Chapter 366. Chapter 366.

The advantage of this is that some people who are not picky eaters and simply like to buy the crops of the Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits can specifically pick out the ones that are in stock, so that the probability of buying them will be higher.

If it was before, they only knew what was available, but did not know the specific quantity, then they could only choose what they liked and wanted to buy, and just pick one if they didn't particularly like it.

But people often fail to grab crops because the stocks of the crops they choose are relatively small.

However, this situation has improved a lot after the first harvest of the Alien Beast Farm, because the number of commodities has increased.

Although the quality has also been reduced, everyone can see from the recent changes in the number of commodities that the quality of these commodities is gradually getting better and better.



With five customer service and one operation from who knows where, Su Luo's daily life can be said to be very leisurely and pleasant.

People who were so busy that they didn't touch the ground finally had time to stop and rest. In the morning, they also had time to look after the body of the little elf, who hadn't input powers for several days.

During this period of time, because she was very busy, she was busy with inexplicable things every day after getting up in the morning, and then kept busy until night... Although Su Luo didn't know what she had to be busy with, but she had There are things that can't be solved.

For example, the court review of the trademark has started, so she must go and watch it, right?

For example, the guild has already secured all the land she wanted, and rented it for three years according to her request, and now it has been transferred to her. For this new land, she must arrange for alien beasts to open up wasteland and plant it, right?

Another example is that some legions also started to ask her where the half of the strawberries went when Yishuo strawberries were sold on Vegetables and Fruits in the four seasons at the beginning of the month. She also had to answer a little bit, right?

Otherwise, if they misunderstand that they have other connections with a certain legion in private, it is not good at all, and it will be troublesome.

There is also the derivative trouble of handing over the velvet grass.

For example, after the velvet grass was handed in, she could always receive a message from the vice president, a question from the Institute of Botany of the Imperial Star.

They asked a lot of questions, and the content was very detailed, so detailed that even Su Luo didn't know the answers to many of the questions... No, how could they think they knew the shortest and longest length of velvet grass?
There are also those who ask about the amount of watering. Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal, they ask for details down to milliliters.

... How does Su Luo answer this?

She always sows the seeds directly, and then waters as she likes... According to her habit, as long as it is not under-watered, as long as it is not over-watered, it is just the right amount, and there is no such thing as a milliliter.

What's more, isn't one of the characteristics of cashmere grass easy to feed!
No one is so meticulous in farming and experimenting as to water with a dropper, right?

Su Luo complained halfway, and suddenly remembered that this is Interstellar.

Su Luo: ...It seems that they may really be watering with a dropper.

And experimenting with this kind of thing is really amazing.

The velvet grass planted by Su Luo——

Thirsty: You can’t die if you drink a sip of water, just make up for it tomorrow... Forget it, it’s okay if you don’t make up.

Exposure to the sun: More exposure to the sun will improve your health, the grass will be greener, the leaves will be longer, and your body will grow better every day!

It's cold: I'm...not...cold...Ah Choo!I... still... can... live!Ah Choo!
Summary: Very good feed.

Lab weed——

Watering: A drop of water is missing today, and it will die a bit.

Illumination: The brightness of the light is different from yesterday, so light it up.

Temperature: The temperature has increased by 0.0001 degrees in the last second, and it will die a bit.

Nonsensical: The experimenter stepped into the gate with his left foot first today, and died a little.

Summary: die lightly.


This kind of joke that has appeared before seems to be common in Interstellar.

But it's impossible for Su Luo to really tell the vice president that she grows the velvet weeds casually, so she can only euphemistically express that she doesn't need to grow velvet weeds so delicately.

It is a weed itself at the beginning, and excessive care may be harmful to planting.

As for how the vice president conveyed her meaning, and whether the laboratory believed it or not, this was not Su Luo's concern.

She is currently indulging in smoking ginseng-yes, literally smoking ginseng.

But the ginseng here is not Fubao, nor is it the body of Fubao, but a ginseng planted by Fubao that looks a little deformed, or has a slightly mutated appearance.

First of all, the color of other ginseng leaves is normally green, but it is yellow.

This color makes the ginseng leaves look like dead leaves in autumn, which is why Su Luo noticed this ginseng, because she saw the leaves turning yellow, and thought that this ginseng plant was malnourished.

At first, she wondered how could there be ginseng malnutrition under the care of Fubao, a ginseng doll.

But after she checked the ginseng, she found that it was healthy and there was nothing wrong with it.

In addition, this ginseng has some other differences from ordinary ginseng.

For example, the root skin of common ginseng is mostly brownish-yellow, while the skin of its root system is reddish brown; common ginseng is a tap root, and its root hair is slightly curved.

Su Luo knew that it was still ginseng, but she suspected that it should be a mutated variety of ginseng, just like the white sweet radish evolved from Bubu.

It's just that she only has a superficial understanding of ginseng, and the world is different, and the diversity of species is also different, so she doesn't know what it has mutated into.

But it doesn't matter if she doesn't know, as long as Fu Bao knows.

'Master, what's the matter to find Fubao! "If you don't see his figure, you should hear his voice first."

Thanks to Su Luo's good eyesight, when she heard the movement and turned her head, she saw a little doll wearing familiar red gold-rimmed short-sleeved shorts and a red and white fluffy ball on her head. There is also a big red cloak fluttering.

Su Luo was taken aback by such a unique and aesthetic dress, and then realized that this was Fu Bao and not some strange creature.

'Owner? Fu Bao tilted his head, looking at his silent master, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Obviously it was the master who called him over, why did he suddenly look at him and stop talking now?

Fu Bao looked at his master, and then followed her gaze to look at himself... Fu Bao seemed to suddenly understand something.

It grabbed the edge of the red cloak with one hand, and then shook it vigorously. It seemed that it wanted to throw the cloak in a chic arc, but in fact, because of an inexplicable gust of wind, the red cloak was blurred by Fu Bao. face, the red cloak suddenly became a 'red hijab'.

Su Luo: "..."

Su Luo smiled and helped it take off the 'red hijab', and then pinched the red and white fur ball on its head.

(End of this chapter)

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