Chapter 336 336. Rare Mushrooms
Su Luo thought about it for a while, and because of the self-confidence given by Qingchao, she didn't mind taking out some of the rouge seeds for them to study, anyway, she had already given out a few before, and it wasn't bad at all.

With Qingqiang here, she wasn't worried that they would use Yantanghua to deal with her, unless they wanted to see themselves being poisoned to death.

Even so, Su Luo still only agreed to give one hundred rouge seeds, and they were still 'sterilized'.

If it is not enough, then we will talk about it later, but it is impossible to give it away for free like this time.

And this time the free is just to promote a harmonious transaction between the two parties. After all, except that there is no way to get the planet, Su Luo is still very satisfied with the process of this transaction and the attitude of the other party.

In addition, they also asked her about the Ganoderma lucidum, but Su Luo did not have Ganoderma lucidum, so they told the truth.

Because this was the truth, Su Luo's performance was very sincere, and they had no choice but to believe it.

They can only wait for Su Luo to cultivate the Ganoderma lucidum, and then ask Su Luo to sell it to them. The price is naturally negotiable. If you don't want star coins, other conditions can also be negotiated.

In view of the happy transaction today, Su Luo did not refuse.


Each elf has its own job, and Su Luo also started the job that has been done many times, which is to count the products that need to be put on the shelves today one last time, so as to avoid mistakes and omissions.

Su Luo was overly careful in some respects, even if it was something that had already been confirmed, she would still confirm it repeatedly.

The most important commodities today are 15 catties of Chinese cabbage, 13 catties of small tomatoes, 40 catties of small watermelons, [-] catties of kidney beans and nearly [-] catties of eggplants, totaling nearly [-] catties crop.

And these five kinds of fruits and vegetables are all produced by the farmland of alien beasts.

Because there is no interference like polluted water this time, the overall purity of the crops is higher than before.

Although there are still no pure crops, the total proportion of first-grade pure crops is 9%, and that of second-grade pure crops is 45%.

The total proportion of the lowest-quality fifth-level pure and fourth-level pure crops is only 11%, which is two-thirds of the previous time.

Not only that, in this batch of pure crops, 5% of the radiation index is lower than 3 points, and [-]% is lower than [-] points... In the past, crops of this quality could be sold as pure crops in other stores up.

Although Su Luo will definitely not do this, after all, in her opinion, purity means absolute purity, perfection, even if there is only 1 point of radiation, it is not pure... But it also shows from another angle that the farmland of alien beasts is getting bigger and bigger. develop in a better direction.

Including the previous data also illustrate this point.

In addition, in addition to these five kinds of fruits and vegetables, there is also the return of the Mushroom Family 1.0 that I told you before.

Because Logue has already done its so-called 'mushroom cycle planting system', it is equivalent to having two channels to produce mushrooms.

One is the mushroom cycle planting system, which can harvest a batch every once in a while.

The other is the mushrooms spawned by Logue himself. The harvest time will be shorter than this mushroom cycle planting system, but the output will also be less.

According to Su Luo's arrangement, considering that there are too many types of mushrooms to put on the shelves at one time, if there are too many, I may not be able to take care of them, so I divided the mushrooms into several batches.

And the batches here are the so-called Mushroom Family 1.0 and Mushroom Family 2.0.

Regardless of whether it is 1.0 or 2.0, there are 35 to [-] types of mushrooms.

As I said before, there are hundreds of types of mushrooms, so there will naturally be Mushroom Family 3.0 and 4.0 in the future.

It's just that the 'members' of 3.0 and 4.0 will be more 'rare'... The rarity here is mainly reflected in the probability of appearance.

According to the current situation, excluding the mushroom cycle planting system, the number of fungi grown by Loge has increased to [-] per day, and the output of each batch is at least [-] jin.

[-] catties seems like a lot, but because there are many types of mushrooms, so if you spread them out equally, it is equivalent to [-] catties for each mushroom at a time...

But this is just an average, not the reality.

After all, some mushrooms have a relatively low probability of being produced, and those with a low probability of producing are relatively rare mushrooms.

The rarity here is not only reflected in its quantity, but also in its taste, nutritional value and utility.

It's just that Su Luo, a member of 3.0 and 4.0, doesn't have many here.

On the one hand, it is because the production probability is too low, and on the other hand, it is also because the guild has been repeatedly looking for Su Luo to buy mushrooms, and most of the mushrooms they buy are these rare types of mushrooms, which makes the small inventory even more difficult. Not much left.

So now she sells mushrooms that belong to 1.0 and 2.0 at most. As for 3.0 and 4.0, this can only happen when Logue has some new discoveries or ideas about growing mushrooms, which can greatly increase the output of these mushrooms. In the public eye.

The last time Mushroom 1.0 was put on shelves in total about 13 jin, this time it was a full [-] jin.

In addition, there were [-] catties of other fruits and vegetables, the main source of which was the fruits of Xueqiu's labor and the parts spawned by Su Luo in his spare time.


Just after Su Luo finished counting everything, Guanshi Zheng also came to work.

With such a long time together, and because of the Zheng family's incident before, Su Luo is also willing to give her a little more trust in her.

If it used to be an online office, but now since she moved here, the online office has turned into an offline office.

The advantage of working offline is naturally that communication will be more convenient. After all, two people are in the same area, and the other party can hear whatever they say.

Of course, this also means that the group of little guys running around in Su Luo's house will naturally be exposed to Guanshi Zheng's sight from time to time.

Even though Guanshi Zheng knew that Su Luo was a spirit planter, he was still shocked when he saw so many delicate and lovely elves flying around for the first time.

But she was very smart and didn't ask anything, except that she was a little surprised when she saw so many elves at first, and when she saw it later, she also acted as if she hadn't seen anything.

"By the way, do you pay attention to the special agricultural exhibition?" Zheng Guanshi checked the information on the computer's optical brain, and then asked such a question as if he suddenly thought of something.

Su Luo was already very busy during this time, so when she heard the special agricultural exhibition, she was stunned for a moment, and thought for a few seconds before she remembered what it was.

"No, did something happen at the Grand Cru?"

(End of this chapter)

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