Chapter 350 350. Can't Eat

After hearing the news, Tao Meng offered to teach Jin Qiuqiu this technique without Su Luo saying anything.

After experiencing that ordeal, the elves of Jinqiuqiu have grown a lot in character, but they are still afraid. To put it bluntly, it is "once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well ropes".

Although the guild has strengthened its defenses because of this incident, whether it is Tao Meng himself or Jin Qiuqiu, one is no longer relieved that his own Lingzhi will leave his sight, and the other is extremely clingy to his master.

This was Su Luo's goal, so naturally she would not refuse Tao Meng's request, so they made an appointment until tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Tao Meng will bring Jin Qiuqiu to visit.

Because Tao Meng had already been here once before, and knew about Su Luo's situation here, Su Luo didn't have too many scruples.

'Okay, don't worry, Master!Bubu can definitely teach Jin Qiuqiu! Bubu raised his head confidently, and the serious expression on his face showed a strange and cute contrast.

Because of this short, cool-toned, silver-white hair, all the elves thought that Bubu was not easy to get along with at first, but in fact, he has a gentle personality, steady and unflappable.

"It's okay, take it easy and teach." Tao Meng said, she will ask for five days off, if there is not enough time, she can continue to ask for leave.

Anyway, the guild does not deduct money for leave, and the benefits that should be given will not be less, but there are restrictions on taking leave, but before Tao Meng was almost open all year round, the vacation saved was useless once, so five days was not enough, she You can come back for another five days.

As long as Jin Qiuqiu can learn to protect himself better, Tao Meng feels that even if he overdraws his holidays for the next five years, it will be fine.

...Of course, in fact, the most important thing is that Su Luo does not let her tell the guild about this matter, otherwise, if the guild knows the real reason for her leave, I am afraid that not only will it not deduct the number of days of her leave, but it may even pack other spirit planters to accompany her go together.

Thinking of this, Tao Meng also understood why Su Luo didn't let her tell the guild about it.

Because once other people know about this, they will definitely be like themselves, hoping that their spiritual plant elves can learn this technique.

And although this is a good thing for other people, it is indeed a troublesome thing for Su Luo.

Of course, from Tao Meng's point of view, Su Luo was willing to tell her about it, no matter what it was for, she was very moved.



After knowing that he has a new student tomorrow, Bu Bu is actually quite nervous.

Although it has taught so many elves, after all, these elves are from their own family, and they are very familiar with it. It is said that it is teaching, but in fact, everyone is learning while playing, and there will still be more elements of playing than learning.

However, it quickly adjusted its mentality. After all, the elf it was going to teach was Jin Qiuqiu. Xiaoqi is similar, an elf who is also timid.

While it was nervously adjusting itself, Su Luo was also conducting an equally tense experiment in the next room that should have been a warehouse.

The equipment she is using now is a separator, which functions as the literal meaning, which is to separate substances and then analyze the items from the composition of the substances.

And what she is going to analyze now are camellia bushes and white dew needles.

As two types of fungi whose effects are not ordinary at all, Su Luo hopes that they can be eaten by humans... and the first step in judging whether something is edible is to separate its components.

Then screen the ingredients for ingredients that are indigestible to humans, or ingredients that are harmful to the human body, etc.

It looks very powerful, but in fact there are instructions for the specific operation, and there is also a database for ingredient screening, which can be carried out automatically, that is to say, Su Luo only needs to prepare the samples according to the requirements.

And her nervousness is mainly due to the unknown result... She must hope that these two things can be used as edible mushroom plants, but the result...

After Su Luo prepared the two samples, they put them into the instrument, and then quietly waited for the countdown on the instrument to return to zero.

After the countdown reaches zero, the result has not yet come out, because the end of the countdown only means that the ingredients have been separated successfully, and the next step is to screen the ingredients.

After waiting for another minute, Su Luo looked at the two selected data, which corresponded one by one to the data in the user manual displayed on the optical computer.

The selected ingredients of Shucong Camellia are A14 and A30, while the selected ingredients of Bailuzhen are A68 and B90.

According to the database, A14 is nerve paralysis, A30 is nerve sleep, and the function of the book mentioned by Logue is "calming the mind and soothing the nerves", which is exactly in line with these two components.

And the reason why these two ingredients were screened out is also obvious... But!
However, it doesn't mean that as long as some ingredients are screened out, it means that this thing cannot be eaten by humans.

Because the screening of the separator only screens the ingredients, and it is unreasonable to talk about the hazards regardless of the dose.

In other words, it doesn't matter if there are ingredients screened, the key is the 'quantity' of the ingredients, as long as the amount does not reach the dangerous line, it is still edible.

It's just the calculation of the quantity, which involves the use of another instrument, so I won't mention it for now... But the current results not only prove the effect of the bush camellia, but also prove that it has no other harm.

The A68 and B90 screened out by Bailu needle represent coagulation factor and subplasticization, respectively. The former is the reason why point water turns into ice, and the latter is originally derived from an ore component.

But the ingredients that should have appeared on the ore appeared on the plant, regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, the possibility of being edible has dropped a lot.

After backing up and saving all the results of component separation, Su Luo began to operate another instrument to calculate the components.

The final inspection results showed that although the content of A30 was slightly higher, it was still within the qualified range, while the content of CA14 and A68 was normal.

As for B90... it is unreasonable for this thing to exist in plants, so the amount is not important, because this thing cannot be eaten at all!
Otherwise, why do the other three ingredients all start with A, but it is the only one that starts with B?

Because A is the plant composition database, B is the ore composition database!

Su Luo struggled for a while, then packaged and saved the two data separately, and then went to the star network to search for a question——

'Is it normal for ore components to appear in plants? '

The search results were various, but none of them were usable. Just when she felt that the interstellar search engine was as cheating as before, she saw a related message.

(End of this chapter)

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