Chapter 409 409. Impossible

It's just that this kind of Zerg's combat effectiveness is not strong, so their main job is not fighting, so they don't often appear on the battlefield, and many people naturally don't know their existence.

Large Zergs are easy to find, and even because of their special size, humans don't need to pay special attention to find their traces.

However, the Zerg with a body size like a mosquito or a small animal is not so easy to be found, so this kind of Zerg is most suitable as an "internal response" to lurk into the human territory, and then pass the information to the Zerg army through the Zerg's special way of transmitting information about the human condition.

Although many traces of the Zerg have been found, the military department immediately assigned the defense tasks of these planets targeted by the Zerg to each legion, and asked them to go and wipe out the Zerg hidden in the crowd as soon as possible.

But because there are still miniature Zergs, and as mentioned before, Zergs now have unknown ways to hide their whereabouts and not be located by humans, so everyone still can't relax their vigilance.



"What is the situation in each mission area?"

"The first mission area has completely wiped out the Zerg based on the positioning provided earlier."

"The third mission area has completely wiped out the Zerg according to the positioning provided earlier."

"The fourth mission area has been..."


The mission area here refers to those planets that the Zerg regard as a target and have taken action.

Under normal circumstances, planets that are relatively close to each other are used as a mission area, and there is no upper limit on the number of planets in a mission area. That is to say, some mission areas may have dozens of planets, and some may have hundreds of planets. Your mission area may only have a few planets.

But in any case, there must be a reasonable basis for the division of mission areas.

After the mission areas are divided, these mission areas will be assigned to the legions with the most suitable conditions, and let them clean up the Zerg of all planets within the range of the mission area.

So far, from the first mission area to the tenth mission area, a total of six mission areas have successfully completed the first comprehensive cleanup of the Zerg inside the planet.

According to the fact that the first mission area is assigned to the First Army Corps, and so on, the four missing mission areas are the second mission area under the responsibility of the Second Army Corps, the sixth mission area under the responsibility of the Sixth Army Corps, and the seventh and third mission areas. The seventh mission area and the ninth mission area that the Ninth Army is responsible for.

Although the strength of each legion is different, it is reasonable to have a difference in the speed of completing tasks.

But it is precisely because of the gap in strength and materials that when assigning mission areas, the military will also consider the actual situation, and assign those with more planets and Zergs to stronger legions, and vice versa. Legion in general.

Therefore, even if the task speed is affected due to the gap in strength, it will not have much impact.

What's more, is the Second Army weak?
How could it be weak as the second army of the military department!
Not to mention the Second Legion, the Seventh Legion, because of the existence of Old General Wen, although it is a newly established legion, its background is not worse than the previous legions.

The 'seventh' here does not mean that it ranks seventh in strength. If you really want to rank by strength reserve, be modest, the strength of the Seventh Legion should at least rank in the top five, or even the top three.

What's more, the Seventh Legion has a close relationship with a certain spirit planter... That's right!The spirit planter here is talking about Su Luo!

Although everyone knows that the relationship between Master Su Lingzhi and the Seventh Legion is superficially close, who will let people come first, but they can't help but wonder if this Master Lingzhi will give the seventh army in private? The Seventh Legion made a small fuss.

It wasn't until everyone saw the Yishuo strawberries and white sweet radishes that were delivered every month that they realized that the Xiaozao was just Master Duanshui.

With this output, they can't see any room for improvement. This has reached the upper limit that they can't understand, let alone whether she will have other transactions with certain legions in private... Impossible, absolutely impossible!

While everyone was waiting for the news from the other four legions, a man barged in with a happy face.

Originally, this kind of behavior was definitely not allowed no matter what the occasion, but after everyone heard what he said, there was no time to worry about it.

"There is a batch of C6030 planets from outside..." Before he finished speaking, the meeting room was already more than half empty.

The warrior who sent the message: ...

Warrior who sent the message: Anyway, wait until I finish...

A few seconds later, the members of the Third Legion and the Tenth Legion, who knew that this matter had nothing to do with them, glanced at the messenger soldier who was obviously a little dazed, and then walked away with a dark face.

Since the meeting room is empty, this soldier is also taking the excuse of going back to his post to see what he sent, which makes this group of people who are usually not angry and pretentious so excited .

When he finally returned to the place where the things sent by the planet C6030 were stored, he found that the place was empty, so clean that there was not even a speck of dust, as if all the large and small boxes he saw before were illusions.

"Why did you come back?" The partner knew that he just went to report, but he didn't come back when those people moved the things away. As a result, all the things had been moved, so he just came back. If he didn't know that he was honest and pointed Maybe I thought he went somewhere to catch fish.

The soldier who was ignored at first, and then suddenly asked by his partner 'how did you come back' touched his head a little bit aggrieved, and then retorted: "What do you mean by 'just came back', you look at the time yourself, now it is just It's been less than 5 minutes since we left!"

If it was a normal walking speed, it would take him more than 5 minutes to go back and forth.

Of course, he couldn't go there on foot. In order to report the news as soon as possible, and to come back to watch, he used to run back and forth.

But even so, they didn't even see the 'exhaust' when those things were removed.

" seems to be really..." The partner looked at the time and clapped his hands in confusion.

It wasn't until he heard the soldier briefly describe what happened just now that he finally understood what happened.

"I get it, I get it... This must be something sent by the spirit planter!" Seeing that the soldier who sent the message still didn't understand, the partner realized that the soldier in front of him was a 'newcomer' who had just entered the army not long ago It's normal for him not to understand these grievances.

But he wasn't going to play charades either, so he was pulled to their resting place first, and then he started to do science-related things with him.

(End of this chapter)

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