Chapter 363 363. Official Letter
Yu You: Senior sister, do you have any misunderstandings about your weak junior sister?
[Brother knows that you must be embarrassed to bother us and the teacher, so I will help you say this!How about it?Brother is good enough?If the junior sister wants to thank the senior brother, why don't you send some local products of four seasons fruits and vegetables to the senior brother? 】

Seeing the last item, Yu You's face was numb: ... I really thank you!My 'good' brother!

After reading the message sent by the senior brother and sister again, Yu You was numb.

They still have the nerve to ask themselves why they didn't tell them... Isn't this just because they are worried about the current situation!
But it's all about complaining, Yu You also knew that they really cared about her. After all, when she was in school, the teacher used to treat her like a daughter, and then brought these senior brothers and sisters to treat her like a younger sister.

Although it sounds a bit Versailles to say so, it is true.


Because of this incident, Yu You has been off work for the past few days, mainly to prevent everyone from seeing her name 'Xiaoyu' and taking the opportunity to talk about other insignificant things, which will affect their work.

Although the vest can be changed, the sudden addition of a customer service with a new name will easily arouse the imagination of the outside world, so Su Luo simply gave Yu You a vacation, and after this matter is resolved, she will make up the working hours .

Now that the things that should be clarified have been clarified, Yu You briefly explained to her current boss, Su Luo, the reason why Lu Jiana spoke up, and then began to contact the lawyers she knew to sue those on the list .

She posted that Xingbo post not just to scare people, to prevent these people from suffering, they really think they are easy to bully!

Interstellar's punishment for this kind of online rumors is much more serious than before, especially those who scolded the most, and Yu You is not going to let anyone who spread rumors with malicious P pictures even in order to lead others to misunderstand.

But she is now an employee of Siji Vegetables and Fruits after all, if she really wants to sue those people, she has to inform Su Luo in advance, and she can't just go her own way, because although this matter came from her, it has already affected the reputation of Siji Vegetables and Fruits.

Yu You had already thought about it, if Su Luo didn't agree with her doing this, then she would quit, but no one should be let go.

If you agree, or if Su Luo has other arrangements, as long as it is reasonable, Yu You will obey.

But Yu You didn't expect that Su Luo could move faster than her.

Before asking herself, Su Luo took the initiative to contact her and suggested to teach those people a lesson, whether it was reporting or suing.

Besides, Su Luo also directly handed over some of Dong Shu's investigation materials to her, which will be used as evidence for the operation at that time.

To be honest, Yu You is quite happy to have such a boss whose three views are consistent with her own. In her heart, she also feels that her trip was not in vain. Four Seasons Fruits and Vegetables really suits her in every way.

Since the boss supported him in doing so, after Yu You contacted the right person, he directly sent dozens of interstellar law letters, which stated all the process and results of the matter, and also gave those people how to apologize and compensate. .

If they don't do so, the interstellar legal letter will be transformed into an interstellar official letter once the time limit expires, and it will not be so easy to solve this matter easily at that time.

Even if these people regret it and want to solve the problem with an apology and compensation, they must go to the interstellar court.


The current situation is that Yu You himself has the ability to perfectly solve the problem, and Su Luo doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Although the other four people didn't expect that something happened to Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits inexplicably after they had only worked for a few days, but they were not ordinary people.

They look at this matter from their own perspective, and they know part of the truth, so they also know that this matter has little effect on Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits.

So they are still doing what they should do, have not been affected, and will not deliberately gossip about it.

Even if some malicious intentions have been encountered in the past two days, it is of course possible that ordinary people are really curious about gossip, so when they came to ask about the background information of the real situation, they chose to ignore it without discrimination. No one would be stupid enough to talk too much at this time.

Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits is calm here, and the outer star network is once again full of noise.

Although this matter did not make a lot of hot searches, it was also quite popular, because this matter not only involved Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits, but also involved Lu Jiana, a top university in the interstellar world.

How could such a powerful university speak out for a graduate?

It's not easy to think about it.

The difficulty here is either that this 'little fish' is not simple, or the relationship between the bosses behind Siji Vegetables and Fruits is not simple.

Especially when everyone found out that the interstellar legal letter sent by this little fish was not a joke, but really had the effect of being converted into an interstellar official letter, the onlookers were shocked, and the person concerned was anxious, angry and regretful.

No one thought that this Yu You would really dare to sue so many people at once, but she did just that, and she really succeeded.

A total of 43 interstellar law letters were sent out. Before the statute of limitations expired, Yu You only received apologies from less than ten people, so after the statute of limitations expired, the remaining thirty or so people who did not apologize were all sued by Yu You to interstellar law letters. court.

The deeds of these people are not just as simple as spreading rumors. Some of them pretend to be people who know Yu You and speak ill of Yu You, and some pretend to be so-called insiders and pour dirty water on her. Yu You's real appearance... Leaving aside whether the person who broke the news is Yu You, but this behavior violates interstellar law.

This group of people did bad things and still refused to repent. Now the defendant really deserves it.

No matter how they want to use public opinion to tell their 'innocent' and 'pitiful' again on, or they want to establish the image of Yu You making a fuss or being unreasonable, so after the apology was rejected, these people still Jumping up and down on the star network, her will never change.

But netizens are not without brains.

Before, it was because Siji Vegetables and Yu You hadn't clarified, and many people came here after hearing rumors and didn't know the truth, so they were misled.

But now the truth is obvious, regardless of whether the little fish said later that he "knows the boss of xx company" and the so-called targeting of the scumbag ex-boyfriend is true, but he is indeed Lu Jiana's student.

Even the school officials personally came down to help prove this, which is too much weight.

Being able to let the school speak out in person, this 'little fish' must not be as simple as an ordinary student.

 Thanks for the reward of [Shallow Juicing and Qingyin].

  Thanks to unknown readers from other websites for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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