Chapter 421 421. Dizziness and Diarrhea
If it's just one or two, it can be said to be just a coincidence. After all, the alien beasts are not disease-free and disaster-free, but the probability is relatively small.

But one third is almost [-] alien beasts. There must be other reasons for the problems with such a large number of alien beasts.

Moreover, the alien beasts were not feeling well, and the Zerg gathered over there, which showed that there must be something strange in it.

The Zerg knew that their target was the Alien Beast, and they also knew that they couldn't beat the Alien Beast, but they also knew something that the Alien Beast didn't know, that is, the body of the Alien Beast would have problems at this time.

So their seemingly death-like behavior is actually the result of careful planning.

As for why the alien has dizziness and diarrhea, the physical reasons are ruled out. After all, the alien has always been in good physical condition, and the only explanation can only be a problem with eating.

That is to say, the flowertail snake seems to have damaged the food in order to place the Zerg shell and attract the Zerg, but in fact the real purpose is to poison the food in other warehouses of the Alien Beast.

The previous two actions were just a cover-up to divert attention, mislead Su Luo and Yingcui Turtle, and misjudge its true purpose.

Of course, it would be better if the Zerg Husk is not found, after all, this can lead to Zerg attack.

It doesn't matter if it is discovered, anyway, it's just a cover-up, and it doesn't matter whether it is discovered or not.

However, many alien beasts who also ate food from these two warehouses did not experience any discomfort. Among them were adult alien beasts, elderly alien beasts, and even cubs of alien beasts.

Because the aliens in the accident ate the food in these two warehouses, there is a problem with the food in these two warehouses, but not all the aliens who ate the food in these two warehouses have physical discomfort.

However, Su Luo obviously doesn't have that much time to study what the flower-tailed snake did and how it did it, and doesn't care about Zerg or not... What she cares most about now is the body of the alien beast.

After understanding these situations, Su Luo quickly made arrangements.

But in order to avoid food problems before, Su Luo specially asked the green eagle turtles to throw away all the food, no matter good or bad, but they still had problems eating... that is to say, the hands and feet of the flower-tailed snake It's not as simple as putting medicine on food.

After evolution, in addition to the change in strength, the body of the alien will also change, and the body's stronger resistance is also one of the effects of evolution.

Although Su Luo doesn't have the ability to predict the future, she also knows how to plan ahead.

"Then how are these alien beasts doing now?"

A total of [-] alien beasts were recruited and lost their fighting ability. There were only three to four hundred alien beasts left. Although they could fight against a thousand Zerg, they would definitely be distracted in order to take care of other alien beasts.

"If you are hungry, feel wronged first, and let everyone take nutritional supplements to support themselves."

As for why the cubs didn't have any accidents, Eagle Green Turtle attributed it to their return to their ancestors.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all alien beasts that have evolved once.

But if only [-] alien beasts have problems, and there are [-] or [-] alien beasts that can act normally, then the result will be different.

Although returning to ancestors is not the same thing as evolution, and the process is different, but the result is similar. They both increase strength, improve physical fitness and resistance, so it is reasonable for the cubs not to be recruited.

Although the nutritional supplements are not delicious, the advantages are that they are convenient to store, have a long shelf life, and are not easy to be tampered with.

Because the packaging of nutritional supplements is disposable, once it has been unpacked, it is basically impossible to restore it. At least the flower-tailed snake will definitely not be able to unpack and inject the medicine one by one and restore it. Not only is the operation difficult, but also the time is not allowed.

"The flower-tailed snake should have tampered with the food in the sixth and eighth warehouses, because these unwell aliens ate the food in these two warehouses..."

This is not only to worry about whether the Zerg has other conspiracies, but also can't confirm whether these seemingly innocent alien beasts are completely fine or it's not time for the medicine to take effect, so it can only contact Su Luo and She explained the current situation.

Part of it is used to take care of these unwell aliens, and the rest can still overwhelm the Zerg.

"Regardless of whether there is anything wrong with the food in other warehouses, let everyone stop eating it first, and I will send a new batch of fresh food immediately." Although this will inevitably cost more money, compared with the body of the alien In terms of money, this money is nothing.

...Thinking about it this way, it's thanks to these cubs returning to their ancestors.

In case the food in other warehouses is only superficially ok, and the problematic ones are hidden below, then it will be too late to regret it.

It can make dizziness and diarrhea in the physically strong alien beast, which is something that even the clear poisonous mist can't do, so this medicine must be unusual...

If it hadn't been for the evolution of the alien beasts and the return of the alien beasts to their ancestors, then there would be at least 200 more victims this time.

In order to prevent accidents, the food Su Luo prepared for the alien beasts was not just the grass and meat they liked, she also stocked up a lot of nutrients there.

But when it comes to diarrhea... Although this is a very interesting topic, Su Luo is still glad that she has prepared a bathroom for the aliens to use, otherwise the situation there should be even worse.

If it is a cub that has not returned to its ancestors, this unknown drug can torture even a strong adult alien beast into this state. If the cubs are more fragile than adult alien beasts, if they are recruited, they will only more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, none of these things happened.

But think about it, after all, the flower-tailed snake itself is a strange-shaped beast, it must know that ordinary medicine will not work on the strange-shaped beast, if the medicine is just ordinary, then it will definitely not waste this time.

However, the Green Eagle didn't give everyone anything.

'They are fine, the only symptoms so far are dizziness and diarrhea and no other problems. 'Although this is already a serious matter for the alien beast who has been basically disease-free and disaster-free since childhood, but thinking about it from another perspective, as long as there is no life-threatening, just dizziness and diarrhea, then this is quite acceptable result.

Therefore, although the other foods in the warehouse cannot be eaten, the nutritional supplements must be edible, so that at least these aliens will not be hungry before the new food arrives.

'I've sent them to get the nutritional supplements. 'Eagle Green Turtle can also think of the arrangements that Su Luo can think of, but it's just that these words are different from her mouth.

Because she paid for the purchase, she said this, which proved that she cared about the body of the alien beast more than money, which would definitely make the eagle green turtle and other alien beasts feel more heart-warming.

"By the way, those protective covers should have been installed, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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