North American Gunslinger Detective

Chapter 135 Difficult Task

Chapter 135 Difficult Task

Jimmy came to the bar with his dinner. It was almost 9 o'clock at this time, and there were quite a lot of people in the bar. Jimmy walked in with his bag, greeted Justin at the bar, and went straight to the private room.

Having dinner in a bar, Jimmy had never tried it before, and he didn't want to finish his meal in public, so a private room would be better.

Jimmy entered the private room, put the bag on the table, and began to fiddle with his crisper.

Justin was surprised to see Jimmy carrying the bag just now. He greeted the other bartenders and followed into the private room.

Justin was a few steps late, and when he came in, Jimmy had already opened three dishes and a box of rice.

"Oh, what about the dishes I haven't seen before, Jimmy, where did you buy them?"

"I made it myself, do you want to try it?"

"Of course, I didn't expect you to be able to cook."

"Can you use chopsticks? I didn't bring a fork."

Jimmy took out the chopsticks from the bag, in order to prevent accidents, he brought two pairs of chopsticks.Jimmy handed Justin a pair of chopsticks and a crisper lid.

"It's never been used, but you can try it."

Justin used his chopsticks awkwardly. Fortunately, Jimmy's braised pork had been stewed in the pressure cooker for enough time today. It was so soft that Justin couldn't pick it up, so he forked a piece with his chopsticks and tasted it.

"Well, it tastes very good. It's a little bit sweet. It would be nice if it was a little sweeter."

Jimmy’s braised pork today is made according to the practice of a comrade-in-arms in Wuxi. They have eaten and lived together for many years, and they have been chatting with each other for a long time. But never had a chance to do it before.

This time, the braised pork was burnt twice to get the sugar color. When it was stewed in the pressure cooker, sugar was also added, and the overall sweetness.

"Have you had dinner? If you haven't eaten, come and eat some together, but you can go find the tableware yourself."

"Can I? Thanks."

Justin put the chopsticks away and walked out of the private room. After a while, he came over with a dinner plate, fork and spoon, divided a little of each, and the two of them sat and ate.

Jimmy's appetite is terrible now. He has to go to the gym at least once or twice a week, and he also finds time to go to the shooting range to practice guns and go out on duty. It can be said that Jimmy's current life is far more normal and regular than many people.

Of course, the effect of exercise is also good. I am 183 tall and weigh 96 kg. Although I have only gained a few pounds more than before, my body fat percentage is very low now.

It's not a big problem for two people to share three dishes. Justin has already had dinner, but he has worked for two or three hours. Now it can be regarded as supplementary, mainly Jimmy.

Jimmy closed the crisper and put it in a bag.Justin brought a tissue from outside, and the two of them cleaned it up and wiped down the coffee table.

Jimmy asked, "Justin, dinner is over, now we can talk, what did you ask me to do?"

Justin: "Oh, I almost forgot. There is an urgent matter tomorrow that I need to coordinate with you here."

Jimmy: "Wait a minute, I will rest tomorrow. If you don't go to the police station, I will take two days off."

Justin: "Oh, that's troublesome, can't you go to work overtime? There is a road that needs you to coordinate the closure for half an hour to an hour."

Jimmy: "The road has been closed for so long? Where? Urban or suburban?"

Justin: "The eastern suburbs, Higgins Road, is to the east of the airport. Some people have to go there to do business. It takes about half an hour. It takes about an hour to clean up."

Jimmy closed his eyes and imagined the map over there. The eastern suburbs is also an area where Jimmy seldom goes, especially the airport, because apart from LRPD, there are also airport police in charge there. Usually it’s not that there are difficult things to deal with, basically not. Call Jimmy to support. Of course, until now, Jimmy has not received a support mission there.

Jimmy still had no impression, he opened his eyes and asked Justin, "Is there a map?"

Justin went out and brought back a map of Little Rock. Jimmy found the airport first, and then went east from the airport to find Higgins Road. It was more than ten kilometers east of the airport. This distance does not need to worry about the airport police, but the road will be closed If not, the LRPD is a problem, and it's not beyond the scope of Little Rock.

Jimmy shook his head, "Justin, I can't do this alone. This is still under the jurisdiction of the LRPD. I can't close this section of the road by myself, and it lasts for an hour."

Justin also looked at the map. Higgins Road is a two-lane road in the suburbs. The main traffic is two nearby warehouses and a factory. The traffic volume is not large, but the length is a bit exaggerated.

"Just close this section, what can you do?" Justin pointed to a mark on the map and drew a short distance back and forth.

Jimmy: "Create car accidents at both ends of this road, and the trucks break down and the goods are scattered. This is the easiest way. This is far from the city. Wait for the tow truck to come, at least half an hour. If you can delay the alarm time, or no one else calls the police, 40-50 minutes is basically guaranteed."

Justin: "Time is too tight, there is no time to mobilize manpower to arrange."

Jimmy looked at the location of the factory on the map, and his mind kept spinning.

Jimmy: "Justin, can you find someone to do something here?" Jimmy pointed to a factory, which was the closest to their target location.

Jimmy: "If I could make a fuss here, I could come over and block the road from this end, and for good reason. But the other end can't be helped, and I'm alone."

Justin thought for a while, then pointed to the other end of the road, "Jimmy, you seal it here for at least half an hour, at most an hour, and I'll figure out a way at the factory."

Jimmy: "Should be fine, what time?"

Justin: "Nine to ten in the morning. I'll call you early."

Jimmy: "And what about the pay?"

Justin: "One coin, you just need to block this intersection."

Jimmy: "OK, that's it, I'll be there tomorrow morning."

Jimmy picked up his bag and left the private room. Since he has something to do tomorrow, there is no need to drink.

Jimmy drove directly to the police station, changed into his police uniform and equipment, and left the police station in his police car. Let his car continue to eat ashes in the parking lot.

Early the next morning, Jimmy drove the police car straight to the suburbs after waking up. He didn't notify the dispatch center, so as not to be affected by missions.

Although Jimmy is still an assistant sheriff and has not been promoted, his degree of freedom in the headquarters can be said to be quite high. Of course, his status is aloof. Of course, he shot one by one, and although Jimmy used to issue a lot of tickets, he basically did not complain. , It is also the most worry-free thing when you are a patrolman.

If it wasn't for Jimmy being too young and joining the police station for too short a time, there shouldn't be any objections to being promoted to superintendent now, at least in the county police, no one would have any objections.

Of course, there is also the issue of his academic qualifications. There are also requirements for promotion and salary increase. It is estimated that he will not be able to get a community college education by the end of the year.

It was still early, and after Jimmy left the city, he slowed down and drove slowly on the road like an ordinary patrolman, just like patrolling before.

Jimmy came near Higgins Road and checked the time. It was almost 8:40. Jimmy turned directly onto Higgins Road and drove along the road. He had to step a little earlier.

This place is already a suburb, except for part of the farmland, the rest is grassland and small woods, which is very clean. If there is no need to come, in principle, this kind of place is not the place that the police will pay attention to at all.

From the rearview mirror, Jimmy saw two cars following his police car. They obeyed the traffic rules and did not directly pass Jimmy and run to the front. Jimmy continued to drive forward and reached a temple. The two cars turned into the road in front of the temple. Small Square.

This small temple is Justin's goal. The Hindu temple is very small. It doesn't have the grandeur of those big temples. It just looks like some simple Hindu temples. The top is slowly indented like a pyramid. There is a small statue of an Indian god at the door. statue.

Speaking of which, Baka, who was arrested last time, is an Indian. I hope this is not his family’s place. Jimmy only found out that there is a Hindu temple here after looking at the map yesterday. If he had known earlier, Jimmy would have come to scout ahead of time, Baka Things still make him very sad, and he hates this kind of uncertainty the most.

Jimmy walked on for a while when Justin's call came.

"Jimmy, the target has entered, it's your turn."


(End of this chapter)

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