Chapter 118 I Don’t Want This Marriage 3
After Lan Shuang entered the locker room, she sat down and took a sip of water, "Little Baba, are you cool?"

888: "Great! Hahaha, the host is awesome. The expression on Tang Yiyi's face just now was simply too wonderful. I thought this green tea essence would be more difficult to deal with."

Lan Shuang propped her chin with one hand and smiled slightly, "Hit a snake and hit it seven inches. This kind of person is called Huan, but in fact, he has no skills. He can pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic, but as long as I make my position clear and money is involved, those' A good man' will play dead."

888: "Tsk, that's right, the price doesn't drop like this, the host was really handsome just now! By the way, the grievance value of the female partner is reduced by ten~"

Lan Shuang rubbed her chin thoughtfully with her delicate manicure hand, "So fast?"

888: "Compared to the previous life, the female supporting role in this life has suffered more mental damage, cold violence, and it's hard to hold back. But when you hit back and get angry, she naturally feels very happy."

"Understood." Lan Shuang snapped her fingers, got up and picked up the clothes on the back of the chair, "I'm going to change."

888 covered his eyes: "Okay, Xiaoba won't read."

Lan Shuang chuckled, went into the room, and changed into a small casual suit.

The beige blouse is well-tailored, and the details are very colorful. The turned-out collar is black with fine glitter on it, slanting from the neck across the front half of the skirt, with neat and individual lines.

The lower body is a beige short skirt. The belt and collar are made of the same color and style of fabric. After being tied on, it hangs obliquely on her side, lining her white and slender thighs.

Stepping on the black high-heeled shoes, Lan Shuang looked at the full-length mirror, "This foundation is really good, it's a waste to marry that unlucky Lu Yihan."

She raised her hand to untie her hair, because it was tied up in a bun all morning, and the hair was naturally curly. When it fell down, it was draped lazily behind her, which seemed to be a special shape.

She picked up her phone and quickly walked out of the dressing room, but within two steps, she saw Lu Yihan standing at the corner, smoking a cigarette against the wall with a decadent expression on his face.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Ghosts linger.

"Little Baba, is there another way to go?"

888: "No, the host is not cowardly. If he pesters you, slap him again. I think he is a bit masochistic."

Lan Shuang: "...Is your system so violent now? Didn't you advocate peaceful solutions to problems before?"

888 wiped his grown-up hair, and said with a vicissitudes of life: "That's all in the past, extraordinary times require extraordinary means, I understand."

Lan Shuang: "..."

After she glanced, there was indeed no other way, only this one exit.

She raised her eyebrows, strode over without looking sideways, intending to pass by Lu Yihan, but he suddenly blocked her way with his hand.

Lan Shuang glanced down, and turned to the side, Lu Yihan got up and stood directly in the middle of the road.

"What's the matter?" Lan Shuang finally looked up at him with a calm expression.

Lu Yihan was very upset when she heard her tone as if she was treating a stranger, "Lan Shuang, what are you playing now?"

He took a puff of cigarette and let it out slowly, his face full of vicissitudes.

Lan Shuang frowned and backed away, "Can you smoke and go further away? Don't get in my way, I don't like second-hand smoke."

Lu Yihan sneered: "No? You used to say that I look handsome smoking, but you forgot so soon? Are you playing hard to get?"

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Xiao Baba, did I say such a thing?"

888: "Uh... the original owner... seems to have said so."

Lan Shuang: The beauty is speechless.

She forced a smile on her face, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, because we met on a rainy day. I didn't bring an umbrella at the time. Maybe my brain got flooded and I was talking nonsense when it was soaked. Now that the rain has stopped and the water has dried up, you and I It's officially over, let's say goodbye!"

As she said that, she stretched out her hand and pushed Lu Yihan, intending to get out of the gap, but Lu Yihan didn't know which tendon was wrong. He used to hate her contact the most, but now he directly grabbed her wrist.

He pulled Lan Shuang back with all his strength, turned around and cornered her, and he snuffed out the cigarette with one hand and threw it into the trash can next to her.

He leaned down, and the smell of tobacco mixed with the smell of perfume was continuously drilled into Lan Shuang's nose. Lan Shuang turned her face away in disgust, "Lu Yihan, if you are sick, go and treat it, and don't go mad at me."

"Lan Shuang, you were chasing me and begging me to be with you back then, but now that you got what you want, you want to dump me? Are you taking revenge on me?"

Lu Yihan asked sullenly.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Is this the brain of Gouxue Wenba?Unreasonable, self righteous?
Oh no, he's not the overlord yet, but an illegitimate son who just met the light.

But he still learns from the overlord Bidong and talks in his own ear.

Goosebumps are blown up by him, okay?
Lan Shuang was so disgusted that she raised her knee and pressed it against Lu Yihan's Xiasanlu.


Lu Yihan's expression changed suddenly, and he bent down with a muffled grunt.

Lan Shuang directly pulled his hand away, brushed her hair, looked down at Lu Xiami who was curled up and said, "Mr. Lu, what you did just now is enough for sexual harassment. This time, I will call the police directly."

She took a step forward, then turned around again, her high heels stepped on the clean tiles, delicate and cold.

"Maybe what I said in the lobby wasn't clear enough, that's why you had this kind of...well, the misunderstanding that your brain was kicked by a donkey."

Lu Yihan looked at her with a distorted face, "Lan..."

"Shut up, I haven't finished speaking, don't bark."

Lan Shuang reprimanded, then turned on the phone and fumbled to operate it in front of him.

Lu Yihan asked with difficulty: "You... what are you doing?"

Lan Shuang didn't raise her head, "Block you."

Lu Yihan: "?"

Lan Shuang deleted while talking: "I blocked all your QQ, WeChat, email, phone and text messages, and we don't need to contact you in the future. Let me say it again for the last time, I-I don't like you anymore, let you go. Let's go from bridge to bridge and back to road, each going his own way."

"You go to find your little girlfriend, and I'll go to find my happiness. I don't care about your secrets about me and my little girlfriend before, but next time you come closer to me, or your girlfriend will jump around again. Don't blame me for being merciless."

"Did you understand this time? Mr. Lu?"

Lu Yihan was stunned for a long time, he recovered his strength and stood up against the wall, still in a daze: "Don't like it anymore? Are you serious?"

"It's more serious than your heart for your little girlfriend." Lan Shuang turned and walked out, "You don't have to pay back the money I spent on you, just burn it to me for that worthless unrequited love."

The sound of high heels gradually faded away, and Lan Shuang's back was slender and straight.

Lu Yihan clenched his hands fiercely, gritted his teeth and slammed his fist on the wall next to him, swearing in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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