Chapter 401 Findings
Jimmy came to Peter's office, which is not far from Hughes. Passing by Jones and the others, Jimmy said hello. Although the location is very close, they basically don't communicate much at ordinary times. Peter's team The job content is too different from that of Jimmy, and there is basically no intersection.

"Dong dong" Peter's office door was open, Jimmy stood beside him and knocked on the door, and said with a smile, "Hi, Peter, how are you doing?"

Peter looked up and saw Jimmy, smiled and waved: "Come in! Jimmy, why did you remember me here?"

Jimmy: "I'm here for help, Peter."

Jimmy sat opposite Peter, "Peter, do you have anyone familiar with yacht clubs? I need to enter a few yacht clubs for some investigation."

Peter: "Investigation? What is it?"

Jimmy: "Three homicides occurred on both sides of the Hudson River. We found out that several boats appeared that night, so we need to confirm and investigate the passenger list at that time."

Peter shook his head: "It's not easy. If you just want to go in, it's not difficult. Just find someone to introduce you or take you in. If you want to investigate inside, even if everything goes well, I can help you find someone to take you in. It is also impossible for you to see from these materials that the privacy protection of high-end club members is very strict."

Jimmy smiled wryly and shook his head: "I don't want to, but there are too few clues now. The only possibility to see is the boat on the river. Those big ships and cargo ships can be ruled out. They can't dock, but they can have a chance to dock There are only small boats, and most of the sights are small yachts and fishing boats."

Peter: "Have you considered what to do after joining the club?"

Jimmy shook his head: "I don't know at all, I've never been to these places."

Peter: "Where's your new boss?"

Jimmy: "We've only been working together for a few days, and I'm not familiar with his situation at all. But I guess he's about the same, he doesn't seem like that kind of person."

Peter: "It's not that I don't want to help you, but Jimmy, you also need to have a sound plan to ensure that the person I'm looking for will not be accidentally. You're looking for a murder suspect, not a kitten on the side of the road. Are you really to think clearly."

Jimmy sighed. Sure enough, his thinking was too simple. Investigating a case is not so simple. Just walk over like playing a game, ask a few questions or steal something to get a clue.

Jimmy bid farewell to Peter and returned to the office in a depressed mood. It was a bad start.

Mahone: "How's it going, Jimmy?"

Jimmy shook his head, "It shouldn't be a big problem to find someone, but how do we go in and investigate? Peter has some objections to this."

Mahon kept his mouth shut and stopped talking. He was thinking about the question Jimmy mentioned before, but he just hoped to find someone first and see how far he can enter the club before deciding on the follow-up operation. Now he has to take it out in advance. When you are completely unfamiliar with the inside, there is no way to make a plan.

It’s no wonder that Peter brought it up. They really didn’t have a plan at all. With the clues they can find so far, if you want to use your identity to force the other party to provide information, you can only pass a search warrant, but without any clues, which judge? Will it be issued?
Ma Hong: "Let me think about it again, you should do other things first."

Jimmy: "Why don't you call three monitoring teams to monitor the three clubs first? Let's first confirm the people who come and go in the next few days. It would be better if we can confirm their identities."

Ma Hong nodded: "Alright, let's arrange it this way first. According to the interval between the first three cases, the monitoring team may have to persist for a few more days."

Jimmy: "That's their job, but I can't move the monitoring team, you know."

Mahone: "I understand, so be it."

Jimmy has also done his duty, the idea came out, and the rest is out of his control.He sat on his seat and began to look up information. Mahone suddenly said, "Jimmy, how many people are there in our support team?"

Jimmy turned his head and looked at Mahon: "There are no designated agents, because we are originally a part-time support team in the bureau, and we can transfer people when needed. There are many trainee agents and junior agents who have not assigned a team. Those people It’s all adjustable.”

Of course, Jimmy hadn't transferred people before, because he didn't have enough authority, and even the surveillance team needed to be approved by Hughes, let alone the intelligence officer Nick and the trainee agent he brought to support him, and those two were also It was arranged by Hughes to transfer over for temporary support.

When Chris was in the past, Jimmy applied for the monitoring team through Chris. As the leader of the team, Chris has the same authority to transfer people as Ruiz.

Now that the homicide team has a real boss again, Ma Hong has the authority to transfer people, but I don't know if Hughes forgot or what, it seems that Ma Hong doesn't know the situation here.

Mahone got up, picked up his suit, and strode out of the office. Jimmy glanced at Felicia. She didn't move at all, so it was fine. She didn't move, it must be Mahone's business.

Jimmy investigated the three yacht clubs. On the one hand, it was the case he was working on, and on the other hand, it was something he had thought of before. If he had the opportunity to rent a fishing boat and go out with Nia, he knew it in advance.

After get off work, Jimmy came to the elevator, just in time to meet Ruiz waiting for the elevator, Ruiz glanced at Jimmy, nodded, and the two went to the underground parking lot together.

Instead of getting into his car, Ruiz got into Jimmy's, "Go get a drink."

Jimmy didn't say anything, and drove home directly. For a drink, let's go to Woody's.

Woody greeted Jimmy, it was still early, there were not many people in the bar, Jimmy and Ruiz sat down at the corner table, Ruiz looked at Jimmy: "Jimmy, your luck is not very good this time. "

Jimmy picked up the cup and took a sip, "Have you investigated it?"

Ruiz: "Well, there are some additional investigations."

Jimmy: "Don't be shy, just say it, I'm not surprised by any bad news right now."

Ruiz: "Alexander Mahon, a senior detective in the Chicago office, is dedicated and has a bright future. He joined the FBI after retiring from the army. He is witty, capable and brave, and he hates evil. He has a high detection rate, at least from the files. Look like this.

Are there any adjectives that sound familiar?You have the same content in your file, you are very similar. "

Jimmy pursed his lips. Others are easy to say, but Mahone's appearance during the case handling these days is not worthy of this evaluation.

Ruiz also saw Jimmy curling his lips. He smiled, picked up his glass and took a sip of whiskey before continuing: "Those are just from the files. I learned about other things through friends. Some time before Mahone Something was wrong, maybe bipolar disorder, which wasn't on file because that friend happened to know the psychiatrist Mahone was seeing.

Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing. He was divorced half a year ago. He has an ex-wife and a child. The child lives with his ex-wife. It is suspected that bipolar disorder may be related to this. "

Jimmy frowned. Bipolar disorder is a taboo for investigators.Bipolar disorder can be said to be a combination of mania and depression. During manic episodes, people are emotionally high and energetic, and during depressive episodes, they are depressed and fatigued.

This alternating mental state is very unstable. If it is an ordinary person, it is nothing more than a long or short impact on life. For law enforcement officers such as police detectives, it is definitely an unstable factor, because you do not know when he is in what state. , Whether it is handling a case or supporting a colleague, there is no way to trust him with his back.

Jimmy: "Are you sure? This is a very serious matter."

Ruiz shrugged: "It's just suspicious, and it's not obvious. In fact, they don't notice it at all. Mahon is very normal in daily situations. If I didn't ask deliberately, my friend would not have realized it."

Jimmy: "That's troublesome, a middle-aged man. After half a year of divorce, it's normal to have unstable moods. It's not necessarily bipolar disorder. It may just be the unhappiness caused by being separated from his ex-wife and children. I don't have much experience in this kind of thing, I guess You will have to endure this temper for a while."

Ruiz: "So I said that you are not very lucky. He can agree to be transferred to Manhattan. In my opinion, there may be a certain reason because he wants to leave the sad place of Chicago. Although my guess may not be accurate, it may be The sex is still great, especially since he brought his old subordinates along."

Jimmy: "Well, I will try my best to be careful, and I won't get into trouble at this time. By the way, in this case, do I need a psychologist to do psychological adjustment?"

Ruiz: "Of course, but, I don't think he wants to make this kind of trouble known to everyone, so don't think about it, he won't take the initiative to see a psychiatrist."

Jimmy took a sip of his wine and suddenly laughed, "It's okay, if he doesn't take the initiative to watch it, why can't I invite the psychiatrist to the office for tea? It's a trivial matter, I'll take care of it."

Jimmy suddenly thought of Mary. He hadn't seen her for several months, and he never had a chance to find her openly.

Because Jimmy is now being monitored intensively, OPR (Office of Occupational Regulation, equivalent to the internal affairs department of the police station) has had a few fights with Hughes over Jimmy's shooting and killing.

In the normal process, Jimmy should take at least an extra ten days and a half months of vacation, and then receive psychological intervention, but Hughes has never set up a leader for the homicide team, he is just a seedling, so Jimmy is actually from the explosion. Since the case started, it has been out of OPR's strong control. As long as it is reasonable and legal and does not cause any trouble, neither Hughes nor OPR forced him to take administrative leave, but the process of reviewing the case is considered to be over.

Speaking of which, it should be fine to find any reason for Mary to come to the office, right?Or, should I buy the packaged tea first?Isn't it a bit unserious to invite beautiful women to drink tea in the FBI office?
Jimmy was bored to the point of pain. He just felt that something was wrong with his new boss. As a result, his brain turned around in a mess, and he even came up with such an unreliable plan for him. How much his plans hit other people.

Ruiz watched Jimmy thinking about something, and the expression on his face kept changing slightly, so he knew that this kid must have thought of something good, "Hey! Hey! Jimmy!"

Only then did Jimmy realize that he was not at home, so what was he thinking about, "Drink and drink."

Ruiz: "Don't make trouble, he just arrived in Manhattan, don't make trouble for yourself."

Jimmy waved his hand: "Don't worry, I won't mess around. Cheers!"

Ruiz drank from his glass and looked over to the bar, where Woody was watching them.Ruiz smiled and waved to Woody, who came over with a bottle of whiskey and a glass, "Woody, your friend Teddy has been released, you know that?"

Woody thanked Ruiz with a smile: "I have seen him, thank you, if it weren't for you, he might have disappeared."

Woody poured wine for Jimmy and Ruiz, picked up a glass and toasted them. Ruiz said, "He's lucky. If you don't want him to die, let him stay away from those things."

Woody: "I understand." Woody nodded to them, left the wine, and went back to the bar with the glass.

This is the first time Ruiz has come here since he took that hapless Teddy away last time. Woody told Jimmy before that he wanted to thank Ruiz, but he never had a chance. Just this time, he gave away a bottle of wine as a thank you one time.

Woody is actually a nice guy, and Jimmy has come to this bar more times. Although he can't be said to be very familiar with him, he can still tell whether he is a good guy or not.

Ruiz: "By the way, the high-purity stuff Teddy got last time is not the same as the Aztite stuff that Razor got. There are some problems here. If it weren't for them to supply multiple kinds of goods at the same time. If so, there is another group of people who have come up with high-end products. I have already greeted Hughes, and the DEA will take over the case, but it will wait until the matter with the razor is over."

Jimmy: "That's fine. Speaking of which, I also have acquaintances in Texas, and I know people from the DEA and FBI offices."

Ruiz was speechless, "Aren't you in Arkansas?"

Jimmy: "Oh, I also know people from the FBI and DEA in Arkansas. There must be some acquaintances in the base camp."

Ruiz: "You really have a lot of friends, what else?"

Jimmy stretched out his left hand and bent his fingers one by one: "In addition to the DEA and FBI, there are also the Anti-Terrorist Agency, the USSS Secret Service and the Marshals? They have all cooperated, and I have also won awards, which are placed on the desk." Jimmy The expression on his face was one of pride. As a rookie FBI agent, his grades definitely beat most people.

Ruiz jokingly asked Jimmy to talk about his great achievements. The two drank and chatted, got some snacks from Woody and just killed the time.

At the end of the day, Jimmy didn't drive Ruiz off either. Both of them were more or less busy. In this case, a taxi is more reliable.

 The tooth was extracted last week, the stitches were removed this week, and the first root canal treatment is done today, and it will take about a month later. .It's too hard for me.

(End of this chapter)

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