Chapter 139 Map Update
However, the efforts of "I don't see the bastard" are not in vain. Saltpeter has many functions. Apart from the most important one, it can be used to make gunpowder, and it is also an important element of chemical fertilizer.

The saltpeter ore discovered in 'Wangbuwangba' should be officially named "sodium saltpeter". Usually, there are gypsum, Glauber's salt, rock salt and other paragenetic minerals around it, and it is formed in hot and dry places.

Therefore, "the king doesn't see the bastard" also found several useful things in one breath.

Gypsum: Heat and mix with water to get slaked lime...yes, that's right, cement, real cement.

In addition, it can also be used to treat diseases, such as "indications for apoplexy, cold and heat, relieve muscle sweating, relieve dry mouth and tongue burns, headache and toothache, etc., it is a good medicine for dispelling plague and antipyretic".

Glauber's salt: It is used in tanning, glass-making, and alkali-making industries, and is also used as a laxative. It can also be used to extract chemical raw materials such as ammonium sulfate, sodium sulfate, sulfuric acid, and sodium sulfide. It is also an important raw material for making washing powder.

Of course, it also has medicinal effects. It can be used to "cure mainly disabling swelling, warming the spleen, digesting food, dispelling water, and laxative.

Needless to say, rock salt, a salt mine has just been dug before "Wang Bu Bu Wang Ba".

In fact, at this point, another important component of explosives has no source, and that is sulfur.

One nitrate, two sulfur and three charcoals, nitrate and charcoal are available, but there is no trace of sulfur.

According to the information found on the Internet by 'Wang Bu Wang Ba', most of the natural sulfur mines are formed around the crater. However, the 9956-4 mining area is close to the seaside and has no crater at all.

Then at this time, "Wang Bu Wang Ba" found the "gold mine" again... No, it was the "Fool's Gold Mine".

Fool's gold, the real name is pyrite, which is a disulfide of iron. Because of its light brass color and bright metallic luster, it is often mistaken for gold, so it is also called "fool's gold".

And the most important point is that pyrite and coke are mixed and burned in limited air to produce sulfur.

"The king doesn't see the king's eighth" is simply nowhere to go, and there is another village in the shadow of the willow.

They had already given up looking for sulfur, but turned around and sulfur came to their door.

After that, the main role played by another player, "Doesn't even learn chemical engineering"... is the player who was abducted back to follow the "God's Closed Disciple" to study how the barrel should be done.

It's similar to "Don't see the bastard", since he got the technology gun of the interstellar man, he has been forgotten by other players as a matter of course.

When 'Chemical Dogs Don't Learn' held the gun barrel that he managed to get out, looked up, and saw the mission completion notice, his expression was like this (_).

Everything has already been made, and it would be a pity to give up at this time, so the "chemical dog doesn't learn" turned back and continued to study his chemical industry... It just so happened that "I don't see bastard" found pyrite.

As soon as the two cooperated, the gunpowder was researched out logically. After that, the remaining tasks were actually to strengthen the barrel and study the ratio of gunpowder.

"God's Closed Disciple" provided them with a lot of iron assistance... He was also one of the players who were let go. "It's a good day" they ordered a lot of cold weapons from him, but they didn't come to him at all!

Now half of those cold weapons are still sold in the shops in the novice hall, but basically no one buys them, because the price is not so friendly, but the usefulness is not very great.

'Al is my wife' and 'The dog and I are all day' are two of the players who went to pick up the goods, otherwise they would not be able to customize such handsome Tang Dao and Daxia Longque Dao later.

'God's Closed Disciple': Hold grudges!


The development of muskets was beyond Mo Lan's expectations. According to the normal process of climbing the technology tree, people's livelihood should be developed first, and when daily life has entered a certain stage, it is time to develop weapons.

However, now, in terms of life, there is not even rice, but weapons have begun to jump from cold weapons... No, they have not experienced the era of cold weapons at all!The era of cold weapons died as soon as it appeared!
This is directly the beginning of the era of thermal weapons.

"Wait a minute, let me stroke it." Mo Lan pressed her brow lightly, a little puzzled, but seemed to understand.

In fact, this is also true in the past. All technological progress is due to demand, and there is a driving force for progress when there is demand.

After players enter this different world disguised as a "game", what are their needs?
Is it the same food as those Tamrons?No, if the player is not for appetite, they don't even need to eat, then food will not become the driving force for their most urgent needs to change.

Is it a place to rest?Not all, the reason why players need accommodation is because of the insecurity of game characters after they go offline. They need a space to protect their game characters, but they don't need to really rest in this space.

The Zerg will not be tired, it will only be the mental body that the players put into that body.

So the players first researched bricks, and then researched plant ash cement, in order to build them a nest with a certain degree of security on the outside ground.

In fact, they can put the game characters in various Zerg lairs. After all, this is the function of the Zerg lairs at the beginning, but they failed to identify with their Zerg bodies from the beginning, and they still think in a human way of thinking-whose house is not Build on the ground, live in a hole.

Mo Lan didn't give them too much guidance. If she was willing to use her system identity to forcefully plan that players must be in the Zerg nests, then it is estimated that all Zerg nests would have to be dug to the eighteenth floor underground.

But Mo Lan didn't. Like the players, she couldn't change her perspective well at the beginning, but as time went on, the number of Zergs she controlled increased, and after being assimilated by the Zerg's instincts, Mo Lan Lan finally separated himself from "human beings".

Especially after the sudden burst of mental power that tightly enveloped the entire planet Tanlonger, Mo Lan became more aware of her identity.

The whole planet is in the perception, although it is impossible to pay too much attention to it, but the feeling of omniscience and omnipotence like a "god" has long been out of the scope of human beings.

In other words, Mo Lan still has a human part, but she will never become a pure human again.

There is a need to have the motivation to progress, and the real needs of the players are - "happiness".

If a game cannot make people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts, then there is absolutely no need to continue playing this game.

Happiness can be of many kinds, such as the sense of satisfaction after completing a certain goal, such as the excitement when obtaining items that no one else has, or experiencing other feelings that you have not experienced before...all can be attributed to happiness.

Players play this game, and their characters are natural predators, so their most basic happiness is "plundering", plundering the lives of other creatures.

Then the first step to promote their technological changes must be weapons, the fastest way to strengthen their own combat power-but basic weapons, cold weapons and the like are completely inferior to what they get when switching game characters Combat power, so that this progress is almost zero.

It wasn't until the special mission "Assassination" appeared without any clues, facing the threat of intelligent creatures, that the players finally realized that there is a development route for human technology besides the Zerg... Then because of the high-tech weapons of the interstellar people , this route almost died before it even started.

"... Find a way to inform them that the sea is over there." Mo Lan thought about it, and decided to provide the players with a little information help.

The sea is tens of kilometers away, but it is a pity that no player can find it.

By the way, seawater seems to be able to do a lot of things, sea salt seems to be simpler, and kelp seems to be used to extract monosodium glutamate...

"Also, there is a desert on the opposite side." Mo Lan remembered that the glass seemed to be made of sand?
I don't know how it was burned, but it must be sand. I'll leave this kind of problem to those players.

"Okay." Shi Qi calculated a little, and soon came up with a suitable plan.

So just a few minutes later, the cloud players on the earth who were bored refreshing the game's official website forum discovered the latest update of the "Partial Map of Planet Tanlong".

To summarize:
[Pearls are not strung with agates]: I have passed away, and the game has opened a new map?
[Succession to the throne at home]: The current map is big enough, why are you opening a new map? Do you have a B number in the game production team? (pointing.jpg)

[Miss Tang family]: Surprised, is this an open world game?Regardless of the number of players, fill the scene map first? (Eat Melon.jpg)

[I'm a melon eater]: Help, this game is almost overwhelmed, why is there a new map! (Crazy.jpg)

[Mo Wen can't complain]: I'm going, is the sea so close?No one found this?

[My heart can learn from the wind and the moon]: Back upstairs, do you know what the concept of tens of kilometers is?If you try it on foot for ten kilometers, you will know why no one found it.

[Snow White and her aunt]: There is even a desert?Are there any creatures in the desert?The creature illustrated book has not been updated for a long time, and the game production team is coming out to work soon.

[My house is on fire again]: I'm even more curious about what's in the sea!Will there be mermaids!

[No name change if you don’t enter [-]]: The game map is so big, wouldn’t the production team consider adding more slots? (wink.jpg)

[My big knife is hungry and thirsty]: That's right, the sixth test...ah no, let's start the public test quickly!I can't wait!
[Waltz snorts]: The public beta is probably early, haven't you noticed?The number of players is allocated according to the current territory of Zerg Queen Lan plus the number of Zergs. If I really want to open up more places, it is better to let those players who have accepted the main mission [-] gain as much points as possible this time.

[Waltz snorts]: Only when the overall number of Zerg increases, players will have more places.

[Migrant worker's soul]: Why?Isn't it good that so many Zerg are replaced by players?I feel that players are doing much better than those Zergs, let me go in and play for Queen Arashi!

[Geography is unreasonable]: (Baiyan.jpg) Players can't be online all the time, only a few players are online during the day, if there is a temporary danger, the Zerg Queen can still come out and pull you online.

[Big bowl of Malatang]: I want to be online 24 hours a day!I think so!Woohoo, when will the eight-hour game online limit be lifted!
〔I love DianDianDian〕: Wait until your mental power is high enough. I heard that if your mental power reaches 100 points, you can stay online for more than 16 hours. Come on!
[Crazy eating]: 100 points of spiritual power... Can anyone really achieve it? (Frightened Face.jpg)
[There has never been a savior]: The new map exploration team is here to sign up!Are there any players who are interested?


When a large number of players gather together, it will inevitably appear that the tasks are not enough, or the space is too crowded-this kind of crowding is not the kind of crowding where people's toes touch their heels.

But there are too many players in a range, and many tasks cannot be done by so many players at the same time, so there will always be some people who cannot find suitable tasks to do.

Let's hunt, there is no prey; let's do odd jobs, there are enough people.

Moreover, because of the system compensation provided by Molan, the novice players are not in a hurry for the novice tasks, and have not thoroughly experienced this kind of game situation, so they don't know how to start.

It's also like a novice player like "Fluorescence Can't See Haoyue", who is accompanied by another "Grandpa Loved" who is more familiar with the game, so that it is easier to integrate into the game environment and find suitable things to do.

For example, he has never been exposed to these messages like "Fluorescent Can't See Haoyue". Even in the light sleep state of the full-featured simulation cabin, he can't "see" any news.

Because of the shallow sleep state, it does not actually have a deep link with the full-featured simulation cabin. In order to maintain the stability of the link, it needs help from external forces—stimulating the pupils and retina to form patterns and make a positioning.

However, the eyes of 'fluorescence can't see the bright moon' can't do this at all. In his light sleep state, he still can't see anything... Maybe he can recognize some hazy images?
And because the initial mental strength value of 'Luohuibu Haoyue' is too high, the normal full-function simulation chamber has no effect on him, so the family didn't use the full-function simulation chamber for him from the beginning.

That thing is as thick as a coffin, and it is not very convenient to get in and out, let alone a blind person who can't see the bright moon.

It was also from some places that they heard the news that the game "Zerg" was not very common, and the family members of "Fluorescence Can't See Haoyue" made up their minds to let him enter the game for a try.

Mo Lan very much agrees with their ideas, if 'Fluorescence does not see Haoyue' can break through the limit of 100 points of mental power, physical blindness will not become a problem - after exceeding 100 points of mental power, mental power It can be played externally, just like Mo Lan.

'Fluorescence can't see the bright moon' will have another pair of "eyes".

(In the beginning, I was crazy about Baidu and I didn’t understand Baidu. Chemistry is so difficult. I would have known that I would not write interstellar science fiction)
(End of this chapter)

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