Chapter 84

"Third Prince, do you recognize him?"

Early in the morning, several sons, nephews and descendants of Duke Niu's family came over and asked about the scenery of Shu County. After all, the work at the Qionglai Pass is in full swing.According to the news sent back by the eldest son of Niu Guogong, gold and silver are everywhere there, as long as you catch the wind, pigs can also fly into the sky.So Niu Guogong and his nephews were deeply moved.

The Niu family is prosperous. Apart from the proud young master Niu, the second and third sons are in the army, and the rest of them don't have particularly good opportunities except wandering around the capital.

This time, the heat in Qionglai moved their hearts.There is no future for a while, so it's okay to go get some silver, the elder brother's letter said, let's not talk about the caravan, the grass you bring when you go, turn into gold when you come back.Even the merchants who followed the caravan made a fortune one by one.

Those well-connected people in Beijing have recently been eager to move towards Qionglai. At the palace banquet yesterday, they inquired with themselves and others about the details of Qionglai. Who asked Mr. Niu to preside over the gate there?

So, after returning to the mansion yesterday, everyone took advantage of the wine and told Niu Guogong that they wanted to go to Qionglai to find opportunities.

Niu Guogong didn't object either.My nephew, who has serious business in mind, is much better than those dandies wandering around in the capital.It happened that he saw that Lu Weimang had a good temper and good eye yesterday, so he simply brought his nephew today to ask Lu Weimang about the situation.

After all, Lu Weimang and Huo Jing went to Sichuan together on business, but it made everyone in the capital discuss a lot.

Lu Weimang was a little confused when faced with the questions from the nephew of the Niu family.She doesn't know the details, she doesn't know the details, how can she give advice to others casually?Everyone has a different personality and is good at different things. The same method may work for one person, but it may screw up for another person.Therefore, Lu Weimang just talked about the local situation, and dared not say anything else.Temporarily dismissing the Niu family members, Lu Weimang found the third prince and asked them about their personalities and their relationship with Huo Jing.

As for Qin Xuan, it can only be said that the three-year-old generation gap is not only applicable in modern times, but also applicable in ancient times.Qin Xuan is younger than them, not enough to play with this group of people.

Seeing that Lu Weimang rarely took the initiative to come to him, the third prince asked about the situation of everyone in the Niu family. He originally wanted to get a Joe, but thinking of Huo Jing's character, he endured it again.He replied seriously immediately, "Everyone in the Niu family has followed Niu Guogong's temper, and they are straightforward in what they say and do. Although they sometimes offend people, everyone knows that they have no bad intentions. As for the relationship with Yuan Bai, I can only say, They were all beaten by Yuan Bai when they were young, so if you give them some advice, it can be regarded as compensation for Yuan Bai."

Lu Weimang was speechless, "Can I replace General Huo? Besides, I don't think it is necessary to compensate General Huo. When they were suppressed and beaten, there must be a reason for them to be beaten. General Huo always does things for a reason."

The third prince smiled, "Okay, okay, there is no need to compensate, but it is really a good thing that you have such an intersection. After a few months, the father will reward you because of the Qionglai matter. At that time, you will not be unknown You should have some contacts of your own, and you can't be blind to everything. Just say everyone in the Niu family, you have to ask someone to ask me, what if I'm in the palace and it's not convenient to come out? You Always have a friend who can ask questions. The Niu family is just right for you, they are straight-tempered, you should be able to talk."

The third prince said something pointedly, Lu Weimang nodded after listening, "I see, I will trouble the third prince today."

Lu Weimang bowed to thank him, and the third prince waved his hand and left.

With a bottom in mind, Lu Weimang slowly thought of a countermeasure.

At the moment Qionglai is cooking oil with a fierce fire, everyone from the Niu family is passing by at this time, the strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake, if there is a fight, it's not good.After all, in the face of interests, family background is sometimes not easy to use.It's better to jump out of Qionglai and start from Jiangnan.The two prefectures of Jingyang and Yangzhou have always been prosperous, and the output of silk and tea is astonishing. As long as these things can be transported to Qionglai, they will be sought after by everyone. .

Moreover, transporting goods from Jingyang and Yangzhou to Qionglai is extremely difficult for others, but for everyone in the Niu family, it is a trivial matter.With the family background of the Niu family, not to mention the generals along the way to pick up and send each other off, the Niu family's own guards are enough to escort them along the way.

Moreover, the members of the Niu family opened up the business route from Jingyang and Qionglai to Qionglai, which is also very important for the next step of Qionglai's development.

Having figured this out, Lu Weimang went to see His Majesty first, and reported this matter to His Majesty in private, and then sent a letter to everyone in the Niu family.

Maybe the Niu family really cared about the Qionglai matter, Lu Weimang delivered the letter, and everyone from the Niu family came behind.

The leader is Niu Tianyu, the youngest son of the Niu family, and his cousins ​​Niu Xuean and Niu Xuerong.

"Why is Master Lu teaching me?"

Niu Tianyu is clever after all, he knows that what Lu Weimang said in the morning is his duty, and now he sends another message, that is his love.So speak very politely.

Lu Weimang was also straight to the point, so he said it directly.

"I can't talk about teaching, but I have a suggestion. If you want to play a little bit and earn pocket money, it's a good time to go to Qionglai at the moment. If you want to make a show, you can consider going to Jingyang Erzhou to see Look."

The three brothers looked at each other, and Niu Tianyu leaned over and stared closely at Lu Weimang who was sitting opposite, "What do you say?"

Lu Weimang said directly, "There are too many people staring at Qionglai now, and the water can't get in. You might as well go to Jingyang and Yangzhou to buy some goods that are in short supply in Qionglai and ship them to Qionglai. As for what to buy specifically, How much to purchase, I believe your elder brother will tell you, my suggestion is, the more the better. In this way, you will not be outsiders who are rejected by Qionglai, but big cargo owners that everyone needs to curry favor with."

Niu Tianyu and the others looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes, unable to make up their minds.

That's right, no matter how extraordinary their identities are, they are still teenagers who have never been out of Kyoto.

"Don't be afraid of Mr. Lu's jokes. We haven't done these business affairs seriously before. We need to go back and discuss it first."

Niu Tianyu said openly.

Lu Weimang didn't care about their attitudes, and only said, "I'm just making a suggestion, and whether you adopt it or not is up to you to make up your own mind. Moreover, after you have made up your plan, you need to carefully transport the people and the route along the way." Planning is not something that can be decided with a slap on the head, it is only reasonable for you to go back and study it carefully."

Niu Tianyu and the others suddenly realized that they still needed to solve problems such as manpower planning, so they solemnly bowed their hands and hurried back to the house.

As for the result of their discussion, Lu Weimang didn't care.She has already done what she can do, and the rest has nothing to do with her.

Afterwards, Lu Weimang's life finally returned to peace, only occasionally being recognized by some nobles when he went to the Yamen.They would point to Lu Weimang and say, "Isn't this the little girl who beat the drums at the Palace Banquet that day? She looks good." Some even extended their thumbs to signal her, and Lu Weimang always responded with a smile.

Lu Weimang has a deep understanding of the benefits of a smile recently.She has always been reticent, and those who know her personality don't take it seriously, but those who don't know her will think that this person is cold and arrogant.

But since his father told Lu Weimang his worries that day, Lu Weimang intentionally smiled when people expressed curiosity and kindness.

Lu Weimang thought about it, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.Her natural reticence and indifference is hard to change, and she will not force herself to respond enthusiastically to others all the time, but she can resolve it with politeness.

As for those that cannot be resolved, she can only attribute it to lack of fate, or even harboring malice towards her, so there is no need to care about it.Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover it.

Four or five days later, on the day of rest, Niu Tianyu and his two cousins ​​came to Lu's house to visit.

Lu Qingshan was very happy, he was happy to see his children make more friends.After all, apart from General Huo's visit and Qin Xuan's visit several times that year, no one else has ever visited Lu's residence.

It can be seen that although Lu Weimang and Chengyang Changfeng have different personalities, they are both deeply influenced by Lu Weimang, not only in their behavior, but also in their behavior.

While Lu Qingshan warmly welcomed Niu Tianyu and others, he asked the housekeeper to notify Lu Weimang.

When Lu Weimang appeared in the lobby, there was inevitably a trace of resentment on his body.Who would come to disturb others on a day off?

However, after all, Lu Weimang was not familiar with everyone in the Niu family, so he couldn't speak directly, so he just took a few deep breaths to calm down, and then talked to Niu Tianyu and others.

"Why are you here?" Lu Weimang asked directly.

Although Niu Tianyu and the others opposite her felt that Lu Weimang's tone was a little blunt, they thought it was because they came too early and Lu Weimang hadn't fully woken up yet. ?
"Master Lu's suggestion a few days ago, I sent a letter to my eldest brother, and my elder brother agreed very much, and asked me to come to thank Master Lu solemnly. That's what father means."

Lu Weimang shook his head, "The Duke and the eldest son are too polite, I just tell you my thoughts, the follow-up operation depends on you."

Niu Tianyu continued, "This time, we are here to bid farewell to Mr. Lu. We are ready, and we will set off for Jingzhou in a while. If we go well together, we will be able to return to Beijing before the twelfth lunar month. At that time, bring a generous gift and come here Thank you Master Lu."

Lu Weimang saw the immature faces in front of him so solemnly, and he couldn't help but be solemn too, "Then I wish you all the best. By the way, there are many dense forests in Jingyang and Shu Road. I have a special potion here. , you can spray it on your body to prevent mosquito bites."

Although it is already the end of August and September will be soon, it should still be the time when mosquitoes are prevalent in the south.

Lu Weimang asked everyone to wait a moment, and went to the room to get the toilet water he made last time.The ancient plants are all wild, with strong medicinal properties and fragrances. Anyway, Lu Weimang's self-made toilet water was tested at home, and he has never been bitten by mosquitoes.

Lu Weimang came over with three big bottles and handed them to everyone in the Niu family, "Be careful all the way."

Everyone in the Niu family ended up holding small jars of toilet water and saluted with fists in their hands.

"Well, farewell."

(End of this chapter)

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