Chapter 147 147. Moral kidnapping
Being rejected again, everyone's faces are not very good-looking.

Even Major Zhang, who had discussed with Su Luo in a good manner before, turned black in a very bad mood.

"Miss Su, although I don't know why you are so resistant to dealing with the military department, the main reason we buy these strawberries is for the soldiers." Seeing that the benefits did not make sense, the people of the Second Legion were ready to "sense it and move it." Reasonable'.

Simply put, it's about playing the emotional card.

"Nowadays, the Zergs are rampant and rampant. Soldiers will always be injured when they fight against Zergs. If strawberries can be cured, then when everyone fights Zergs in the future, the injured soldiers can also get better treatment..."

"Even if it's not for anything else, but for the protection of the interstellar warriors, I believe Miss Su is still willing to think again."

To be honest, if you tell other growers this passage, maybe they will really agree.

After all, it sounds all right.

Warriors fight Zerg, create a safe living space for interstellar people, and protecting everyone is not only the responsibility of warriors, other people should also do what they can.

Don't talk about whoring things for nothing, anyway, they have raised the price to buy strawberries, and it would be too ruthless to refuse.

But I also said that this kind of words worked well for other planters, but it didn't work well for Su Luo.

It's not because of her vicious heart, people's lives are in danger, and she is reluctant to part with a few strawberries... The point is, she is not protected either?
After all, when the Zerg raided, the one who saved Su Luo was herself, not anyone else.

Even if the people from the Seventh Legion don't come, she won't die, and she can even retreat unscathed.

You must know that the garrison actually belongs to the military department. Although the culprit of this incident is He Yong, the captain of the garrison is not innocent... With such a person, why should she save Strawberry?

So saying this kind of words to her is not only ineffective, but also counterproductive.

Moreover, even if the Zerg incident did not happen, the other party's words somewhat meant moral kidnapping.


If she doesn't sell strawberries, when those soldiers get injured or die, will she become a sinner?
It wasn't she, Su Luo, who hurt the soldiers, but the Zerg, don't make it look like she killed them.

There are too many moral kidnappings in the last days, and Su Luo has long since given up on this kind of thing.

What impressed her most was that a group of rioters robbed food, but the food was prepared by them wood-type supernatural powers for the supernatural powers fighting the tide of corpses ahead.

In order to fight against the tide of corpses, they haven't eaten good food for several days, and the food was snatched by the mob.

The reason for grabbing food is also ridiculous, because they said they had nothing to eat.

They said, anyway, there is no shortage of food and drink for the supernatural beings, and there are subsidies from the base, so it is better to give these food to them.

They also said that if they had nothing to eat, they might as well go out and be killed by zombies. Anyway, starving to death is death, and being bitten to death by zombies is also death...

Later, the food was given to them.

It wasn't because of their death threats, but because the base was in panic because of the corpse tide. They didn't want other accidents to affect everyone's work and cause panic or confusion.

Moreover, if these people are really bitten by zombies, there will be another enemy at that time, and no one wants to cause trouble.

After the tide of corpses was over, every time Su Luo thought about it, she wished she could throw these people to the zombies herself.

These people only said that they didn't have enough to eat, but why didn't they think about it, the reason why supernatural beings are subsidized is because they have to use their supernatural powers uninterruptedly every day, which takes a lot of effort.

Killing zombies, spawning food, preparing water sources, treating patients... These are almost all done by supernatural beings.

And why do these people have nothing to eat?
Because they eat too much and are lazy, they would rather die in peace. They are unwilling to participate in the work that ordinary people can do in the base. They feel tired and have little food...

Su Luo was even thinking at the time, why keep this kind of person?
Dragging others down?

Although these latter people were driven out of the base after the tide of corpses ended, because of this incident, Su Luo hated things related to moral kidnapping.

It still means that.

The people in front of them wanted to impose on themselves the responsibility of those soldiers who were injured in the battle, and then asked her to sell strawberries. If they didn't sell strawberries, those soldiers were injured and the consequences were her fault.

If they changed their rhetoric, Su Luo felt that she could still think about it more, and think of ways to not involve herself.

But since the other party already used this method, Su Luo felt that there was no need for her to think about it.

Even if he didn't know that his words had directly stepped on Su Luo's two thunderbolts, he saw Su Luo's calm and penetrating expression, and subconsciously shut his mouth.

The surrounding air pressure became strangely low, and no one else knew what happened, except An Ming and Du Tian, ​​who had met Su Luo before, barely guessed a thing or two.

Anyway, it's not really a secret, so An Ming briefly talked about what happened before.

When they heard that the garrison had received benefits in private and abandoned the planting area C and ignored them, the faces of the other nine legions turned ashen, as if the garrison was a member of their legion.

What a shame!

What a shame!
Only now did they know why Su Luo was silent, and they also knew that what they said just now probably wouldn't be able to impress the other party.

After all, they are all people who escaped from the edge of life and death (in fact, they didn't) in the Zerg raid, and no matter how nice they are, they can't change what has happened.

Although these garrisons have nothing to do with them, and the vast majority of space warriors these days are absolutely upright and selfless, sticking to principles, but what they say is groundless.

What actually happened was disappointing.

Of course, there are also people who regret that it is impossible to cure strawberries, but also find something wrong.

For example, Du Tian said before, 'Thanks to Ms. Su's help, otherwise there will be many casualties', based on this sentence, combined with the unauthorized transfer of the garrison, they always feel that there must be something happening inside something else.

It's just that it is obviously impossible to ask directly now, so they can only return with regret.

"Although it's a pity that we couldn't reach a deal, if Ms. Su encounters any troubles in the future, please contact the First Legion." This sentence is actually a polite way of saying things.

Anyway, a spiritual planter will basically not encounter any trouble.

And after this short time together, even though she was very dissatisfied with Su Luo's tough refusal attitude, she could also see that she was not a character who would take the initiative to cause trouble, so it was okay to say nice things.

Su Luo nodded, and accepted the major's communication card (similar to a business card).

Anyway, she has the final say on whether to contact them or not, but if she refuses even the communication card, it will be somewhat shameless.

After Major Zhang left, the following legions also said similar things.

 There will be an update tomorrow.

  Seeing that some readers have seriously misunderstood the content of this chapter, here is a serious statement: the moral kidnapping in the article refers to the behavior of the legion imposing the responsibility of the injured soldier on Su Luo, trying to force her to sell strawberries.

  The author respects every profession, especially those who protect us and shed blood and sweat for our peaceful life.

  But fiction is fiction, reality is reality, and the situation is different, so don't confuse them, let alone distort the content of this chapter and take it out of context.

  Due to misunderstandings, the content of this chapter has also been modified to some extent.

  ——The words were revised on October 2022, 10

(End of this chapter)

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