Moreover, this kind of thing, even if it is genuine, basically has very little effect. For some people with relatively serious related diseases, it can only play a relieving role.

In the case of a 'terminal disease' type of patient, there is not even a palliative effect.

Unless the drug concentration and dosage are increased.

But in this way, although it can work, the human body will be dragged down by these medicines sooner or later...

All in all, although Yu You said a lot, it is not known how much this guest believed.


A similar situation didn't just happen to Xiaoyu, it also happened many times in other customer service conversations with other customers.

After all, it is rare for Four Seasons stores to launch new ones, and now even replenishment is rare.

Now that old products are being restocked and new products are being put on the shelves, it is hard for everyone not to care.

But the people who believe... can only be said to be very few.

But it's not that they don't believe it at all. Out of trust in the Four Seasons store itself, they are still willing to believe that these things are useful, but they don't believe that they have a particularly large effect.

People who have such emotions as insomnia, irritability, and worry, are going to wait until tomorrow to see the prices of these three things.

If the price is cheap, then buy some. Anyway, it is something from the Four Seasons store, so it shouldn't be too bad.

If it's too expensive...forget it.

The hospital has a soothing treatment for this kind of emotion. It is cheap, but it is a bit troublesome. It often needs to go to the hospital, and it cannot be cured, but at least it is effective, so they don't have to buy it.

Although this is the case, there are still many people who are very interested in these three things, and the way they express their interest is very simple and rude, that is, they directly screenshot the chat between themselves and the customer service, and then start to post on Xingbo. Discussion started.

A Xingbo user: [Screenshot] [Screenshot] Has anyone asked customer service about new products?This is the reply I received, it seems quite mysterious... Anshen Tea?Meditation incense?Medicinal Lotion?When did Four Seasons Fruits and Vegetables actually switch to selling this kind of thing?Could it be that something really happened, is the boss not going to sell the crops?
Reply 1: I also asked, and the content of the reply is similar to yours. The only difference is that the customer service I consulted said that these three things are really useful... I always feel that he did not lie to me.

Reply 2: Don’t be too naive upstairs, the customer service is also a wage earner under the boss’s hands, they don’t say things are easy to use, do they dare to say that they are not easy to use?This is not a minute to be dismissed!
Reply 3: Although, have you forgotten what kind of gods and bosses the customer service of this store is?Are they afraid of dismissal?I don't think they need to lie. They don't need money at all, so there is no need to lie for money.

Reply 4: ...There is no need for money but for other things!They themselves went to Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits not for money, but for other things in the store.but!I also believe what they say is true!Because I have a gossip, to be honest, the boss of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits gave benefits to employees a few days ago, including these three new products...the rest you can taste for yourself.

Reply 5: Coincidentally, I also have gossip.But before I tell you the gossip, I want to correct you a little bit. Haven't you noticed that the store name of Four Seasons Vegetables and Fruits has long been changed to "Four Seasons Store"?So don't question why the boss did this, the boss has already planned it!

Reply 6: ...Damn it, it's true!How long has this been changed? !I just found out!
Reply 7: ...I also discovered that the main reason is that the name in front has not been changed, so I subconsciously ignored the two words in the back, so the boss really wants to change his career?

Reply 8: I can’t say change my career. After all, the store classification still has the label of a crop store. At most, it just means that the boss wants to sell some other things besides crops. What about people with gossip?Where's your gossip?

Reply 9: In fact, it’s not a gossip, I learned from the customer service side, as long as you send “Happy Birthday to the stars” to the customer service, the customer service will tell you a message... I won’t say what the specific message is, Try it yourself.

Reply 10: That's it?That's it? ?That's it? ? ?It made me look forward to it in vain. I thought it was some important news!I'm going to try it now, if it's fake, I'll come back and kill this person immediately.


The execution ability of contemporary netizens is still very strong. Anyway, they will not lose a piece of meat if they try it, so they really tried it.

The backstage, which was already full of news, has tens of thousands of messages in an instant, and each message is exactly the same five words, 'Happy Birthday'.

The two customer service staff who were on duty were taken aback, and then hurried to the small group of shakers to help.

The four of them formed a small group by themselves. They usually communicate with each other in the group. Occasionally, there are similar situations where they are too busy. They can also call the other two people who are not at work in the group. help.

Usually you help me, I help you, the atmosphere is very harmonious, and there will be no situation of being overwhelmed at all.

Now that the news in the background suddenly exploded, it was time for help.

[Xiaoyu]: Brother Zuo, Sister Man, are you free?Do me a favor [Backstage news is full.jpg].

[Shanhe]: Manxue has already gone to help you.

[Shanhe]: I still need 5 minutes, and I'll be right away.

[Toast]: ...? ? ?Something is wrong.

[Xiaoyu]: What's wrong?

[Little Fish]: ... Oh!I get it, something is wrong.

【snowflake】:? ? ?Why is it wrong for me to help you out of good intentions?
[Toast]: I'm just curious how Brother Zuo knew you had come to help us [beautiful.jpg].

[Xiaoyu]: Something is wrong, something is wrong...

[Snow Flower]: It seems that you are very free and don't need my help.

[Toast]: No!sister!my good sister!We are not idle at all, come and help your good sister!

[Shanhe]: Alright, I'll talk to you after today's work is over.



Yu You suppressed the spirit of gossip in her heart, ready to finish the work at hand, and then 'torture' when these two people hooked up.

In fact, people like them are in the minority, and being able to get together is a kind of fate.

Yu You is not very surprised that the two of them will be together, after all, they are both excellent and well matched in every aspect... But this does not affect her wanting to know the more detailed process.

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