, as the lord of Liangshan, nothing can happen, Dengzhou is thousands of miles away, it is too dangerous to go at this time.

"Don't worry, even if I go, I will bring enough people!"

Sun Lei smiled and said, he is very afraid of death, and he will not go to Dengzhou alone.

Hearing this, everyone was relieved. Liangshan had just defeated the Dongping Mansion and the Jeju Allied Forces. There would be no more wars in the surrounding area in the short term. As long as you are well prepared, you don't have to worry too much about going to Dengzhou.

"Brother, if you go to Dengzhou by land, you have to go to Qingzhou first!"

Xiao Jiasui said, if Sun Lei planned to go overland, all the state capitals along the way would have to be captured.

"No, you can't fight Qingzhou yet, I'll go by water."

Sun Lei shook his head and said, Murong Yanda in Qingzhou has something to do with it. The chain reaction of his actions will be very strong. No matter whether he can go to Dengzhou or not, there will still be wars in Liangshanbo.

"Brother, there is news from Tokyo!"

A leader ran into the Juyi Hall with a letter and said.


Sun Lei narrowed his eyes, took the letter, opened it, and read it.

"Looks like I'm really going to Dengzhou!"

Sun Lei handed the information to everyone.

Ma Lin sent back the news that Tongguan activities in Tokyo were frequent, Dengzhou magistrate Wang Shizhong wrote a letter, and there was a change in Liaodong.

"Exiles from the Liao Kingdom! The Jurchens are so powerful!"

Xiao Jiasui, Wen Huanzhang, Li Zhu, Gongsun Sheng and others changed their faces drastically. They knew that the Jurchens defeated the Liao Kingdom and established the country, but they never expected that the Jurchens would conquer the Dongdong Road of the Liao Kingdom after only half a year.

There are only five capitals in the Liao Kingdom. The Jurchen army took down the Dongdong Road in just over a year. This is such a fighting force. This kind of fighting style may destroy the Liao Kingdom in a few years.

The Great Song Dynasty did not get much benefit from the Liao Kingdom for a hundred years, and Jurchen actually accomplished something that the Great Song Dynasty could not do in a hundred years.

Seeing everyone's astonishment, only Sun Lei sighed in his heart. The Jurchens were far more cruel and terrifying than everyone thought. It is not a joke to start an army from a tribe and destroy Liao in ten years.

"I'm going to block the sea route this time and prevent Da Song from getting in touch with the Jurchens. These people are too stupid. They don't have any skills. They only know how to play tricks. Even the hungry wolf in Liao Kingdom can't take it down. They even want to tame it. Jurchen is a vicious tiger."

Sun Lei looked at the crowd and said, he would never allow such a stupid thing as the Sea Alliance to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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