Chapter 200
Qian Youwei was talking to a man with messy hair facing away from him. There were a total of ten vehicles in the fleet, including three jeeps, two vans, and the rest were no-name cars.

It was the first jeep that was broken, and the van in the middle.

She was obviously in a bad mood, her voice was loud, and the two were arguing.

Tan Qiuyan landed 100 meters behind. After thinking about it, it was a little weird to just walk over like this. She found out her little pink (battery car) and Dandan was still squatting on her shoulders. The fat fox Xiaobai Squat down on the front step.

As Little Pink drove over like this, almost everyone along the way stared at her.Not to mention that the battery cannot be charged on the road now, even if it is fully charged, how far can this thing run.

Everyone sees that she is looking at a fool.

Tan Qiuyan remembers that when she bought it, she said that it could run 100 kilometers with a full battery. Even if there is a discount, 50 kilometers is always available. It is more than enough for me to go back to the small village here.

Qian Youwei pointed at her and called out, "Are you talking about the boss?"

The appearance of Boss Tan, who met once, has not changed at all, and she recognized him immediately.After Qian Youwei cried out, he regretted it a little.

It's a bit embarrassing to see myself in such a mess.

Only then did Tan Qiuyan stop Little Pink, pretending to recognize Qian Youwei: "Miss Youwei?"

Then she turned her eyes to the man who was arguing with her next to her. Isn't this her real brother? Is money beneficial?His appearance didn't look much better than his sister's, he had lost a lot of weight, and his brows and eyes were much older.

"Talk... about the boss?" Qian Li also recognized her.

It was completely different from the high-spirited look at the beginning, Qian Li took a step back, looking a little sluggish.

"Why are you here?" Tan Qiuyan asked curiously.

A man's voice came from behind: "Why, do you know each other?"

A middle-aged man got out of the second car, about 1 meters tall, with short hair, a bit handsome, but his eyebrows were too close, and he looked petty.

"Brother-in-law." Qian Li bowed his head and greeted.

Qian Youwei turned his head away, not looking at him.

"Why, why don't you introduce me?" The middle-aged man put on a chic posture.

His clothes are much newer than those of the Qian family siblings. Tan Qiuyan glanced at her and felt a little strange. Qian Youwei is the head of the refuge in D City, and she didn't hear that there was another person in power at the time. .

"This is my brother-in-law, Bao Shaoqiang, this is Tan Boss." After a long time, Qian Li also forgot Tan Qiuyan's full name, and only remembered a surname.After he finished his introduction, he glanced at his sister.

Qian You bit his lower lip slightly, but didn't make a sound.

Bao Shaoqiang stretched out his right hand: "I've been waiting for a long time."

Tan Qiuyan was a little taken aback, this person was really familiar, she had a very good impression of Qian Youwei, as the only female leader of several major bases at that time, she could see her conversation and the love and affection for her from her subordinates.

Qian Youwei himself is also a brilliant metal supernatural user. At that time, he was able to transform supernatural powers into double blades. Now he is even more powerful. How could he suddenly be inferior to others.The other party is actually her husband?Obviously, the atmosphere is not right.

There used to be more than 200 people in their base, but now, this dilapidated team has no.50 people at most.

Tan Qiuyan didn't reach out her hand, but looked at Qian Youwei: "Long time no see, why don't we chat in private up front?"

Bao Shaoqiang's expression was uneasy, he smiled awkwardly, retracted his hand, and turned his head to stare at Qian Youwei: "I can't say a word every day, go to the front, come back early, the car is still waiting for you to repair it." Woolen cloth!"

Qian Youwei shook her body, as if she was annoyed, but she was still enduring, she turned to look at Tan Qiuyan.

"Let's go ahead."

Little Pink drove slowly, while Qian Youwei walked on the side of the expressway and stopped about 20 meters away from the convoy.

"I made you laugh." Qian You slightly smoothed out the hair that was scattered in front of his forehead.

"what happened?"

"After you left, about a month or so later, I planned to find you. Bigu Dan tried it, and it was really good. We were all moved. You know that our city D was originally a developed financial industry. In the last days, Farts don’t even count! There’s always been a shortage of food.”

She sighed and leaned against the railing on the side of the highway.

"As a result, there was a riot in the camp. The refugees from other places united with more than a dozen people in the hot pot restaurant. We had their internal support among us. I was defeated and the base was gone. But more than half of the brothers followed me."

"If you want supplies but you don't have supplies, you don't need anything, and you keep meeting the living dead. Your luck is so bad. I met this Bao Shaoqiang halfway, and he brought a dozen people to join our team, and he insisted on marrying me. He is a user with water abilities, and the remaining No. 38 of us now rely on him to provide water every day."

"I don't want to be with him. It's up to him what he wants to be called. I'll bear it for the sake of my brothers. Let him do his best. My younger brother has also seen that. He is weak-tempered and ignorant."

Qian Youwei, almost without a pause, poured out all the words in her heart, and it was obvious that she was also suffocated.

"I can't wait to hack him to death! But what about these brothers?" She sighed again: "Right now there is a shortage of water everywhere, we plan to go to another base, and I don't know if they are willing to take us in."

Tan Qiuyan understood the reason of the matter, and felt a little more sympathetic.

"You have been wronged like this, and your brothers don't care?"

"So what can I do, the next day's water is gone, and no one dares to talk after several times." Qian Youwei patted his dirty hands, and took out two cactus fruits from his pocket.

"Ma'am, I didn't drink a sip of water from this dog bastard. There are a lot of things in the wild. It is drought-resistant and has a lot of juice." When her dry lips laughed, a hole cracked and blood oozed out .

Even though she was embarrassed at the moment, she was in high spirits, and she had a bit of the demeanor of the eldest sister back then.

Tan Qiuyan's eyes became hot, and the corners of her eyes turned red.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. This place is very close to our Fengshan base. You can bring your 38 brothers over here as a guest." There are many empty houses that have been cleaned up in Fengshan Town, and the future trading center is also there.As long as they are willing to work, it is not a big problem to add dozens of people.

It can also help clean up the living dead.

Qian You was taken aback for a moment, he was obviously a stubborn person who refused to bow his head, tears welled up.She turned her head and wiped it off quickly with her hands.

"No need, life is difficult for everyone now, if you take us back, you will be gossiped about."

"My life is not difficult, and I have enough water. I don't like that Bao Shaoqiang, you just bring your brothers over here." Tan Qiuyan smiled into his eyes, and spoke softly.

"Go, Miss Youwei, I'll wait for you here."

Qian Youwei glanced at her clean eyes in a daze, and gritted his teeth: "Okay, then wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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