Chapter 681
While eating and chatting, Lin Chong and others also leaned over, and they all sat down and chatted pretending to have tea and fortune-telling.

"Brother, little brother detected it!"

Guo Sheng came back with a smile.

"What did you find out? Brother, I haven't said anything yet!"

Sun Lei looked at the panting Guo Sheng, this kid really ran back and forth, working hard enough.

"Brother, there is no need to explain this, the Cheng family is on Chongmingmen Inner Street in the west of the city!"

Guo Sheng said with a smile.

"West of the city?"

Lin Chong frowned.

"Any questions?"

Sun Lei looked at Lin Chong suspiciously.

"Brother, it's easy to go to the west of the inner city. The Bian River in the west of the city leads directly to the Yellow River. Many of the people living here are foreigners from the north. The embassies of Liao, Goryeo, and Xixia are all located here. In addition, the residences of generals in the army They are also basically distributed here, including Tong Guan and Gao Lian!"

Lin Chong said.

"Brother Lin Chong is right. Cheng Wanli's house is next to Tong Guan's mansion!"

Guo Sheng said.

"Cheng Wanli used to be just Mr. Menguan in Tong Guan's mansion, he was not considered a person. Now that he has been demoted and recalled, why should he live with Tong Guan? I'm afraid there is something wrong with him!"

Sun Lei stroked his chin and said, Cheng Wanli is Tong Guan's disciple, the highest he was the prefect of Dongping Prefecture, and now he is transferred back to Tokyo to live in such a place, it's really strange that he looks so promoted.

"Brother, why don't you go to Tongguan Mansion to find out!"

Shi Qian immediately spoke.

"For the time being, there is no need, Tong Guan is no better than others, and there are countless masters in the army around him, so we can't startle the snake at this time!"

Sun Lei shook his head, Shi Qian's ability is naturally nothing to say, but now is the wrong time, if he is not careful, he will lose everything.

"Let's go, let's go to the west of the city! To be honest, I haven't visited the west of the inner city much yet!"

Sun Lei got up with a smile and said, he used to either go to the east of the inner city or the west of the outer city, both of which are places where fireworks gather.

To the east of the inner city are Fanlou, Panlou, and Xiaowazi streets, while to the west of the outer city are Dongjiaofang, Xijiaofang and Goulan brothels.

However, the grade of the outer city is much lower than that of the inner city. After all, the inner city is full of dignitaries and dignitaries, while the outer city is home to ordinary people.

Strolling all the way to the west city, the style has changed drastically. There are people of all races on the street, even blonde foreigners and Arabs leading camels.

"Is this Tantra?"

Looking at a strange Buddhist temple, lamas in red robes and cockscomb hats came in and out, and there was a huge prayer wheel inside, Sun Lei was surprised.

"This should be the Yellow Temple."

Lu Zhishen looked at the lamas with purple complexions and said.

Another walk.

"Tokyo is so big that it has everything! Seriously, Fang La should come and live here."

Sun Lei smiled again and pointed to a jacket temple next to him. The jacket temple is the temple of Zoroastrianism, one of the branches of Mingjiao Zoroastrianism. This should be regarded as the main altar.

"Brother, that's Tong Guan's mansion."

After walking for a while, Lin Chong pointed to a large village in the distance and said that there were guards with knives guarding the door.

"Go and sit over there."

Sun Lei pointed to a restaurant on the street and said, the teahouse happened to be able to look at the gate of Tongguan Mansion from a distance.

"Several objective upstairs, please!"

Xiao Er came up to greet him with a smile on his face, and Sun Lei led everyone to sit down by the window on the second floor.

"Serve a table of food and wine, and serve a few jars of good wine!"

Sun Lei threw a piece of silver to the little girl and said.


Xiaoer got the money and sang congratulatory greetings with a smile.

After a while, the good wine and dishes on the table were laid down, and several large jars of wine were also brought up. Lu Zhishen and Wu Song smiled and took the wine jars to let Xiao Er leave, and poured wine for everyone.

"Brother, but what's wrong with Tong Guan's house?"

Shi Qian looked at Sun Lei and asked.

"It's not about the alliance between the Jin Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty. Tong Guan is the leader of this matter, so naturally we should focus on it."

Sun Lei took a sip of wine and said.

"Brother, Tong Guan hasn't moved much recently!"

Shi Qian looked at Sun Lei and said that he was also paying attention to this matter, but Lian Jin Mie Liao didn't seem to mention it much.

"Of course there is no movement. How can Tong Guan share such a great contribution with others? Tong Guan has been in charge of the military for ten years, and he knows how to ask for credit and rewards. He has countless people at the border. Before things improve, there will definitely be no movement in Tokyo. .”

Sun Lei shook his head and said, he won the Bohai Sea and cut off the sea route. Tong Guan had no way to cross the Bohai Sea to contact the Kingdom of Jin, so he could only cross the Liao Kingdom by land.

"Stop talking about that, drink! Drink!"

Lu Zhishen and Wu Song raised their wine bowls and said with a smile, and everyone also picked up their wine bowls to drink together.

Drinking and chatting for more than half an hour, a group of chariots and horses appeared on the street, all the soldiers in front of them were strong soldiers, and each of them was wearing a weapon. When they reached the gate of Tongguan Mansion, the group stopped. An official in a red robe stepped down from the sedan chair.

"Who is this?"

Sun Lei looked at the sedan chair parked at the gate of Tongguan Mansion, and asked.

Ma Lin and Le He looked at each other and shook their heads repeatedly. They knew many high-ranking officials in Tokyo, but there were too many officials in Tokyo.

The guards at the gate of Tongguan Mansion bowed and saluted, and directly opened the gate to welcome the man in without any notification.

"Is it a visit? Tong Guan is a privy envoy. As the year is approaching, there must be quite a few people visiting from the army."

Lin Chong said, when he was the coach, he often went to the Shangguan's house to greet him during this New Year's Eve.

"No, there is no visiting team wearing weapons. This person is wearing a red robe, that is, an official of the fifth or sixth rank. Under normal circumstances, he would never dare to visit Tong Guan like this, unless he is Tong Guan's confidant. "

Wen Huanzhang said, the official ranks are strict, how dare a petty official of the fifth or sixth rank be so rude in front of Tong Guan?

"Pay attention recently."

Sun Lei looked at Tong Guanna's mansion and said.

Everyone left the tavern and continued to walk towards the outer city.

"Brother, this is Cheng Wanli's residence!"

Guo Sheng pointed to a house and said to Sun Lei, the house is not too big, the front door is very new, obviously it has just been cleaned and painted.

But Sun Lei didn't stay, and took everyone away like a walk.

Sun Lei took everyone on a cruise ship. There are four big rivers running through the city of Tokyo, Wuzhang River, Jinshui River, Bian River, and Cai River.

Tokyo is more prosperous than ever, and there is no curfew when it is dark, but the gates of the city will still be closed, and several water gates will also be closed.

Therefore, at night, there are no merchant ships on the four rivers in the city, and large and small flower boats and cruise ships are all over the rivers. It is also a major feature to take a boat trip to Bianliang, Tokyo.

"Paper drunkenness, feasting and feasting, if the world is peaceful, Bianliang, Tokyo is indeed a good place!"

Xiao Jiasui sighed, the prosperity of the world is nothing more than this, but unfortunately this prosperity is only on the surface, under the surface is already riddled with holes, dark tides are surging, and the building is about to collapse.

"Why is Mr. Xiao so sentimental, the prosperity can continue, just replace the dirty, bad, and bad ones!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Brother is right, just cut off the bad ones!"

Xiao Jiasui clasped his fists and said, it's like planting a tree. If there is a problem, you will ruthlessly prune it.

(End of this chapter)

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