Chapter 313 313. Visiting the Store
The most profitable dishes can even reach more than 4000 servings.

Calculated based on the average of high and low profits, these 8000 catties of vegetables can provide Four Seasons Restaurant with a net profit of close to [-] million.

Note that this is pure profit.

Although it is said that if the business is not good, the theoretical profit does not mean anything, but the business of the Four Seasons Restaurant is not bad.

Because at this time they are like the 'Internet celebrity shops' that Su Luo recognized before. The focus is on high prices, but in fact the products they sell are not worth such a high price at all.

This kind of shop usually only earns one-time money, and the money of "outsiders" who come here because of the reputation, because people who suffer a loss will not go there for the second time, and the locals also know that this shop is not good, and they will not go.

But even so, online celebrity stores can still operate prosperously, and there are still reasons for this.

For example, they are better at marketing.

This is the case this time, Four Seasons Restaurant has invited many Internet celebrities to visit the restaurant.

Some of these Internet celebrities live broadcast, and some record videos, because they received money, so even though they know that the food of this restaurant is mediocre, they are still full of praise.

And because of the arrival of these Internet celebrities, the restaurant, which seemed to be somewhat empty and desolate, was extraordinarily lively.

"Hi everyone, this is Xiao Hu, your gourmet investigator. The restaurant behind me is the destination of this trip. This restaurant is called Four Seasons Restaurant, and it is said that it mainly uses 'Four Seasons Fruits and Vegetables' as its ingredients. An exceptional restaurant with dishes…”

"This restaurant has already opened many chain stores on many planets..."

As the rambling introduction session began, one of the team members around Xiao Hu slipped into the restaurant one step ahead of time by taking advantage of the blind corner of the camera.

The so-called 'Gourmet Investigator' Xiao Hu, the reason why he visited Four Seasons Restaurant was because he received an 'invitation'... It sounds better to say an invitation, but it's actually a matter of receiving money.

But because this is a live broadcast, everything is in real time, and there is no room for editing and modification, so in order to avoid doing bad things, they will be notified before they enter the restaurant and make some arrangements in advance.

And the staff member just went into the restaurant to see if the 'arrangements' were made.

After receiving the news from his own people, Xiao Hu's introduction paused, and then changed the subject smoothly: "No amount of introduction is as good as seeing it with your own eyes. Now let me show you how this restaurant is!"

After saying that, he turned the camera to face himself, and then led the team into the restaurant.

Under the pretext of 'too many people are noisy, it is not convenient to live broadcast', Xiao Hu came to the box specially arranged for them by Four Seasons Restaurant.

The following live broadcast was just as they had arranged before, and it went very smoothly.

Whether it's a cryptic promotion in the live broadcast room, or showing the perfect side of Four Seasons Restaurant to the audience in the live broadcast room, they have done it all.

Although during the live broadcast, some passers-by who knew the truth inadvertently passed by the live broadcast room, and couldn't help sending out contradictory bullet screens.

But because there were too many passers-by who didn't know, the content they posted was quickly replaced by more bullet screens. At the same time, the housing management blocked it quickly enough, so it didn't affect the entire live broadcast.

After the live broadcast ended this time, Four Seasons Restaurant took advantage of the popularity of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, and rushed to the top of the Starbo secondary page.

There are two types of hot searches on Xingbo. One is the hot search on the homepage, which is the kind that was posted when Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits became popular before. This kind of hot search is extremely popular and has a great exposure rate.

The hot search on the second-level page will only be displayed after clicking into the specific ranking.

Although the exposure is not as good as the hot search on the homepage, it is a hot search after all, and the ranking of the second-level hot search of Four Seasons Restaurant is relatively high, so this wave also brought them great popularity.

Coupled with the live broadcast of a bunch of Internet celebrities and the promotion of various edited videos, the business of Four Seasons Restaurant has been getting better and better for a while.

The [-] catties of vegetables I bought at Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits are about to be used up...but they are not afraid, because they can use other vegetables instead.

After all, there is no name written on the vegetables of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, and others cannot tell whether the vegetables they use are real or fake.

As for why they didn't use fake products in the first place... This is naturally because they have to produce real purchase records to prove the source of their ingredients when faced with customers' questions.

As long as there is a purchase record, customers will feel at ease, but customers don't know how much they have in stock, so it doesn't matter if the follow-up is true or not.

In addition, they also pay attention to Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, knowing that Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits has released the latest announcement, and will soon put a batch of vegetables worth hundreds of thousands of catties on the shelves... So they are really not worried about the shortage of ingredients,

When the Four Seasons Restaurant was booming, Su Luo finally got the trademark that had been approved after months of effort!
And she has also seen the current booming business situation of Four Seasons Restaurant, Su Luo really has no other way for the time being except to seize the time to further apply for a dedicated trademark.

... In fact, it's not completely absent. She is now thinking about whether she should set a purchase limit for the batch of crops she is about to sell.

Because this can effectively limit the access to raw materials for Four Seasons Restaurant.

But Su Luo is not stupid, she also knows that according to the current prosperity of the Four Seasons restaurant, [-] catties of vegetables are supplied to nine restaurants at the same time, and they should have been consumed long ago, but they still continue to operate, causing more trouble money.

What happened in this, Su Luo can naturally guess.

In other words, her purchase restriction will not affect the business of Four Seasons Restaurant, but may affect the normal buyers who want to buy more products. This operation can be said to be worth the candle.

Of course, there is another more direct way, that is to directly use the official Starblog account of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits to publish content related to Four Seasons Restaurant, and make it clear that Four Seasons Restaurant is just trying to gain popularity.

But this is not good... because she has no definite evidence, and with the current status of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, it is obviously lowering her own style because a four-season restaurant that touches porcelain deliberately speaks out.

... This is not good, and that is not good, Su Luo thought about it, but did not think of any effective solution, but the frowning made the little elf beside her feel a little distressed.

This is the first time they have seen their master so distressed.

But they have nothing to do... because they only know how to farm and have no other place to help their master.

(End of this chapter)

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