Chapter 344 344. Mutant Bacteria
'Wow, it's really freezing!so amazing! 'From the very beginning, Xiaosan and Xiaowu, who had been watching Logue communicating with the master, suddenly had a small head.

They watched helplessly as the 'glass of water' turned into a 'glass of ice cubed water', and they all exclaimed in surprise at such a miraculous scene.

Xiao San originally wanted to reach out to touch it to see if it was really ice, but when he was about to do it, Xiao Wu who was beside him grabbed him.

'Don't touch it randomly, what if it is harmful to your body? '

Although she knew that Xiao Wu was caring about herself, Xiao San still felt that it was nothing, "But didn't Logue say that this is not poisonous. '

'Logue did say that it is not poisonous, but it does not mean that it is not poisonous after it is fused with water. Isn't there a saying that it is... what is it? "Xiao Wu has been doing this and that for a long time, and when he finally remembered it, he subconsciously slapped his forehead, "Chemical reaction!right!It's a chemical reaction! '

Logue was speechless, and whispered: "In addition to photosynthesis, can plants and water have any special chemical reactions?" '

Su Luo who heard Logue's words: ...The dead creatures suddenly started attacking me.

But in any case, Xiao Wu's cautious approach is correct.

The world's great wonders.

Su Luo has even experienced time-traveling. If she didn't believe in Logue and knew that it wouldn't let her do dangerous things, such as suddenly turning non-toxic and harmless things into harmful ones, and didn't remind her, otherwise Su Luo would I will treat this glass of ice water with care... Who knows, what if the plants in this world really have other chemical reactions.

"Xiao Wu's approach is correct. Before and after unknown events and unknown changes, you need to be careful." Su Luo first praised Xiao Wu, explaining that it was right to be cautious, but then also explained that Bai Luzhen was innocent. Harmful things.

Xiao Wu naturally believed his master's words, so he let go, and Xiao San still obeyed his inner thoughts, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it.

'Eh? 'At the moment when his fingers touched the 'ice cube water', he felt the icy cold touch of his fingertips, and his eyes widened in surprise.

It turned its head, looked at Xiao Wu, and said in a tone full of surprise: "It's really ice!"Xiao Wu, come and touch...'

Little five...

Xiao Wu didn't want to try it at first, but he didn't know whether it was because of his kindness, or seeing Xiao San's surprise, he couldn't help stretching out his hand.

'Well, it's ice cubes. '

'It's amazing, why can this plant turn water into ice cubes? When asking this question, Xiaosan stared at Logue closely, with a bit of admiration in his eyes, admiration that it can grow such a miraculous thing.

Logue's character naturally enjoys this gaze, but the embarrassing thing is that it only knows that the Bailu needle can turn water into ice, but it doesn't know why it can turn water into ice.

It tilted its head slightly, and couldn't think of a reason to explain it, but it didn't want to lie to its friends about such a trivial matter, but it didn't want to admit that it didn't know in front of other creatures except the owner...

However, when it was struggling, other elves also rushed over - they were all called by Xiao Qi.

In fact, Xiaosan, Xiaowu and Xiaoqi were all there just now, but after hearing the new word that some water turns into ice, Xiaosan and Xiaowu continued to stay and watch, and Xiaoqi flapped his wings to find other elves to come together Onlookers.

Their arrival caused another uproar, Xiao San and Xiao Wu also forgot the question they had just asked Logue, and happily began to share the miraculous scene they had just seen with other elves.

Su Luo couldn't help laughing while watching, and waved to Logue while the other elves were playing with ice cubes of water.

"Let me introduce the fungus grown from the mutated spores."

When Su Luo changed the subject, Logue heaved a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and pulled a light yellow, flower-like fungus: "This is sassafras, and this one, ball camphor, and that one is spotted camphor." '

The names are both 'x camphor', so does this prove that they are all the same type of fungi?
Logue saw her doubts, and continued to introduce: "These three are all mutated bacteria. Although the names are a bit weird, they are all non-toxic and harmless. I don't know if they can be eaten." '

The name of 'mutant fungus' is indeed weird, it sounds like the kind of poisonous thing... But since Logue said it is non-toxic and harmless, no matter how weird the name is, it doesn't matter.

After that, Logue introduced what it knew about the characteristics of these three types of bacteria.

Because this is also the first time Logue has seen such things as fungus camphor, so his understanding of them is not thorough, and he can't even tell how the spores mutate, the characteristics of these three fungus camphors are only limited know a part.

For example, sassafras has a very sweet and greasy smell after ripening, and the ball camphor has strong adhesion.

And the spores emitted by the spotted camphor seem to promote the growth of the fungus produced by the common spores-this is just the result of Logue's short-term observation.

But because of the lack of time, it has not been able to confirm the specific effect, so this has yet to be investigated.

After listening for a while, so far, Su Luo felt that the fungi produced by the mutated spores seemed useless.

On the other hand, the previous bush camellia and white dew needle, one can calm the mind and soothe the nerves, and the other can cool down the fire...they can turn water into ice, and it is indeed good for reducing fire (physical).

If these two things are processed in some way, they can be used as food or medicinal materials, or after some processing, they can be used as inhaled gas medicaments, which is also very good.

"Then the research on these three things will be handed over to Logue." Su Luo touched Logue's head, and immediately withdrew his hand before it found out, "By the way, is there any point in storing this?"

Logue: 'Just cool and dry. '

Su Luo nodded, then took a clean container to put away the bush camellia and white dew needles, and temporarily put them together with Ling Zhi.

Just when she put away these two fungal plants, the other elves seemed to be a little tired of playing. After all, there is nothing magical about ice cube water, what is magical is the process of production.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Su Luo kept Bubu. Although the other elves didn't know why the master left Bubu alone, they didn't ask too much, and went to play with other friends by themselves.

Logue originally wanted to stay and study the mutated bacteria, but Qing Qiang and the other elves couldn't stand it's boring life of growing mushrooms or researching other things all day long, so they forcibly dragged Logue away .

The other elves left, and Logue also left, leaving only Bubu and Su Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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