Water Margin people

Chapter 604 Beat Sun Li

Chapter 604 Beat Sun Li
All the way without incident, the fleet returned to Salmonella Island.

"Brother, there is a new situation in Dengzhou. According to Sun Lilai's report, the imperial court seems to want to transfer water from the south to Dengzhou!"

Ruan Xiaoer got down to business after greeting Sun Lei. He was not good at flattery, so he carried out Sun Lei's orders to the letter.

"The water diverter is coming so soon? Has Zhao Ji changed his mind? When did he become so active?"

Sun Lei asked suspiciously, the efficiency of Zhao Song's court has always been low, why did it change this time.

"This Sun Li didn't explain it, maybe he can't get in touch."

Ruan Xiaoer guessed.

"Can't get in touch? Send someone to tell Sun Li that I want to meet him and talk to him face to face."

Sun Lei looked at Ruan Xiaoer and said, Sun Li won't be able to do without beating him up. This information spread endlessly, it's too perfunctory.

"Yes, brother!"

Ruan Xiaoer immediately clasped his fists and said, it's definitely not appropriate to send Mrs. Gu and the others, they have too many acquaintances in Dengzhou, so they have to find someone they don't know.

"Is there any movement from Zongze?"

Sun Lei asked again that it took him some time to go to Liaodong, and Dengzhou might have changed a bit.

"Brother, Zongze didn't do anything, and the port of Dengzhou is open, and the merchant ships will go to sea in two days."

Ruan Xiaoer said.

"The action is very fast. Has the money been paid?"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"I've given it all, it's very happy, and it was delivered overnight!"

Ruan Xiaoer said with a smile.

"Then let them go. Remember, when they come back, they will take another one. This is called two ends!"

Sun Lei laughed and said, since you are a pirate, you have to be unscrupulous, so that it is not easy to get through.

"Brother, little brother knows how to do it!"

Ruan Xiaoer said with a smile, these things just need to learn from those corrupt officials, no one can do things like collecting money better than those people.



Sun Li looked at the letter in front of him with a sad face.

"Brother, did you ask me to come?"

Luan Tingyu entered the room, looked at Sun Li and asked.

"Brother, Sun Lei has sent a letter, he wants to see me!"

Sun Li pushed the letter to Luan Tingyu.

"Letter from Sun Lei!"

Luan Tingyu's expression changed, looking at the letter was like looking at a poisonous snake and scorpion.

"Sun Lei suspects you?"

Luan Tingyu knew what was inside the letter without reading it.

"I can't talk about it. The letter only said that I want to see me for a detailed discussion."

Seeing that Luan Tingyu didn't want to read the letter, Sun Li knew that he didn't want to get involved too deeply, so he directly lit the letter on the candlestick. This kind of letter must never be kept, once it is leaked, it will be ironclad proof.

"Then are you going?"

Luan Tingyu looked at Sun Li and asked, Sun Li had only sent out one piece of information recently, and it seemed that Sun Lei was not very satisfied with that piece of information.

"Can I not go?"

Sun Li laughed and cried, he is in a dilemma now, Sun Li has regretted it several times these days, if he had known it was like this, he might as well have gone out of the city to Luocao and worked as an undercover agent, fearing that his identity would be leaked all day long. Neither sleep well.

"Where do you meet? Now the control is very strict, if this is discovered..."

Luan Tingyu looked at Sun Li and asked, it didn't matter to Sun Lei that the incident was exposed, but to Sun Li it would be a catastrophe. Fornicating with thieves and betraying the state capital is enough to wipe out the family.

"Brother, is there any news about what I asked you to inquire about?"

Sun Li looked at Luan Tingyu and asked.

"I found out clearly that this time the caravan is mainly going to Annan. There are a total of [-] ships. The goods have already been loaded, and we will wait for the government to release them."

"However, I sneaked into the dock last night and found that one of the ships was a bit weird. Although it was loaded with cargo, it was heavily guarded, and the sailors were not ordinary people."

Luan Tingyu said.

"That's right. The official document says that the Southern Navy will soon send troops to suppress the bandits. I'm afraid this ship is going to contact the navy."

Sun Li said, the southern navy is not familiar with the hydrology of the north, so the Dengzhou government must send someone to lead the way.

The next day, Sun Li went out to patrol the city with a group of soldiers, all of whom were his cronies.

"Go ahead and patrol!"

Outside a forest by the sea, Sun Li sent his troops away and entered the forest by himself.

"Sun Tijutsu is safe and sound!"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and asked.

"elder brother!"

Sun Li quickly saluted Sun Lei who was drinking tea at the table.

"Sit down and have a cup of tea!"

Sun Lei smiled and pointed to the empty seat in front of him.

"Brother, the imperial court has decided to transfer water divisions from the south to Dengzhou. The Dengzhou merchant ships have infiltrated the navy to lead the way to the south. The Zhizhou Wang Shizhong has written several memorials in the past few days, and the general judge Zongze is going to recruit the militia..."

Sun Li uttered all the information he knew, and what he was most afraid of was that Sun Lei would be suspicious of him.

"Drink tea! Drink tea!"

Sun Lei didn't mean to ask in detail, these are not what he is interested in.

"Brother, that's all the information."

Sun Li quickly said that he had collected as much information as possible, why Sun Lei still looked dissatisfied.

"Very good, well done."

Sun Lei nodded.

These words made Sun Li feel relieved, but immediately became nervous again. Since Sun Lei is very satisfied, what is the purpose of calling him here today?Just to meet up?With Sun Lei's status, going ashore is very risky, and there will be no reason.

"However, this information is not of great significance."

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and said.

"Brother, this is already the core secret that I have access to!"

Sun Li hastily said, he is still only in charge of soldiers and horses, and Wang Shizhong and Zong Ze may not necessarily tell him any secrets.

"Intelligence is only one aspect, I have other tasks for you."

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li and smiled.

"Brother, follow orders!"

Sun Li said quickly.

"I want you to get as close as possible to Wang Shizhong and Zongze, and monitor them. Wang Shizhong mainly depends on what he is doing, especially his official letters with Tokyo. It is best to copy a copy. As for Zongze , you keep an eye on him, and if you have a chance, lure him out of the city, and I'll invite him to Salmon Island."

Sun Lei smiled and said.


Sun Li was terrified, approaching and monitoring Wang Shizhong and Zong Ze was nothing, but peeking at official documents or even copying them was extremely risky, and those official documents were locked by Wang Shizhong.And Zongze's side is even more troublesome, it means that he wants to assist in the murder of Zongze, what if he is found out.

"What? Difficult?"

Seeing Sun Li smiling like that, Sun Lei asked, "The Infernal Affairs was not led by him, it was Sun Li's voluntary choice, even with tears in his eyes, he had to finish the performance."

"Brother, I don't know why you are still dealing with Zong Tongju. He is actually a good official, and he is a clean and honest official."

Sun Li didn't directly refuse, but asked in a low voice, compared to peeking at the transcripts, the risk of murdering Zong Ze is greater, and Zong Ze is a very wise person, and he may show his feet if he is a little careless.

"I know he is a good official, so I want to invite him to sit down. I also lack such officials in Liangshanbo."

Sun Lei laughed.

Sun Li had a look of disbelief, what kind of officials would a cottage in Liangshanbo need?
"Hurry up and do things, I'll wait for your good news."

After drinking tea, Sun Lei got up with a smile and said, everyone behind him also left with a smile, leaving only Sun Li sitting there.

(End of this chapter)

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