Chapter 499 499.AT-4
On the one hand, it is because other mushrooms have antidote, but the real mushroom has no antidote, and on the other hand, it is because of her guard against the military.

Poisonous mushrooms, they can't use it on themselves, because if one is not careful, one will die.

But Yanzhen Mushroom is different. Not only is this thing not fatal, but from a certain point of view, its effect is far greater than that of any kind of mushroom.

Because they can kill Zerg without poisonous mushrooms, but if there is no Yanzhen mushroom, people like Du Hao, they will never be able to pry each other's mouth open for the rest of their lives.

The same is true for yourself.

Su Luo didn't believe that no one didn't want to know her secrets. They might not dare to use poisonous mushrooms on her, but as long as they had the chance, they would definitely use Yanzhen mushrooms on themselves.

Sometimes, it's not that the more powerful something is, the more dangerous it is, it's just that something that won't cause substantial harm may be the most dangerous.

But from the current point of view, they will not do this. After all, the affairs of the new organization are enough for them to toss for a while.

Having said that, I don't know who arranged this... When the Zerg invaded before, Su Luo could only read the news about the Zerg invasion from the star network like ordinary people without actively knowing about it.

But this time is different. Since two days ago, she has been able to receive internal news about the Zerg and the new organization in advance every day, and the news here is naturally provided by the military department.

Different from outside news, internal news is more timely, more accurate, and more detailed.

Su Luo didn't doubt whether the news they sent was true or not, there was no need for them to lie to her, it would be better not to send it at all than to lie to her, so Su Luo read as many messages as the military department sent every day.

The current situation of the planets invaded by the Zerg is even worse than the rumors from the outside world.

In order to appease the hearts of the people, report good news but not bad news, or half hide half, but the hidden half is often the most important.

'Ordinary Zerg's movement speed and body strength have doubled, and the Zerg's recovery ability that has not yet completely died is also stronger than before. '

'In the process of confronting the Zerg, there will be high-energy weapon attacks from time to time, suspected to be members of the new organization. '


One piece of information is nothing more than talking about how powerful the Zerg has become now, and how tacitly the cooperation between the people of the new organization and the Zerg is now. It can be said that there is no good news.

In addition to the text information, Su Luo even saw a few pictures.

Among these pictures, one is the appearance of the mutated Zerg. The color of the Zerg's shell looks more gloomy, and there is even a gloomy light, which makes people feel chilling.

The remaining few pictures are all kinds of mutants, some of which Su Luo captured and sent to the military region before, and some of which she has never seen before, but are both familiar and unfamiliar half-human, half-worm and half-human-half-beast.

But to say that it was the last picture that terrified her the most—the naked skin of the entire person in the picture, whether it was the face or the body, was almost rotten, and the rotten place was still slowly dripping. A thick, sickly yellow-green pus.

With just one glance, Su Luo recognized what it was.

After all, she used to deal with this thing every day before, and countless such creatures died under her hands... Yes, these are zombies.

The moment Su Luo saw the picture of the zombie, a layer of cold sweat was unconsciously covering Su Luo's forehead.

She pursed her lips, opened another dialog box, and repeatedly confirmed the message sent by the other party—"Miss Su, the problem you were concerned about before has already been obtained according to our research. The artificial mutation method is genetic mutation. . '

Isn't it a genetic mutation?
But zombies are virus mutations!
Su Luo discovered the problem.

The mutant she sent was not a zombie.

There are many kinds of mutants, and zombies should be just one of them. Zombies are virus mutations, but this does not mean that other mutants are virus mutations. They can also be genetic mutations.

Seeing zombies again, and it was still in another world, Su Luo felt a splitting headache, but she had to resist the discomfort in her heart and contacted the military headquarters.

"The mutant in the last picture you sent me, have you checked it?"

"It's been checked..." The other party seemed to want to say something, but Su Luo didn't give him time to finish.

"Is it an infectious virus mutation."

Su Luo can't care about being polite now, if this is really a zombie, it's really a mutation of an infectious virus, if all these zombies are not eliminated as soon as possible, Interstellar will become the second apocalypse sooner or later.

At that time, she doesn't need to study how to eliminate the new organization, anyway, StarCraft is about to fall, and it is not impossible to perish like before.

Su Luo's hasty tone seemed to scare the other party, but the other party was a member of the military department after all, so he could clearly feel that something was wrong with Su Luo, so he didn't care about Su Luo's interruption of his words at all.

"Yes, among all the mutants we have found so far, this is the only one that belongs to the mutation of the virus. Did Miss Su find something wrong?" If I remember correctly, it seems that they haven't told Su Luo about the mutation of the mutant. way, how did she know?

Just when the other party was curious about this, Su Luo's heart felt like it was going to go cold.

"This virus..." After only four words in one sentence, Su Luo felt that her voice was a little hoarse. She apologized, took a sip of water, and then completed the whole sentence. up.

"How contagious is this virus? If it is very contagious, will more people be infected by this virus and become...mutated people (zombies)." Su Luo originally wanted to talk about zombies, but in this world There is no concept of zombies, so she still uses the collective name of mutants.

"It turns out that Ms. Su is worried about this. Please rest assured, Ms. Su. Although the AT-4 mutant (zombie), that is, the mutant you mentioned, although it is a virus mutation, this virus can only survive on humans. Survival in the body, even if it leaves the human body for a second, it will die immediately, so there is no possibility of transmission under normal circumstances."

"We will pay more attention to the mutation of the virus, and we will never allow malicious infection to occur."

The other party's answer can be said to be completely unexpected by Su Luo, but in view of the great good news, when she confirmed that the virus is indeed unable to spread, she can be said to be relieved. .

 Note: The zombie virus cannot be transmitted by biting people, otherwise the new organization would have used this to rule the world.

  The reason why the modern age has become the end of the world is because the virus from the higher world has come to the lower world. The virus from the higher plane cannot be resisted by the lower plane. For interstellar, the zombie virus is actually not that powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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