Chapter 342 342. Not Separate
Although Su Luo didn't know what success referred to here, she could also feel the joy from the heart of the little life in her palm, and this joy also drove Su Luo's mood to become very bright.

"What succeeded?" Su Luo asked softly.

During the questioning, Su Luo's fingertips accidentally touched Qingchao's wings... Wings are the most sensitive part of Lingzhi elves. Unless it is a special case, under normal circumstances, no matter if it is a human or any other creature, it will not matter. It is untouchable.

Even between elves who are close to each other, even if they are fighting, they will deliberately avoid wings, because it is very impolite to touch the wings of Lingzhi elves without permission.

But Qingcheng didn't care at all, she didn't seem to realize that her wings were already attached to Su Luo's fingertips, not only did she not avoid it, but leaned back very trustingly.

'Master, still remember what Bu Bu said before to teach us to hide the body? '


Su Luo remembered this very well.

After all, it was she who led Bu Bu to do this in order to distract him.

It's just that it's been more than half a month since the organization sent people to attack Su Luo and the little elves, and there is still no new news about this matter, and with the accumulation of more new things, if it wasn't for Qing Cheng's sudden mention, Su Luo probably forgot about it.

But... Hearing the tone of Cheng clearly, could it be...

"Have you learned it?" Almost as soon as Su Luo finished speaking, she saw with her own eyes that a large group of branches with buds suddenly appeared on her palm.

Accompanied by the appearance of this whole Yantang flower, Qingcheng's gentle and clear voice sounded again.

'The master guessed it right, except for Logue who has no body, we have all learned it. 'After saying this, Qingchao took his body back as if by a magic trick.

Even though this was not the first time Su Luo had seen such a miraculous scene, she still felt a little novel.

But now she is obviously more curious about another question... What Qingbai said is that "we" have all learned it. Without considering Logue, could it be that the seven strawberry essences in her family have also learned it?

But how do they separate when they are intertwined?

After all, this was not an unreasonable question, so Su Luo asked it directly.

It's just that on top of this question, Qingcheng, who has always answered all questions of his master, seldom made a fool of himself.

'The master will know it when he goes and sees for himself! ' Saying that, Qing Qiang flew into the air from her palm, and then signaled Su Luo to go with it.

Su Luo sat up from the sofa cooperatively, and then followed Qing Qiang to leave.

Because Strawberry Jing, Bu Bu and Fu Bao were playing not far from the door, the two of them saw them before walking two steps.

'Master, you are back! Strawberry Jing said this sentence almost at the same time, and the joy in his tone was very obvious.

Fu Bao also turned around abruptly when he heard Strawberry Essence's voice, and jumped up and down twice excitedly.

Bu Bu saw that Strawberry Jing was eager to try, just like Fu Bao. He hid his achievements and fame, and then flew to Qingchao's side silently, and communicated in a low voice.

'Master, look! Fu Bao made an exaggerated expression, and then stretched out his chubby hand like a lotus root.

Su Luo looked at its posture at this time, and felt as if it was hugging something, but it clearly had nothing in its hands...Suddenly, a ginseng seedling twice the size of Fu Bao appeared in its arms.

It didn't know if it was addicted to playing, or it wanted to express itself in front of Su Luo, so it played back and forth several times.

It wasn't until the Strawberry Essence who was waiting at the back got a little anxious that it hugged its own ginseng and went to the side, then looked at Su Luo and smiled foolishly.

'Master, look at us. 'Xiao Liu flew to Su Luo and waved, and after the other six little friends flew to him, then seven elves with similar appearances but different personalities held hands...

The next second, Su Luo stared at the familiar large group of strawberry vines that appeared out of nowhere on the ground, and was slightly taken aback, then squatted down and picked it up carefully, observing carefully.

"Do the seven of you have to be together to put away the main body?" After some inspection, Su Luo found that the main body of the Strawberry Essence didn't seem to have any other changes except that the fruit on it became redder.

It wasn't as she had imagined, because they could retract their own bodies, so the seven strawberry plants separated automatically. From the previous seven in one, they were successfully unwound and divided into seven parts.

They seem to be a whole now...Xiao Yi's words confirmed Su Luo's conjecture.

"Master, you are right. The seven of us must be together to put the main body away. If we want to take it out, we also need seven to be together." '

Xiao Yi's words made Su Luo feel a little regretful.

Although she didn't have any hope at all at first... She felt that it was possible that other elves could put away their bodies, but strawberry spirits couldn't because they were too special.

But when they did, Su Luo became even more greedy.

It's not that she wants to separate the seven of them, but because the seven of them are always tied together, and luck and misfortune depend on each other, which always makes her feel that accidents are more likely to happen.

If...Although Su Luo definitely does not want this if to happen, she will work hard to make this if not happen...


If they put away their bodies, and one day one of the strawberry spirits disappeared for some reason, wouldn't it be impossible for the single one or the other six to take care of their bodies?
Although Lingzhi is special, it is also a plant that needs watering and sunshine.

Moreover, after the elf energy of the spirit planting elves is consumed, they still need to rely on their bodies to recover. Even if Su Luo uses wood-type supernatural powers to help them, they still need to input their supernatural powers into their bodies...

"Then you know, if you put away the main body, if one of them is not there, you can't take out the main body, how will you take care of it?" Su Luo expressed her worries.

Although the other elves didn't have this trouble, they were a little worried when they heard Su Luo's words, because they were also spiritual plant elves, and they knew the importance of the body to them.

'Then it's fine if we don't separate after the seven of us. '

'That's right, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened if the seven of us hadn't been separated! '


Su Luo also hoped so.

Although many of her thoughts are a bit unfounded, she can't help but think... She doesn't want any accidents to happen because of improper consideration.

But since Strawberry Essence didn't feel anything wrong, then Su Luo wasn't going to say such things to increase their worries for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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