Chapter 197 197. Nightmare
If all the elves are found before the countdown ends, the Snowball side wins.

If you don't find it, the one who hid it wins.

Although the backyard is not big, because the elves are small in size, it is night, the light is dim, and there are many plants in the backyard.

If it weren't for the restriction that it is not allowed to hide higher than the backyard wall and beyond the wall, it would be really hard to find.

The losers of this game don’t actually have particularly severe punishments. After all, they are just trying to have fun.

Seeing them having fun, Su Luo also sat down and watched the game with great interest.

'Bubu~bubu~ where are you~'

"Bubu is too good at hiding... Snowball, smell it quickly, and see if you can smell your favorite sweet radish. '

'Eh, no, no, no, no, it's too foul of you! '

'Phew...' I can't smell...

"I can't even find Snowball, so there seems to be little hope..."


After one round, Bu Bu, as the last survivor, hid under the umbrella of a mushroom, and finally led the hiding party to victory.

As for why Snowball couldn't smell Bubu, it was because each elf could restrain his breath.

Fubao was like this before, that's why Su Luo never discovered its existence.

Su Luo found it interesting, but because it was already late, she felt a little sleepy, so she went back to her room to sleep.

The elves and Snowball were in a state of extreme excitement and had a great time playing, so Su Luo didn't bother them, but just told them not to play too late.

And in order to make it easier for them to enter the house, Su Luo also opened a gap in the window so that they could just come in.

After finishing all these, Su Luo went to bed...

Tonight, Su Luo rarely dreamed that she used to live in the base in her sleep.

Familiar images flickered past, making her feel kind, but at the same time more depressing and uneasy.

She seemed to have experienced the incident where the corpse tide destroyed the base again.

Watching the supernatural beings die under the siege of the zombies one by one, watching the high city walls covered with zombies, all the painstaking efforts of countless human beings over the years were wasted.

The oppressive and suffocating breath made her unable to breathe.

She and the team of supernatural beings led ordinary people to escape as much as possible, but unfortunately, they still failed.

On their only way of retreat, zombies are also surrounded, as if they have long known that human beings will make such a choice.

Su Luo knew that this was a nightmare, but she couldn't wake up, and could only watch the familiar and terrifying ending happen again... Countless zombies rushed towards them.

During the confrontation, Su Luo vaguely recalled a sentence that someone said——

'Human beings...unable to survive...zombies...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thereforeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a lot of zombies...a lot...'

Although she didn't remember who said it, it didn't affect Su Luo's memory of how the people around her explained it to her after hearing this sentence.

They said that this man's wife and children all died at the mouth of zombies overnight, because he couldn't bear such a big blow, so he went crazy.

This lunatic didn't attack anyone, and he knew to stay in this corner every day, sometimes in a daze, sometimes talking to himself, and sometimes yelling at people... Knowing that he was a lunatic, Su Luo didn't care too much.

But that time before she left, that lunatic seemed to be staring at her, muttering to himself while staring.

Because of the distance, everyone couldn't hear what was being said...but no one cared.

On the contrary, because of this lunatic's strange behavior, the people around him thought that he was going to attack Su Luo. Although he didn't have the tendency to actively attack people before, what should be defended was still to be defended, so they dragged Su Luo away.


Now recalling what this lunatic said, he suddenly wondered if he knew something long ago.

But after thinking about it, he also felt that it was unlikely. If he really had the ability to predict the future, then his family would not suffer.

Although the ending is the same as he said, it is just a coincidence.

Even so, Su Luo still woke up from the dream.

She stood up and supported her forehead with one hand. When her hand touched her forehead, she could clearly feel that it was covered with sweat stains.

After gasping for breath, Su Luo turned her head to look at the window - because the curtains were not drawn properly, a beam of moonlight shone in from the window and fell on the ground, illuminating this small area.

Squinting her eyes and looking carefully, Su Luo found that the window had been closed, probably after the elves came in and closed it.

Because of the nightmare, she has no sleepiness at all now, so she is going to get out of bed and go for a walk in the backyard, blowing the cool breeze and calming herself down.

In order to avoid disturbing the elves, Su Luo deliberately relaxed her hands and feet, went to the backyard, sat on a chair, and felt the evening breeze with a light fragrance of flowers.

Obviously just woke up by a nightmare, not only did Su Luo not feel sleepy anymore, even her thoughts were obviously clearer than usual.

With a clear mind, she couldn't help but think of two things.

The first thing is that when she went to the guild to do the planter certification, the two energies of the planter introduced by Elder Li who helped to test.

According to him, one is planted energy and the other is natural energy.

Knowing that she is a wood-type supernatural user, what she possesses is the natural energy of this world itself. Does this prove that Blue Star's wood-type superhumans are all possessors of natural energy?
In other words, is there a possibility that wood-type supernatural beings are only called wood-type supernatural beings in their world, but they are called planters in this world?

That is to say, another way of saying it, but the essence remains the same.

As for the failure of the instrument to detect it, this can also be explained. After all, Elder Li said that natural energy owners are rare, and it can only be detected with the natural stone in his hand. It is normal that it cannot be detected in other places.

Moreover, Su Luo also discovered a problem, the interstellar interstellar warriors are very similar to supernatural beings from a certain angle.

The difference between interstellar warriors and ordinary people is that apart from the extra enhanced physical fitness, there is also a kind of energy that can be used by themselves.

Although this kind of energy is not like a person with attribute abilities (gold, wood, water, fire, and earth), which can control metal, earth, and fire, it is actually somewhat similar to an enhanced (strength, speed perception) ability person.

Especially the use of energy to strengthen one's own attack strength is almost exactly the same as that of a power-type supernatural being.

But because Su Luo didn't know much about interstellar warriors, she was only able to learn about them on the Starnet, which was relatively one-sided information, so she couldn't confirm her own thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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