Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 116 World 3: I will not marry this marriage 1

Chapter 116 World 1: I will not end this marriage [-]
After returning to the system space, without waiting for 888 to say anything, Lan Shuang said directly: "Let's go, the next world."

"Ah? So fast, why don't you take a break?"

Lan Shuang glanced at him with a smile: "No, I want to experience the life of a rich daughter."

888: "...OK."


"Did you hear, she didn't do it on purpose, didn't she just pour some red wine? Why are you making trouble so far? Do you still want to get married?"

As the man's disgusted voice fell, Lan Shuang was pushed, staggered two steps back, tripped over a corner of the wedding dress, fell to the ground, and hit the table next to her with her elbow.

"Hmm..." Lan Shuang, who had just passed through, was injured before she understood the situation.

"Ah! Brother Yi Han, don't push her!"

Tang Yiyi leaned closer to Lu Yihan's side, seeming a little scared, "Don't get into trouble with the Lan family because of me, I... I'm fine."

Before I saw anyone, I smelled a smell of aged green tea.

Lan Shuang twitched the corner of her mouth.

Lu Yihan lowered his head with enthusiasm, and when he calmed down, he felt that his behavior just now was a bit excessive. He stood in a stalemate for a moment, stepped forward, and stretched out his hand condescendingly: "Okay, stop making trouble, the guests are waiting for us."

Lan Shuang came back to her senses, and looked at the man in front of her without saying a word.

With a height of 1.8 meters, slender waist and long legs, and a white suit with a red rose on her heart, she looks quite romantic and handsome. Looking at the girl in the pink skirt next to her, she knows what she knows.

Lan Shuang didn't speak, raised her hand to avoid Lu Yihan's hand, and stood up while supporting the corner of the table on the other side.

When Lu Yihan saw her dodging his hand, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Is she despising herself?Dare to give yourself a face?
Embarrassedly withdrew his hands and put them in his pockets, Lu Yihan looked down at the slightly embarrassed Lan Shuang, frowned and said indifferently: "The wedding will start in 10 minutes, hurry up and pack up, I'll wait for you outside."

After saying that, he turned around and spoke to Tang Yiyi with a much gentler tone: "You go too, with me here, she won't make things difficult for you."

Tang Yiyi looked at Lu Yihan adoringly: "Thank you brother Yihan."

She took Lu Yihan's arm and walked out, as if they were the lovers who were about to enter the marriage hall.

When she came to the door, she turned her head and glanced at Lan Shuang proudly.

Lan Shuang looked at the door being closed, and snorted lightly: "Brother, brother, those who don't know think that the old hen has become a sperm."

She wanted to stand up at first, but her ankle was tingling, as if she had sprained it, so she didn't try to be brave, and sat down on the armchair while leaning on the table, and took off the white gauze on her head: "Little Baba, send the task information pass it to me."

"Alright host!"

In Lan Shuang's mind, a Zhengtai doll in a small suit clicked on the electronic screen, and then a large section of strange memories came over.

Lan Shuang closed her eyes and digested the information.

The world she lives in now is a dog-blooded novel called "The Domineering President and the Soft Cinderella". The original owner of this body has the same name as her.

Just now with that hen essence... Ah no, the man Tang Yiyi behaves intimately is the legal husband of the original owner, the heroine of the novel, Lu Yihan.

Born as an illegitimate child, he became the most valued heir of the Lu family by marrying the original owner. With the resources of the Lu family and the Lan family, he founded a company to become the overlord of the generation, and then played with the original owner and the heroine Su Lele behind his back. All kinds of separation and reunion, wearing countless green hats of different shapes on the original owner.

The original owner is the only daughter of the Lan family of the first family. She grew up with a thousand pets and a lot of pets. She was born to be submissive to Lu Yihan. She loves her desperately. Lu Yihan has never touched her for several years of marriage. She has no complaints and does her best to help him. In the end, On his birthday, he found that the hero and the heroine were together, completely broke down, and chose to commit suicide...

After reading it, Lan Shuang's face was so colorful, "Hehe, I only fall in love with this kind of dog man when my eyes are blurred by shit."

888 system: "Oh, it's all set up. Didn't the original owner repent later? Her wish is to make the hero fall in love with her, and then dump him hard, so that he knows the pain of not being able to love."

Lan Shuang raised her delicately drawn eyebrows: "That's pretty much the same. I like watching the scene where the prodigal son turns his back and ignores the dog."

888 system: "Hey, the host can act now. The timing of your crossing is just right. Today is the wedding of the original owner and Lu Yihan. The Lu family and a bunch of business celebrities are there outside."

Lan Shuang immediately understood, tapped her finger lightly on the side of her face, narrowed her Ruifeng eyes slightly, and showed a malicious smile: "Marriage, it's a big day, it's a waste if you don't do anything."

888 system: "So—"

Lan Shuang got up, turned her head to look at the full-length mirror in the corner, raised her hand and took off the valuable diamond crown on her head, tore off the white gauze tied in her hair, raised her foot again, and flicked it lightly, The high-end crystal slipper was thrown out.

The long yarn mopping the floor behind is detachable, so Lan Shuang tore it off with her backhand and threw it aside.

The person in the mirror suddenly refreshed a lot.

Lan Shuang moved her ankle. Although it still hurt a little, it was not a big problem and there was no sprain.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, her eyes showed a bit of wildness, "When the time is good, it is advisable to regret the marriage in public and rein in the precipice."

Lan Shuang raised her hand and pinned the broken hair behind her ears, then picked up the diamond crown and put it back on, raised her chin slightly, and walked out with her skirt.

The lobby where the wedding was held was very lively at this time, the top businessmen and ladies and ladies gathered here, all of them dressed up and had an extraordinary bearing.

The red carpet was spread from the entrance to the front table, with delicate roses on both sides, the fragrance of the flowers mixed with the fragrance of wine, and there was a sense of luxury everywhere.

The crowd gathered together in twos and threes, holding wine glasses and chatting in small voices, and Lu Yihan walked among them, seemingly enjoying the conversation.

However, everyone looked towards the door in unison. The time is up, why hasn't the bride come yet?
Lu Yihan's face was also a little ugly.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and a slender figure came against the light.

A cold and smiling female voice sounded from the door, "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting."

Lu Yihan immediately put his heart back into his stomach, his eyes couldn't help showing a bit of complacency, look, no matter how he treats her, she won't resist.

"Why did you come? How bad it is to keep everyone waiting? What about your upbringing?"

As Lu Yihan hurried forward to meet her, he scolded Lan Shuang mercilessly, without caring about her face at all.

When he got close, he reached out and wanted to grab Lan Shuang's arm, but Lan Shuang walked forward without even looking at him.

Only then did everyone notice that she was barefoot, and there was a large swirl of red wine stains on the hem of her skirt.

"This... which song is this singing?"

"I have an ominous feeling."

Everyone whispered and looked at Lu Yihan with mockery.

Ignored by Lan Shuang again, Lu Yihan's heart was filled with evil fire, what medicine did this woman take wrongly?
He turned around abruptly and stared at the woman on the stage with dark eyes.

Lan Shuang didn't look at him, she glanced around casually, took the microphone from the master of ceremonies, and stood in front of the stage. She tried the microphone, and it was all right, so she said directly: "Everyone can come to my conference during your busy schedule. The wedding is a great honor and I am very grateful, but—allow me to say sorry, I will not end this marriage today."

 Today is the third update~ Ask for votes and votes!
(End of this chapter)

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