Water Margin people

Chapter 803 Tong Guan

Chapter 803 Tong Guan
"Wang Qing is careful, run away without hitting!"

Sun Lei laughed and said, today he was going to give Wang Qing a blow, but Wang Qing turned around and ran away.

"Brother, Wang Qing only has [-] Pioneers, so naturally he dare not fight brother."

Qiao Daoqing said with a smile.

"Camp in place, I want to see what Tong Guan is capable of!"

Sun Lei nodded and said, Tong Guan is a big idiot, how can such an idiot do without kicking himself.

An hour later, Tong Guan's Chinese army slowly approached.

The [-] troops gathered in one place, and the momentum rose instantly.

"These are Sun Lei's troops?"

The majestic Tong Guan looked at the enemy army in the distance, frowned and said, he can be regarded as a great soldier. He has fought in the north and south for so many years, and he has seen countless enemies. He has rich experience, but Sun Lei's Dajun gave him a strange feeling, an uncomfortable feeling.

"According to the captured captives, Sun Lei only brought [-] soldiers and horses with him when he first came to Hedong, and the rest were bewitched in Hedong during this period."

A general spoke up.

"Bewitched during this time? These are different from Tian Hu and others!"

Tong Guan shook his head and said, he fought all the way up, and he understood the combat strength of Tian Hu's army.

"Tong Xiang, Wang Qing has many subordinates, why not let him try first!"

Xin Xingzong rolled his eyes and said with a smile, Wang Qing had just surrendered, and dozens of generals had been taken in, and they were all appointed officials this time, and now it's time for them to make meritorious service.

"Wang Qing, as a vanguard, you will fight this battle!"

Tong Guan glanced at Wang Qing, he was kind to Wang Qing, not only married his adopted daughter to him, but also promoted him to be an official, now it is time for Wang Qing to repay him.

"The last general takes orders!"

Wang Qing scolded Xin Xingzong in his heart. This guy ran faster than anyone else thanks to his hard work. Now he let himself beat Sun Lei first.

"However, Tongxiang's big event is imminent. If Sun Lei can regain it, wouldn't he be more confident."

Wang Qing rolled his eyes and said with a smile, he didn't want to beat Sun Lei, he was not like Tong Guan, who had high eyesight and looked down on people from the rivers and lakes. It is to annihilate the whole army.

"This statement is justified! Conquering Yanyun is the big deal, Tian Hu is stubborn, if Sun Lei knows the truth, it's not that he can't plead for him!"

Tong Guan smiled and stroked his beard and said, Sun Lei made a huge mistake, but as long as he submits to him, with his power, everything is not a problem, and he can help Sun Lei smooth out any number of things.

"Sun Lei, if you surrender, I will protect your glory and wealth!"

Tong Guan looked at Sun Lei's army and shouted in a deep voice.

"I've always wondered why eunuchs can grow beards? Besides, Tong Guan's complexion is rosy, and his beard is so thick that it doesn't seem like a fake! Could it be that he hasn't been eunuched?"

Seeing Tong Guan shouting, Sun Lei stroked his chin and said in doubt.

"That's not clear. Tong Guan is indeed a eunuch, but he never has the characteristics of a eunuch."

Xiao Jiasui said.

"Tong Guan, it's useless to talk too much, let's fight for a while!"

Sun Lei looked at Tong Guan and smiled.


Tong Guan was furious, he tried to persuade Sun Lei with no affection at all, he just opened his mouth to fight, he really is a gangster.

"Wang Qing!"

Tong Guan looked at Wang Qing beside him and shouted, since Sun Lei wants to beat him, he should beat him hard first.

"Who can play!"

Wang Qing didn't expect Sun Lei to refuse so directly. This is Tong Guan, the privy envoy of the Song Dynasty, the number one celebrity around the emperor, and No.1 in the army of the Song Dynasty. What a wonderful home this is.

But Tong Guan had given the order, he could only watch the generals around him, at this time he could only send people out to fight for a while.

"The final general is willing to go and kill the thief!"

Han Fan clasped his hands at Tong Guan and said, now they are all partial schools and lieutenants, they are just the lowest-level officers, and they are not even qualified. Now they are eager to make meritorious deeds, Tian Hu's men are too weak, they don't have much chance to make meritorious deeds .

"Go ahead!"

Tong Guan glanced at Han Fan, and was very satisfied to see that he was strong and powerful.

"Who dares to come out and fight!"

Han Fan rode out on horseback and roared.

"Han Fan!"

Li Zhu's face was a little gloomy, and he recognized the person coming.

"Han Fan? Mr. Li knows him?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Zhu and asked, but Li Zhu just stared at Han Fan and didn't speak.

"Brother, this person is from Wanzhou! In the past, he was just a bandit near Wanzhou, occupying the hills and looting houses."

Yan Sheng said, he still knows a little about Han Fan.

"Mr. Li, people have their own aspirations, why bother!"

Sun Lei looked at Li Zhu again. Ever since he knew that Huaixi Jianghu took refuge in Tong Guan, Li Zhu's face became a little bad. Li Zhu has been in Huaixi for many years, and he has great affection for Huaixi. Now everyone in Huaixi is taking refuge in the court. , Li Zhu felt the most uncomfortable.

"Brother, there is no need to comfort me. Since they have chosen to become eagle dogs, I will not show mercy!"

Li Zhu took down the sword behind his back.

"Brother, how about letting me play first this time?"

Li Zhu looked at Sun Lei and said.

"Mr. Li, please!"

Sun Lei didn't try to persuade him anymore, although he said that killing a chicken is not a sledgehammer, but this is an internal matter in Huaixi, so Li Zhu should be allowed to go.

Li Zhu hugged Sun Lei with a smile and rode out on horseback.

"Huaixi, come here if you want to die!"

Holding the sword in his left hand, Li Zhu looked coldly at the crowd surrounding Wang Qing.

"Mr. Jin... Jin Jian!"

Han Fan's face changed when he saw Li Zhu. Everyone knew Mr. Jin Jian's name Huaixi, but since Li Zhu led people to leave Huaixi to join Liangshanbo, Huaixi had no one to suppress him. Just let go of yourself.

Just at this time, Wang Qing entered Huaixi, and received the full support of the Duan family. Soon, all the idlers in Huaixi were taken under Wang Qing's command.

"Come on, let me see how much progress you have made!"

Li Zhu looked at Han Fan and said, he didn't draw a sword, but just looked at Han Fan coldly.

Han Fan, who was still high-spirited just now, didn't dare to answer at all at this time, his eyes flickered a little, and he didn't dare to look at Li Zhu.

"Li Zhu!"

Wang Qing saw Han Fan's abnormality. He didn't know Li Zhu. He had been to Huaixi for a short time, and he didn't know those masters who left Huaixi early.

"Mr. Jin Jian is the number one expert in Huaixi!"

Gu Cen whispered to Wang Qing.

"The number one master in Huaixi? Why don't I know!"

Wang Qing's face turned cold. He thought he had wiped out all the heroes in Huaixi, so why did he escape the number one master.

"Han Fan, what are you still doing, take down the rebels quickly!"

Seeing Han Fan's delay in taking action, Tong Guan reprimanded in a deep voice, the general's delay in taking action is showing weakness and will severely damage the morale of the army.

"Mr. Jinjian, I..."

Hearing Tong Guan's shout, Han Fan felt bitter in his heart. If he knew this was the case, he would never go out first.

"What are you doing stammering? I don't mind if you usually harm one side. Now that you are an official, do you want to learn from those corrupt officials?"

Li Zhu looked at Han Fan coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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