Water Margin people

Chapter 801 Enlighten Liu Fa

"Kill me!"

Liu Fa looked at Sun Lei coldly. Brother Li Cha might not know Sun Lei, but he had heard of it long ago in the army. Sun Lei was a famous "evil thief" all over the world.

"General Liu, I spent a lot of money to exchange you back. If I only wanted to kill you, I would never exchange you back."

Sun Lei looked at Liu Fa with a smile.

"It's fine if you deceive those Xixia barbarians, but you can't deceive me. The imperial court can't spend [-] guan to exchange me back!"

Liu Fa looked at Sun Lei and said coldly.

"You are so sure!"

Sun Lei looked at Liu Fa playfully.

"Tong Guan probably hates me now! He wanted me to fight all the way to Xingqing Mansion, but I was defeated in Tong'an City. According to Tong Guan's behavior, all the blame should be placed on me!"

Liu Fa opened his mouth and said, he knows Tong Guan best. He refused to send troops to control Ancheng this time, but Tong Guan issued a death order, insisting that he enter the army, and suppressed him with military orders.

"General Liu is a smart man. He even knows that Tong Guan put the blame on you? Tong Guan really doesn't want to save you, but the generals of the Western Army want to save you! Otherwise, why don't you think that there is no large defensive army at the border? ?”

Sun Lei looked at Liu Fa unexpectedly. It was rumored that Liu Fa was a combat lunatic, and he was unbelievably fierce when fighting. It was common for him to kill enemies and slaughter cities.

"Western Army?"

Liu Fa's lips moved slightly but he didn't speak any more.

"General Liu, I spent a lot of money to rescue you. This is a great kindness! You have to repay me!"

Seeing Liu Fa's gloomy expression, Sun Lei suddenly spoke.

Yue Fei couldn't bear to see Sun Lei's words like this. He was not familiar with Liu Fa, but he had inquired a little bit during this time. He was a real hero who defended his family and country. He admired this kind of hero the most. He didn't allow it. Sun Lei threatened Liu Fa with kindness.

Li Zhu pressed Yue Fei's shoulder and shook his head.

"If my brother didn't like Liu Fa, he wouldn't have put so much effort into saving him. You should take a look first!"

Jiao Ting said in a low voice.

"Boss Sun, I'm afraid Liu Fa won't be able to repay his life-saving grace. Liu Fa is already a useless person!"

Liu Fa smiled casually.

The accompanying military doctor had already stepped forward to check on Liu Fa's injuries.

"Brother, both legs are broken! Even if it is cured, I'm afraid I can barely walk."

The military doctor looked at Sun Lei and shook his head. The injury wasn't too serious, but if he didn't get medical treatment in time, his leg was considered disabled.

Liu Fa didn't react at all when he heard the military doctor's words. He knew the extent of his injuries best in his heart, and he was already useless.

"It's fine if you can't die, and you won't lose money after all!"

Sun Lei didn't care.

Liu Fa looked at Sun Lei suspiciously, he was already a useless person, why did Sun Lei still say that he didn't lose money?With a crippled him and a sound Li Liangfu, Sun Lei was at a disadvantage, and Da Song was at a disadvantage.

"Don't look, your life is mine! Remember to repay your kindness well, don't think that you can renege on a broken leg!"

Seeing Liu Fa looking at him, Sun Lei spoke again.

"Why are you talking like that!"

Yue Fei couldn't bear it anymore. He really couldn't stand Sun Lei talking to a down-and-out hero like this.

"I'm just reminding him, isn't it just that the leg is broken and the head is still there? What I want is him, and those two legs! I, Liangshanpo, have no shortage of people who can be chopped or killed!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, Liu Fa's leg was broken, but what he wanted was Liu Fa's back.

"What do you mean?"

Liu Fa looked at Sun Lei in confusion.

"I heard that Zhuge Liang likes to ride a four-wheeled cart, and let people push him to command the battle. At worst, you should also ride a four-wheeled cart!"

Sun Lei said.

After finishing speaking, Sun Lei left, leaving only Liu Fa with a confused face.

"Brother, this is because Liu Fa is worried about life and death. Do you think he can accept a battle-hardened warrior with disabled legs?"

Ou Peng pulled Yue Fei and said in a low voice, he had seen many disabled veterans, who were powerful on the battlefield, who killed the enemy like chickens and dogs, became disabled because of their disabilities, and many of them became decadent and never came out again .

"Is that so?"

Yue Fei looked at Ou Peng unexpectedly, and then at Liu Fa. Now Liu Fa doesn't seem to be as depressed as before.

"Really get him a four-wheeled cart? When did Zhuge Liang fight on a four-wheeled cart?"

Yue Fei's attention was instantly diverted. Zhuge Wuhou is a celebrity, but I have never heard that he likes to fight on a four-wheeled cart.

"Okay, let's go back to Taiyuan Mansion!"

Lu Zhishen laughed and said, this time it is developed, [-] horses, this is a rare windfall.

"Brother, windfall is not easy to get! We have got so many war horses, Tian Hu, Tong Guan, and the imperial court will not sit idly by."

Qiao Daoqing said in a low voice, it has been a principle since ancient times that windfalls are hard to come by. There are definitely many people staring at [-] horses. If they are alone, it is very dangerous if they are targeted by a large number of enemies.

"This is troublesome. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. You should be more careful when you are pregnant with a lot of money!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, this time he was really a big fat man. If you have wealth, you are afraid that people will worry about it. War horses are what the Central Plains Dynasty will always lack.

"So, you have to step up your military training. My brother's safety depends on you. If something goes wrong, it's all your responsibility."

Sun Lei spoke irresponsibly.

"Brother, I have helped the cottage earn so much money. Whatever you want, I will help you get it. Now is the time for you to share your worries!"

Sun Lei looked at the crowd and said, he can't always take care of everything and some things have to be handed over to his brothers, otherwise they will only become puppets.

"Brother, what shall we do next?"

Ji Sheng asked quickly.

"I don't know, brother, I'm tired, you can figure it out!"

Sun Lei waved his hand.

Back in Taiyuan Mansion, Sun Lei went directly to the mansion office and never showed up again.

"what does this mean?"

Yue Fei looked at the crowd and asked, he was a little overwhelmed by Sun Lei's sudden delegation of authority, now he really can do whatever he wants, the more he is not used to it, after joining Liang Shanbo, he is used to Sun Lei's arrangement of everything .

"It's all up to us! You will also have a battalion of soldiers and horses, it's time to train yourself!"

Li Zhu looked at Yue Fei and said.

"Training what?"

Yue Fei was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

"You can train whatever you want? Liangshanbo has always encouraged and developed our strengths!"

Lu Fang said excitedly, because of the improvement of martial arts, he has been able to lead an army by himself, from a lieutenant general to a general!
Yue Fei was a little dazed, he had always hoped to have an army of his own, but when his dream suddenly came true, he was a little at a loss. "

Everyone didn't speak, and dispersed quickly. Although the horses are all good horses, there is always a distinction between good and bad. Who doesn't want to choose the best horse for themselves.

"If you don't go to Haoma, they will choose you!"

Seeing Yue Fei staring blankly like an idiot, Liu Fa spoke.

"Horse selection!"

It was only at this time that Yue Fei realized that he should go to choose a war horse now, otherwise his harvest of capturing Li Liangfu would be snatched away by others. (end of this chapter)

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