It was nothing more than spending money to buy a few seeds, not even one-ten-thousandth of the total value of the contribution fee paid by the guild to Su Luo, the guild was already very proud of being willing to sell them the seeds, and I don't know where the face came from In that pointing fingers, push an inch.

But now that Velvet Grass will be renamed Taco Powder, it proves that the Institute of Botany has finally overwhelmed the guild.

However, the guild is not at a disadvantage. After all, in order to have the right to speak about the velvet grass plant, Siji Vegetables not only took out all the contribution fees from the guild to Su Luo, but also paid the original price to the guild as a deal with Su Luo. It was the Botanical Research Institute, not the guild, and at the same time, they posted another sum of money.

So this is the reason why the guild has never promoted velvet grass, because the right to speak about this matter is no longer in the hands of the guild.


After learning about the grievances between the Institute of Botany and the guild, Su Luo felt as if she had watched a wonderful drama, and it was a drama that she had never had the opportunity to touch before.

Not only that, when Su Luo changed her name to Taco Powder because of the velvet grass without her knowledge, the slightest estrangement she had towards the guild disappeared.

With such an indifferent attitude, Su Luo felt nothing in her heart except that she was a little distressed that the velvet grass could not be popularized as soon as possible.



The velvet grass thing dragged on for half a year.

Not to mention the S-level bananas and lychees, the former is [-] star coins, and the latter is [-] star coins!
Because lychee has extremely high requirements on the growing environment, it is difficult to grow "delicate" fruits such as lychee in the case of radiation damage to the environment.

Therefore, even if they are both S-grade fruits, the price difference between bananas and lychees is more than double.

As for the lychee whose price is only 1 star coins for level five, the price for level two purity is [-] star coins, and the price for level one purity is more than five figures, reaching more than [-] star coins.

Of course, this is only the gap between qualified products. With the current planting level of Alien Beast farmland, there are basically no four-level or five-level pure crops in the crops they are currently planting. A small part is three-level pure, and more are one level and level two, and even special level occasionally.

In addition to the previous 1000 yuan field, the scale of the Alien Beast farmland has now reached 1000 or two hundred small farmlands, which is 60 square meters.

You must know that the only S-grade vegetable beet that can be used as a raw material for glycogen, the unit price of the fifth-grade qualified product is only [-] star coins, and the special grade is only [-] star coins.

The cub can help with farming and do some simple and easy work, but the cub can't do it, otherwise let alone these alien beasts feel distressed, Su Luo thinks that she is not that perverted.

In order to further expand the market for four-season fruits and vegetables, Su Luo has expanded the range of crops planted to fruit trees that have never been touched before.

Just by raising one level, the price has more than doubled.

Because of making money!
The yield of fruit trees is not lower than that of other crops, but the price is several times that of other crops. No matter how you look at it, it is more cost-effective to grow fruits.

The cause of the incident has something to do with the silly fire lion from before...

For example, when only qualified products are considered, the unit price of qualified apples is [-] stars, grapes are [-] stars, and cherries are [-] stars.

The 200 yuan field corresponds to ten kinds of fruits that grow on trees, which is equivalent to planting 20 yuan fields for each fruit tree, and the planting area is [-] square meters.

In order to avoid any impact on the high-grade fruit market by planting too many fruits at one time, the number of fruit trees that Su Luo planted in the first batch was relatively small.

The former can't even speak and only knows how to cry when hungry, but the latter can already start kindergarten.

And these fruit trees were planted in her newly rented farmland that had just been reclaimed, that is, from No. 1001 Alien Beast Farmland to No. 1200 Alien Beast Farmland.

What's more, the number of alien beasts was the same as the number of farmland not long ago, and an 'expansion' was also carried out.

The price gap between vegetables and fruits is huge. This string of data explains why Su Luo wants to plant fruit trees.

For example, grapes and cherries are A-level fruits, and lychees and bananas are even S-level fruits.

For example, the most common apples in the past, as well as grapes, cherries, lychees, and bananas are all fruits that grow on trees.

Of course, the expansion here does not refer to the birth of alien cubs. After all, it is difficult for alien beasts to reproduce. No matter how many more than 800 alien beasts are born, a dozen more cubs at a time will be enough.

Every grade difference means a huge price gap.

Because the growth cycle of fruit trees is extremely long, there is no need to plant and harvest repeatedly, so even if an additional 200 yuan of small farmland is added, the Alien Beast will definitely be busy.

These fruits have one thing in common, that is, they are of high grade.

According to the way the market calculates the price, although the grade 4000 pure banana is only [-] star coins, the price of the grade [-] pure banana is more than [-], which can be said to have reached the lowest price of lychees.

After about two weeks of reclaiming the newly rented wasteland, Su Luo officially arranged for the aliens to plant fruit trees.

It is difficult to grow, and in order not to lose money, many people will not grow it, which leads to the fact that the total output of litchi accounts for only a very small part compared to other crops.

The lowest-level fruit that grows on trees is apples, and only it is B-level. The rest of the fruits, as long as they grow on trees, are the lowest level A.

The expansion here refers to the adult xenomorphs, because a new xenomorph has joined them, and the process of joining the xenophobia is also very interesting.

What's more, cubs are different from cubs. From a human point of view, cubs are babies, and cubs of alien beasts are at the stage of three or five years of human beings.

Of course, these are all based on the fact that someone buys it.

Until now, Su Luo has expanded the size of the Alien Beast Farm to a full 1000 yuan field, and there has been no movement yet.

Although the current Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits cannot be said to be the largest vegetable and fruit store on the market, it must be the most famous and best-known vegetable and fruit store.

Before planting fruit trees, she rented another 200 yuan of wasteland the size of a field.


One day, the fiery lion was out for a walk, and met another alien.

It was not surprising to meet alien beasts in the wild, but at the time, I didn’t know which of these two alien beasts was out of their minds. One was a fiery lion and the other was a flame tiger. Just by looking at their names, I knew they were two bad-tempered guys. So the two of them immediately fought.

Judging from the results, the Fire Lion crushed the Flame Tiger with a complete victory.

The reason may be that after being taken care of by Su Luo for more than half a year, he feeds him with delicious food and drink every day, and from time to time there is also Lingzhi food to enjoy...

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