Chapter 432.
And the culprit who made him unbearably violent was the countless pictures in this database, but cruel, bloody and other words were not enough to describe the pictures.

From the beginning of the ordinary human experiment, the man in the picture was naked, but half of the skin could not be seen, because his body was filled with various instruments and test tubes.

Although it was just a picture, one could still see the emotion of pain and despair from the man's expression.

In the countless pictures, there are young men and women, and later even boys and girls who have not yet grown up...Major General Zhao even saw a baby that should have been in the swaddle.

And this is just the beginning.

Their claws turned to the space marines, because this is the easiest 'raw material' to obtain on the Zerg battlefield.

As a soldier, Major General Zhao is very familiar with the uniforms and weapon models in the pictures, so he can clearly understand the identity of this person.

Thankfully, since it was the Space Marines left behind on the battlefield, they were already dead and spared the torment and pain.

But what makes people feel angry is that this group of soldiers who defended their homes and the country did not have any peace after their deaths.

And as I said just now, this is just the beginning.

If any of the above pictures is revealed casually, it will definitely cause panic in the entire interstellar world.

But now that the Zerg is cooperating with the new organization, what will these fighters experience?
No matter what you experience, it will not be as simple as death.

"No matter what, we must rescue all the soldiers of the Second Legion!" The commander-in-chief of the military department slapped the table, and there were obvious blue veins on his forehead.

But now that they are officially fighting the Zerg, they can see the latest battle situation every day, and occasionally even watch the live broadcast of the battle. When they see their army defeating the Zerg, the star network applauds.

But he still has to read on, because this is part of the secret, and only he has the authority to classify and package it and submit it to the military department for processing after reading the content.

The emotions that had been suffocated for more than ten days finally broke out at this time, and almost all interstellar humans paid attention to the constantly updated battle situation on the star network every day.

After hiding for nearly half a month, this battle finally started head-on.

Their behavior not only cut off the military's investigation, but also made it difficult for the military to directly break into the scope of the second mission area, unless the military wanted to directly use spaceships, mechs, and Zerg to engage in a space battle.

Now that they have seen these materials, they have a bolder idea. For example, if the original Zerg saw humans, they would definitely kill them all.

It is obviously unwise to fight the Zerg where the Zerg has the upper hand.

"What about the Second Legion?"

However, in order to avoid the situation that this is not a loophole but a trap, the military department also sent a lot of scouting troops to test it... After ensuring safety, they gathered the strength of multiple legions to sneak in and break through from this direction.

No one expected that such an unknown organization would have such shocking experimental results in such a short period of time.

Because there are countless Zerg patrolling and guarding the edge of the second mission area, they seem to regard the second mission area as their own Zerg base.

"We have contacted the leaders of the Sixth Army, Seventh Army, and Ninth Army, and all the Zerg in the corresponding mission area have been wiped out."

But it is very easy to say that they want to be saved, how can they save them?
Not to mention that they haven't found out where the troops of the Second Legion are missing. They can't even enter the second mission area for the time being!

For example, Admiral Jiang deliberately led the people of the Second Army into the Zerg trap, creating the illusion that he accidentally entered the Zerg trap, causing the entire Second Army to be wiped out.

This is no longer just a matter of the Fifth Army, it is a matter of the entire military department.

But during this period of time, the military department, which had already received the information from him, was undoubtedly outraged when they saw these things.

Seeing the other party's silence, they had already prepared for the worst in their hearts.

Even those who have experienced and seen countless cruel and bloody scenes can't alleviate the impact of this scene.

However, they also quickly thought of a solution, because they found that there were several abandoned space routes leading to the second mission area, and there were no traces of Zerg.

Major General Zhao heaved a sigh of relief after enduring discomfort and processing all the data files, and then sent all the files before and after sorting to the military headquarters.

Compared with the previous jitteriness, after the battle officially started, the interstellar people were far less panicked than before. Perhaps it was because they didn't know anything before that they were worried.

Almost the moment he saw this picture, he couldn't help but spit it out.

Regarding space warfare, no matter humans or Zerg, fighting space warfare is a disadvantage, but the disadvantage of Zerg will be smaller than that of humans, and the smaller disadvantage means that it is an advantage.


Ordinary people, to the corpses of interstellar warriors, then to living interstellar warriors, and then to a woman wearing the uniform of the Planters Guild... This not only means that the progress of this organization's experiments is increasing step by step, but also that this organization is stepping up. A history of stepping down the path of the devil.

Of course, the worst plan here is just what they thought before seeing these things sent by the Fifth Army.

Afterwards, he led everyone, preparing to exchange the items collected from the laboratory, and return to the imperial capital.

But it didn't take long to break in before being spotted by the patrolling Zerg.

After all, these soldiers of the Second Legion are fresh, ready-made, and excellent 'experimental materials'!

What he said was also what everyone present thought. Even other legions that had conflicts with the Second Legion didn't bother to think about any grievances and entanglements at this time.

Perhaps it was because they saw that these waterways had been abandoned, so they didn't patrol and guard here, which gave them a loophole instead.

In the last picture, Major General Zhao saw a 'creature' with Zerg limbs but a human torso...

Although Su Luo was also concerned about the battle situation, she couldn't help with such matters, so she didn't put too much energy into this aspect, but lived a normal life as before.

It was almost a month later when she saw the overwhelming congratulations on the star network for humans to repel the Zerg again.

No matter what happened in this month and what everyone experienced, the ending is good.

After the war, the shops that had been closed due to the wrong wind direction also opened normally.

(End of this chapter)

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